Isn’t it wonderful when people who don’t vote Republican, don’t support Republicans, work uber-hard to oppose Republicans and make sure they lose elections, who stand against everything Republicans stand for (except when it comes to their own personal freedom, free speech, ability to make money, travel in fossil fueled vehicles and planes, and have government leave them alone) want to dictate to Republicans what they should do? In this case, it’s Christy Goldfuss, the chief policy impact officer for the Natural Resources Defense Council, a far, far left scam advocacy group
It’s Time for Republicans To Get Serious About Climate Change
After a year of remarkable achievement in the nation’s urgent work to confront climate change, the landscape of possibility is shifting, with Republicans now holding the House majority.
To a person, the GOP opposed the nation’s strongest-ever climate action last summer, when Congress approved $370 billion, over 10 years, in strategic investment to strengthen the economy and speed the growth of clean energy.
Wasn’t that bill about inflation reduction? And it didn’t do that?
No matter who holds the gavel in the 118th Congress, the climate crisis will not go away. Nor will the opportunity to confront it in ways that create jobs, cut costs for our families, and make our communities, rural and urban, more equitable and resilient.
Congress has an important role to play, as does the executive branch, in making sure critical clean energy incentives shrink the nation’s carbon footprint and deliver on benefits already improving the lives of people in red states and blue.
Why? I don’t see this duty in the Constitution. Tell you what, Christy: let’s agree on green lighting and fast tracking lots of next-gen nuclear power plants. NRDC isn’t opposed in principle, but, in practice, they sure find a lot of reasons to complain about them. Anyhow, blah blah blah to
Congress also has a responsibility to expand opportunity and equity across rural America, by imbedding those goals in this year’s $400 billion farm bill.
That means making the national crop insurance, agricultural research, and related support programs work better for farmers that plant cover crops and take other measures to make their fields more resilient in the face of worsening storms, floods, heat waves, and drought. And it entails efforts to improve soils, help farmers transition to organic practices, and assist rural electric co-ops in replacing coal-fired power with renewable energy from the wind and sun.
Congress will play a key role, as always, in funding major transportation initiatives, bolstered by the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which includes money to build half a million electric vehicle charging stations coast to coast, restore urban communities fragmented by misguided highway siting, and help strengthen public transit.
So, basically, the GOP needs to give in to the Democrat climate apocalypse agenda, and get nothing back in return. Strange how that works.

Technically true – something actually has to exist before it can go away.
Now that Canada has passed the milestone making itself formally a totalitarian state by seizing all firearms and creating re education camps are we to assume they will begin with mass executions soon also?
What happened to those people up there? They went crazy.
Canada did not seize all firearms and is not creating re-education camps.
Canada DID ban AR-15 style rifles in 2019 after a series of mass shootings in Nova Scotia. They recently stopped SALES, import and transfers of handguns (again, not a seizure). If your perception of manhood relies on being strapped, do not move to Canada, although their homicide rate is less than a third of that of the US.
In the human freedoms index, Canada ranks 9th, the US 24th. Swedes are #1. We get it. American connies get hard over guns.
Teach is correct. The Constitution does NOT reference climate change or global warming! Or AR-15s, Social Security, abortion, pandemics or The Wall. Why did the founders leave so many things for us to figure out?
The strapped Mr Dowd wrote:
You know what else is less than a third that of the United States? 4.3% of Canada’s population, according to the 2021 census, are black, while 13.6% of the United States population are black.
But, that’s a coincidence, I’m sure.
And it’s also a coincidence that 89.64% of all homicide victims in your hometown, as of December 27, 2022, were black, while 95.86% of homicide suspects were black, while only 44.8% of the city’s population were black, according to the 2020 census.
Of course, there could be other factors: Canada is far less densely populated than the United States, and urbanism is a strong factor when it comes to homicides. Toronto saw 117 murders in 2021, and, with a 2021 census population of 2,794,356 that works out to a homicide rate of 4.19 per 100,000 population, while Canada’s homicide rate, as a whole, is 2.05 per 100,000.
Why, it’s almost as though the less urbanized population just aren’t shooting each other as often as city folks.
Canada did not seize all firearms and is not creating re-education camps.
I just knew that get you frilly panties in a twist. LOL.
So you do admit they are banning guns? They BANNED AR-15 “style” rifles (ie all semi automatic rifles) and if the faggot Canadians “stopped SALES, import and transfers of handguns (again, not a seizure)” it is effectively a ban. The seizure comes next, right? Isn’t that how you commie pigs operate?
If your perception of manhood relies on being strapped,
My perception of manhood is being able to defend myself ands my family and being FREE to do it. My perception of a government that limits their peoples rights is a dictatorship and a tyranny. My perception of you as a gun owner is a hypocrite, a liar and a pig who is comfortable denying the same rights to others that you have, I.E, a fucking commie pig.
So, Lucifer admits he/she/it was lying.
It’s a start.
What keeps you from defending yourself? And your family?? LOL. You should have protected your “family” by wearing a condom. And get this: Even if you post your property saying you have landmines and trespassers should keep the fck out, you will be prosecuted if some illiterate kid blows himself up by stepping on one of your mines!
You poor, poor dear. What is wrong with you? There are all kinds of activities that are against the law, from the mundane to the catastrophic. You can’t cross the street against the light. You can’t drive your car as fast as you wish. You can’t legally possess a “sawed-off” shotgun. YOU can’t have sex with a 15 year old girl. You can’t assault someone because they insult you or your boat. The US government steals money from your paycheck! Is the US a dictatorship and a tyranny?
I support Americans keeping and bearing the same types of firearms that I have. Hunting rifles, semi-auto shotguns, revolvers. I do believe AR-15 style rifles are silly, except that they are very important to mass murderers for killing schoolchilden, shoppers, concert/theater goers, and churchgoers. Only an idiot would keep an AR-15 for “home protection”.
LOL. No one seriously expects the GOP to get serious about anything.
They have no policy ideas. They can’t even elect their own Speaker!
But they did remove the House metal detectors.
Refusing to march in lockstep like the good little demonazis earns Republicans ridicule from the people who refuse to permit decent. While the R’s argue about who leads the House the d’s hide Sam Birkenstock-Fink, the customers of their favorite child trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell and of course the #2 biggest traitor and money launderer Hunter. Commies seem to never get punished under the nuLaw.
Meanwhile, here’s why the b on b crime fell:
Always the same. Hey Republicans, If you want to be successful, just be Democrats.
The Radical Right Squad has taken control of the House !
They will refuse to vote for any Speaker who will not agree to form a commission to investigate the Jewish space based lasers that started the Cali f orrest fires.
Bwaha! Lolgf