How much of his own money will Kerry be giving? How many private fossil fueled flights will he not take?
John Kerry: rich countries must respond to developing world anger over climate
People in developing countries are feeling increasingly angry and “victimised” by the climate crisis, the US climate envoy John Kerry has warned, and rich countries must respond urgently.
“I’ve been chronicling the increased frustration and anger of island states and vulnerable countries and small African nations and others around the world that feel victimised by the fact that they are a minuscule component of emissions,” he said. “And yet [they are] paying a very high price. Seventeen of the 20 most affected countries in the world, by the climate crisis, are in Africa, and yet 48 sub-Saharan countries total 0.55% of all emissions.”
Would these be the small countries building airports to attract tourism? Or the ones taking the foreign aid and using it for the elites and political bigwigs in those nations?
Kerry said the US was committed to helping the developing world with loss and damage, but that the details of the fund would need more work in 2023.
“How can you look somebody in the eye, with a straight face, and not accept the notion that there are damages, there are losses?” he asked. “We see them all around the world. You see them in heightened sea levels, we see them in fires, we see them in floods, in Pakistan and elsewhere. We see them in the higher intensity of storms.”
But he added: “How you manage [loss and damage] is still at issue: how do you approach this challenge of the financial arrangements. But it was important to acknowledge that they’re there and we have to work at this in good faith.”
It’s just another redistribution scam, one which takes money from the middle and working classes in 1st world nations and transfers it to elites in 3rd world nations, but, this time, with no strings, because we “owe” it to those nations.

Not just no, but Hell no!
John Lurch Kerry can go f**k himself. When he gives away ALL his money…I should say his wife’s money since she was the Heinz heiress…then he can flap his gums.
“It’s what my dad would’ve done” – TOP GUN MAVERICK 2022 Aircraft Carrier Landing Scene 4K
Like I said before-I want a private jet so I can really care about climate change, too…