I’m assuming these gun grabbers are referring to concealed carry permits, since “permitless carry” sounds oh so much worse for gun haters
With the start of the new year, it became significantly easier for Alabamians to legally carry guns.
The state passed a law last year allowing people to carry concealed handguns without state permits, a change that went into effect on January 1.
The law signaled a gun rights landmark for the US: Now, half of the 50 states allow people to carry handguns without permits.
It’s a mark of how gun control rights have expanded within the US over the past two decades. In 2010, for instance, only two states allowed people to carry guns without permits. In the 13 years since, however, almost 24 states have passed similar laws, 11 of which were greenlit in the last three years, The Huffington Post’s Roque Planas reported Sunday.
Hooray! Though, I’ll be honest, I do approve of requiring that anyone carrying concealed should need to pass a course to understand the laws, proper use of a firearm, etc. Not a really hard one, just one designed to express confidence.
State governments have loosened gun control over the past 20 years, even as activism in the wake of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, the 2018 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, and others ramped up. More than 600 mass shootings transpired in the US in 2022, making it the second-highest annual total for mass shootings on record, according to data compiled by the Gun Violence Archive, a non-profit tracking gun violence.
How many of those were committed by people with a concealed carry permit, or even just a legal license to carry? How many of them were legal purchases by people who should have been denied their background check?

What part of “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED” is so hard to understand?
Safety courses should be recommended….but NOT required. ANY
requirement that is imposed by any level of government is a blatant
Ideally, a firearms safety course, in a land of the free and home of the brave with nearly unrestricted gun ownership, should be taught in the public schools by NRA certified instructors. And the public should fund those instructors, just like they do Planned Parenthood “teaching” about birth control in schools.
The whole point of having public schools is to teach a core curriculum to pass along to children a basic set of instructions so that they can safely cope in the adult society they will some day join.
To that extend, attendance should be mandatory as a citizen, not as a pre-condition for gun ownership.
If you live in America, you should know how to safely use a gun. Then you won’t accidently kill your producer on a movie set. Forcing everyone to get such training is not an infringement on gun ownership
Yes, the public schools should teach basic firearms safety, proper handling, and basic law just as driver education is taught in many schools. The NRA and other organizations have ‘package courses’ available just for that purpose.
Most accidental firearm injuries are due to improper handling or storage. A little education would go a long way.
Should RPGs also be legalized? Hand grenades? In public buildings such as courthouses and sports arenas? public schools?
Teach, will you be open carrying or concealed carrying, daily?
You already asked that and we already answered it. Why ask things as if they are rhetorical when teh answer is only a google search away.
That’s something the left just do not understand: people can support the right to keep and bear arms, and the doing away with restrictions like permits, without choosing to own or carry weapons themselves.
The Bluegrass State ended its concealed carry permit requirement several years ago, when Republican Matt Bevin was Governor. Of course, if we needed to pass that now, Republicans have such huge majorities in the General Assembly that the odious Andy Beshear’s veto would be easily overridden.
Our distinguished host concluded with a question:
The Club Q killer had no criminal record, but that was because law enforcement somehow didn’t pursue the charges from a standoff situation; if he had been treated seriously for his earlier crime, he could not have legally purchased his weapons. That doesn’t mean he couldn’t have gotten them illegally, but it would have been (supposedly) a bit more difficult.
The Broward County Sheriff’s Department had several ‘interactions’ with Nikolas Cruz, and could have arrested him more than once, but always let him go without any charges. The Broward County School Board, eager to keep Mr Cruz out of the ‘school-to-prison pipeline,’ chose not to refer an in-school assault by Mr Cruz to law enforcement. Thus, Mr Cruz had no criminal record when he bought the AR-15 he used to kill 17(?) people at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
The left want to make criminals out of people who wish to exercise their Second Amendment rights, but won’t make criminals out of actual criminals!
The latest story out of foul, fetid, fuming, foggy, filthy, Philadelphia concerns Omar Dennis, sentence in December of 1994 to life in prison for murder. The sentence was reduced, thanks to a George Soros sponsored defense attorney now serving as District Attorney to 27 years to life in 2018, and, on January 2nd he was out on the streets. The police were called, because he was out, firing shots into the air, shots from a weapon he was legally barred from having. When the police arrived, a barricade situation, with a 5-year-old child in the apartment, occurred.
Fortunately, he wound up surrendering without anyone being hurt. But it’s clear: neither Pennsylvania’s law requiring permits to carry weapons, nor the state law banning convicted felons from having firearms, stopped Mr Dennis from having a firearm and discharging it.
Second Amendment: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed
What part of shall not be infringed does Mr Teach not understand? He would force patriots to undergo propaganda disguised as safety training?? No, thank you fascist!!
ANY infringement based on mental state, legal status, training requirements, type of firearm or ammunition, excessive fees or taxes, action, age, race, religion, nationality etc is expressly unConstitutional and requires specific approval by the Supreme Court. Occasionally, the mass of the Supreme Court shows more common sense than the “strict constructionist” members, but not always. What if a municipality in Texas declares that every resident MUST own at least one firearm?
Where in the 2nd does it say you can’t have a fully auto weapon? Although common sense suggests residents have little need for armor piercing ammo, it’s clearly an infringement to make this ammo illegal. And more and more ‘thugs’ are investing in personal body armor making it more difficult for the homeowner to stop them with shotguns or handguns.
As a member of the oppressed black race, the “underserved”, and a resident of a democrat created ad controlled urban ghetto full of drugs, crime and criminals I will point out something you white boys know nothing about. It is easier for me to buy an illegal gun than a legal one. And being impossible for a criminal to buy a legal gun makes no difference at all. I can go two blocks to the corner of Broadway and Federal and buy all the guns and drugs I want.
Your puny Christian conservative laws only stop honest citizens from criminal acts, not actual criminals. A criminal by definition ( 1.a person charged with and convicted of crime
2. a person who commits crimes for a living according to the Free Dictionary) do not obey laws therefore you will Stop nothing. All that does is set up the penalties for when they break your laws.
The only thing most Democrat laws are intended to accomplish is make the activists feel good bout themselves. They never measure or care about results.