And Eric Adams, mayor of the sanctuary city of New York, doesn’t like it one bit.
Colorado plans to send more migrants to New York
Colorado Gov. Jared Polis plans to send migrants to major cities including New York, Mayor Eric Adams said Tuesday, warning that the nation’s largest city is already struggling to deal an influx of people sent from Texas and other Republican-led states.
However, the Democratic governor told POLITICO shortly afterward that the state has been helping asylum seekers reach their final destinations — including New York City — for weeks. The only change has been a recent winter storm and ensuing travel catastrophe that created a backlog of migrants wanting to leave Denver, which is now being cleared.
Adams made his comments during a radio appearance Tuesday morning.
“We were notified yesterday that the governor of Colorado is now stating that they are going to be sending migrants to places like New York and Chicago,” Adams said during a radio appearance. “This is just unfair for local governments to have to take on this national obligation.”
Oh, that’s convenient. “Helping them reach their final destinations”. Will any in the media ask the illegals if they voluntarily got on the buses? Or were tricked?
Oh, no, this is selfless when Democrats do it
“Too many people, in our opinion, view this through a political lens or as playing politics — and it’s terrible that in some places, people have been used as political props,” he said. “But what we are doing here is just honoring our values by treating people with dignity and respect.”
Except, Polis is shipping lots of them off to Other Places. It’s almost like he doesn’t want to deal with them.
Adams said Tuesday around 30,000 asylum seekers have arrived in New York City since the spring in need of food, shelter and education — a surge that has has stretched the city’s social service infrastructure to the breaking point and opened up huge risks for the municipal budget. Adams, along with the two Colorado leaders, have called on the federal government to provide assistance to localities dealing with the influx.
“No city should have to make a decisions if they’re going to provide for their citizens — particularly coming out of Covid — or if they’re going to deal with an onslaught of migrants and asylum seekers,” he said.
No, they shouldn’t, and the way to do that is to shut down the border as much as possibly and ship all the illegals out.

NYC has always been a city of immigrants. There are about 500000 in the city and about 375000 working. Most will stay here for about 5 years or so, work, Dave there money and return to their families. Some will stay here and raise families.
Immigrants in total represent 37% of the city population about 41% of the workers. They help to make the state of New York one of the rich blue states that support the poor red states. They should receive help coming to NYC. It is one of the easier places for them to fit in and begin a new life.
I agree. In fact NYC should be given an annual stipend from the federal government to help them acclimate and support the new arrivals, make them at home and cover their expenses. The days of poor immigrants fighting their way to America and living in tenements is over. Our immigrant brothers should be welcome in to our society and given free housing, food, job training, medical and education for five years after they arrive. Ten would be better. That’s the only way in this modern economy they can hope to succeed and compete.
In fact the red states should pay an immigrant tax to help the blue states support these new Americans. Once they have acclimated the immigrants should be diversified among the red states in the hope they can turn them blue or at least purple and begin the healing which Trump has made a needed fact of life with his dictatorship methods.
If America can import enough immigrants we can turn the entire nation blue then we can finally have a moral government of the people.
We can do it! Bring them in!
All states should help all migrants go to wherever they wish. But don’t use them as political pawns, don’t send them to Martha’s Vineyard in the off tourist season where there are no jobs for them That is acting cruel to vulnerable asylum seeking Refugees The Vineyard is off season a rural area poorest county in the Commonwealth with high cost of living and really only service jobs available in the tourist season
All states should help all migrants go to wherever they wish. But don’t use them as political pawns, don’t send them to Martha’s Vineyard in the off tourist season where there are no jobs for them That is acting cruel to vulnerable asylum seeking Refugees The Vineyard is off season a rural area, poorest county in the Commonwealth with high cost of living and really only service jobs available in the tourist season
Yes H, that was worth repeating. An area like Martha’s Vineyard full of millionaires and billionaires is no place to “drop” immigrants. Rent is too high and so is the cost of living. Again, a federal stipend would pull them through but without the red states doing their share it cannot be done.
We need a red state tax to make them part of the solution since now the GOP and independents are just part of the problem. We already know the progressives in our blue states support immigration in fact they support limitless immigration because that is what America, the land of immigrants is all about.
