It’s wonderful that the government has to spend money because many people are gender confused
TSA spends $18.6 million on security screening for gender-neutral passengers
The Transportation Security Administration is spending $18.6 million to deploy “non-binary screening systems” for gender-neutral passengers traveling through U.S. airports.
The federal spending watchdog group reported on the new security screening that will be rolled out starting this month.
TSA is spending tens of millions of U.S. taxpayer funds to “advance civil rights” of these passengers, indicating it will improve the customer experience of nonbinary passengers by implementing the new technology.
The funding for the non-gender imaging technology will be appropriated from funds inside the omnibus spending legislation that President Joe Biden just signed.
“This technology should really be gender neutral, you know, it really should be and we’re there,” TSA Executive Director for Travel Engagement Jose Bonilla told in Vermont.
“The way that we’ve operated the system is specifically based on [the] blue button if the individual is perceived by the officer to be male, pink button if the individual is perceived by our officer to be female,” Bonilla said, adding that transgender or nonbinary passengers are more likely to get flagged.
Well, in the grand scheme of Science, an individual is either biologically male or biologically female. That’s the way it works.
The TSA has implemented several policies to assist transgender and binary passengers. The agency previously updated its operating procedures to reduce the number of pat-downs by allowing security to permit less invasive screening procedures for passengers who triggered the Advanced Imaging Technology scanner in “sensitive” areas.
Are other nations dealing with this kind of stupidity, or is it mostly the U.S.? Meanwhile, how safe is it to be flying with all these people who have a higher of mental illness and suicidal thoughts?

Transgender Update Needed!!!
Teach why haven’t you been harping on the downfall of Western Civilization caused by gender neutral restrooms at
Target stores? That used to be a hot button topic.
People who obsessed with the sexuality of others……. Often are disappointed in their own
I would rather sit next to a Trans-G person than a fat person.
I’d rather sit next to an insurance salesman than a MAGAt.
We had no idea the TSA were measuring penises at the airports. No wonder they snicker when I go through the scanner!!
Anyway, this solves the conservatives’ bathroom problem. On every public and school bathroom install a screening/imaging device that looks for the presence or absence of a penis. If the image is consistent with the designation on the door, the door unlocks!!
So long ago, during the “toilet wars” the solution was to have armed genital inspectors at all the doors to keep “men in dresses” out, but this high-tech solution is better, even if it puts thousands of conservative “dick inspectors” out of business.
So you support Trump’s policy on this. Good to know you have some sense.
Dear Elwood:
“We had no idea the TSA were measuring penises at the airports. No wonder they snicker when I go through the scanner!!”
Speak for yourself.
Dear 7,
I WAS speaking for myself. Have you not heard of self-deprecating humor?
Other than Ron White or the great Jerry Clower, conservatives seem to have a genetic humor deficiency.
That said, Jeff Foxworthy – “If the UFO hotline recognizes your voice, you just might be a redneck”. “It the color of your car is Bondo…”If you’ve been on TV more than 5 times describing the sound of a tornado…”
Conservatives have an innate fear ever showing any sign of weakness because they know their fellow connies will pounce.
I was so worried-now we’re saved…..they’re finally getting to the important stuff…