…are lots of Evil fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Diogenes’ Middle Finger, with a post on Liz Cheney making out like a bandit in Congress.

…are lots of Evil fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Diogenes’ Middle Finger, with a post on Liz Cheney making out like a bandit in Congress.
NEWS you will not hear from the MSM.
“US govt agency demanded suspension of 250K accounts, including journalists and Canadian officials!” Elon Musk replied to journalist Matt Taibbi’s Twitter thread on Tuesday evening.
Taibbi revealed the U.S. government’s mounting and endless pressure on Twitter to work hand-in-hand with Congress to hunt for Russian meddling on the platform.
Twitter’s subsequent task force to hunt Russian influence on the platform showed “no coordinated” effort and mostly “lone-wolf” accounts with low ad spends.
Despite the findings, the social media platform began its partnership and censorship with Congress to fight against supposed Russian misinformation.
BUT the MSM is silent on the 1984 approach to America in the midst of profiteering by big Pharma and big TECH and there must always be a boogie man. In this case, the boogie man is RUSSIA for the left and BIG Pharma for the right.
A strange twist of political priorities don’t you think? The right used to continually scare monger us about Russia to keep spending high on the Military and the left used to hate big Pharma. Now the Right hates big pharma and is ambivalent towards Russia and it’s vice versa for the left.
Historical approaches show that the 4th turning sees each political party take the other party’s platform and make it its own. A very clear trail of evidence that we as a people are SHEEP led by disinformation by our government.
AKA the Twitter Files exposing the very thing that has caused near open rebellion in the USA.
Liz Cheney is that rarest of politicos – an honest and patriotic Republican; who gave up her seat to oppose tRump. A traditional uber-conservative Republican she ran afoul of the MAGAts, not for any policy positions but rather for her opposition to the Grand MAGAt, Donald Jon tRump. Period. True MAGAts and pseudo-MAGAts (those afraid of the Grand Dragon, Don) attack her for criticizing tRump.
Cheney was one of two Republicans who not only believed tRump’s unAmerican, anti-democratic, violent and possibly seditious efforts to steal the 2020 election was illegal, but importantly ACTED ON her belief.
Every lib Dem opposes every position Cheney takes, but stand in amazement of her moral courage, a trait not in abundance in DC.
There appears to be a coordinated (Breitbart, Gateway and lesser lights) effort to smear Cheney, now for her apparent “wealth”. US Representatives submit their official net worth as a broad range, e.g., $10 million to $44 million, and wingers choose the highest and attribute it to nefarious sources without any evidence, e.g., “Her husband is an attorney who represents the CCP!”
Here’s the “commie” that the “tRump Forever” cultists hate and conservative Wyomingites rejected:
Cheney, and attorney, worked in the State Department under George W. Bush and his father, President George H.W. Bush.
In Congress Cheney has been a reliable conservative leader and vote.
Cheney voted with Trump 93% of the time, a higher percentage than even tRumpian allies like Reps. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., or Matt Gaetz, R-Florida.
She is “strongly pro-life” and supported the Supreme Court’s ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade. She cosponsored legislation to defund Planned Parenthood and prevent taxpayer money from going to abortions.
She has voted with President Joe Biden less than 18% of the time. Along with the rest of congressional Republicans, Cheney voted against the Inflation Reduction Act, which puts billions towards health care and climate initiatives.