Well, they state they are going to stop doing all the nutty stuff, like gluing themselves to roads and paintings, throwing liquids on paintings, blocking roads, etc. I wonder if the base loons will say “eh, they hell with the big wigs”
UK climate group calls temporary halt to disruptive protests
The U.K. division of climate change protest group Extinction Rebellion says its activists would temporarily stop blocking busy roads, gluing themselves to buildings and engaging in other acts of civil disobedience because such methods have not achieved their desired effects.
Gee, you think? When they end up annoying and causing problems for people who would be sympathetic to XR’s cause, to a degree, those people will say “F*** those wankers!”
I’m amazed that people do not take XR seriously
“As we ring in the new year, we make a controversial resolution to temporarily shift away from public disruption as a primary tactic,” the group said in a New Year’s Eve website post. “We recognize and celebrate the power of disruption to raise the alarm and believe that constantly evolving tactics is a necessary approach.”
To further its goals of getting politicians, corporations and the public “to end the fossil fuel era,” the group said it would instead focus on broadening its support with actions such as getting 100,000 people to surround the Houses of Parliament in London on April 21.
“In a time when speaking out and taking action are criminalized, building collective power, strengthening in number and thriving through bridge-building is a radical act,” the website post said. “This year, we prioritize attendance over arrest and relationships over roadblocks, as we stand together and become impossible to ignore.”
What will they do if they cannot get 100K? My be it 10K show up.
In its Sunday post titled “We Quit,” the U.K. branch of Extinction Rebellion said that while the group has helped bring about “a seismic shift” in the climate conversation, “very little has changed. Emissions continue to rise and our planet is dying at an accelerated rate.”
Maybe they should convince all their fellow climate cultists to make their lives carbon neutral instead of trying to get Government to force Other People to action.

Translation: they finally figured out that pissing off a bunch of people wasn’t gaining them more followers.
According to their wiki page, XR is just a bunch of spoiled white rich kids. They only people who should take them seriously is law enforcement.
The key to protesting is that the protests be effective.
As the revered Mr Dana correctly points out pissing off people by throwing soup on paintings and gluing oneself to objects is not having the desired impact.
Teach: convince all their fellow climate cultists to make their lives carbon neutral instead of trying to get Government to force Other People to action.
Perhaps conservative Christians could get their fellow conservative Christians to not obtain abortions instead of trying to get Government to force Other People to accede to their wishes.
*24% of abortion patients identified as Catholic;
13% as Evangelical Protestant;
17% as Mainline Protestant;