Yes, H, you are a great American. We have the room and the resources let’s do it!
Yes, carbon boy-you should volunteer to take some illegals in and give them free shelter and food. Tell us how that goes-if it’s ok with you, tell us where you live and we’ll give the mayor’s of Denver and NY your address so they know where to send them!
Over the next 3 years, our neighbor to the north wishes to increase its population by 4% with immigration! After 2025 they plan to add 1.25% each year. All because they desire more workers.
If only the US could enact immigration policies to benefit the nation…
Unfortunately, today’s Republican Party (the nuGOP) has no interest in benefitting the nation, and significantly, now hates most non-lily-white immigrants. Are the nuGOPhers wantonly cruel, willfully ignorant, or both? They obviously have a baseline willful ignorance that is exacerbated when their overactive emotions are triggered by their enemies – real and imagined.
The nuGOPhers, disciples of tRump, the Great and Powerful, haven’t the foresight or decency to compromise for the good of the nation.
If only the US could enact immigration policies to benefit the nation…
We had immigration laws that benefited the nation but beginning with Ted Kennedy back in the 60’s they were cast aside in favor of democrat voters and cheap labor.
Unfortunately, today’s Republican Party (the nuGOP) has no interest in benefitting the nation, and significantly, now hates most non-lily-white immigrants.
You phony “nuGOP” is no different than the old GOP that has over the years became the democrat party of old whilst the democrats turned into communists who prefer to be called socialists. There is no real difference between the official parties now. You seem to think there is and you also seem to conflate your “nuGOP” with real conservatives like me and some of the commenters here who no longer identify as GOP except for arguments sake since there is at the moment no other party or name for us. You have morphed into an out and out communist while we just remain conservative, White, Christians which for some unknown reason you hate with a passion even though we are the founders of our country and we are the creators of our system. Wait! Maybe that’s why you hate us. You hate America and we created it so it stands to reason.
Unfortunately todays demofascist party has no interest in benefitting the nation, and significantly, now hates most White people and wants to turn America dark by importing all non whites only as immigrants. Why?
Wasn’t it GOP Hero, President Ronald Reagan who granted amnesty to millions of “illegals”?
The 1965 Immigration and Nationalization Bill reduced discrimination against immigration of southern and eastern Europeans and Asians. Previously, the US only wanted immigrants from northern Europe and of course, African slaves. Although Republicans were in the minority in both chambers, they voted overwhelmingly in favor of the bill. LBJ signed it.
NB – nuCons claim that Dems, overwhelmingly dominating the House and Senate, started bringing in undesirable immigrants to vote for them, which makes sense if you don’t think about it.
Some in Congress argued that little would change because the measure gave preference to relatives of immigrants already in America. Another provision gave preference to professionals with skills in short supply in the United States. The horror.
Wait… what? YOU founded America and created the system? I had no idea. My apologies. Do you believe White Christians should be in charge then?
Should immigration once again be limited to White Christians from northern Europe (if we have any immigration at all!)?
The nuGOP is the MAGAt GOP – Republicans who believe White Christians should always rule, who think America is a Christian nation to be run on Christian ideals, who think John McCain and George Bush and Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney moved to the radical left just for opposing Donald tRump. Can a conservative Republican oppose Donald tRump and still be considered a conservative?
It’s my wish that the nuCons get their wish and Mr Trump runs as a 3rd Party candidate and forms a true conservative party, leaving the RINOS and DemComs to fight it out. Do you support closing the borders; balancing the budget by rule; increasing the military budget; cutting SS, Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP; a flat tax; nationwide abortion ban; eliminating foreign aid; Gov’t regulations that stop ALL private regulation of businesses like twitter; etc
The influx of brown foreigners over the past few decades terrifies the conservative white Christians who fear losing their privilege. Over 60 years ago Black Americans started agitating for equal rights which frightened conservative whites. DemComs like the Kennedy’s and LBJ sided with race baiters like MLK Jr, John Lewis, Medgar Evers, Rosa Parks and James Meredith, signaling a developing chasm between the parties.