Monthly Archives: December 2022

Bummer: PRC Governor Newsom Worried About State Being Overrun With Illegals If Title 42 Ends

Well, hey, reap what you sow, Gavin. You and the rest of your Comrades in the People’s Republik Of California have been loving on people streaming from around the world and showing up at the border, either entering illegally or Demanding asylum. I though they were all so compassionate to the illegals? Oh, right, when […]

If All You See…

…is an area flooded by rising seas from Other People refusing to give up their fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on a biological female getting a concussion at an NHL sponsored trans hockey tournament.

Early Supporter Of Trump Says It’s Time To Move On

Again, I do not want to sound like I’m in the #NeverTrump or Trump Derangement Syndrome group. I like The Donald, and what he did legislatively and for getting some elected Republicans to get tough on the media and Democrats, among others. I’ve always been a little tired of his mouth and Twitter. He needed […]

World Economic Forum Has Climate Friendly Gift Ideas For Christmas

Obviously, the uber-rich and/or powerful folks in the WEF won’t be buying these. The ideas are simply for the peasants 6 sustainable gift ideas for the holiday period During the holiday season that clusters around Christmas, people in nations across the globe give one another gifts and, whether countries have a Christian tradition or not, […]

COVID Forever: Health “Experts” Say It’s Time To Wear A Mask Again

Typically, these are the same people who this pronouncement while not wearing a mask. And, if they were really experts, they’d understand that viruses are small enough to get through even N95 masks It’s Time to Wear a Mask Again, Health Experts Say Masks are back, and, this time, they’re not just for COVID-19. A […]

If All You See…

…is an area devoid of glaciers due to climate destruction, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Bookworm Room, with a post on the highly suspect timing of SBF’s arrest.

Scientists Super Enthused Over Nuclear Fusion, Drag Climate Cult Beliefs Into Concern

The potential for nuclear fusion is pretty cool, and would solve a lot of energy problems if they can make it work. It’s purely in entry level research mode, but, of course Scientists hail nuclear fusion breakthrough but caution that climate change remains a crisis The U.S. Department of Energy is set to announce Tuesday […]

Who’s Up For Climate (scam) Christmas Cards?

The cult must hijack and infest everything, you know Climate change theme for first minister’s Christmas card A drawing by a Glasgow schoolgirl which calls for action on climate change has been selected for the first minister’s official Christmas card. Nine-year-old Evita Ye’s design features a colourful snow globe and the words: “The future is […]

MSNBC Pro-Illegals Upset Over Bipartisan DACA Bill

Too be perfectly honest, I do not want it passed either. Most of the so-called Dreamers do not deserve easy citizenship Why the Senate’s latest immigration fix is DOA It’s the end of the year, and Congress is scrambling to get as much done as possible in the lame-duck session. While there are plenty of […]

Your Fault: Golf May Not Survive The 21st Century

All because you refuse to recycle, go vegan, plant your own garden, handwash and line dry your clothes, and give up your autonomy and freedom to Government Why Golf Might Not Survive the 21st Century Water shortages exacerbated by human activity and climate change mean golf will need to adapt to new standards—or perish. The […]

Pirate's Cove