The same people who Demand renewables replace fossil fuels also demand the projects be stopped
Groups seek probe of NY-NJ whale deaths amid wind power prep
Environmental groups and opponents of offshore wind energy want a federal investigation into the deaths of six whales that have washed ashore in New Jersey and New York in little over a month
Groups seek probe of NY-NJ whale deaths amid wind power prepBy WAYNE PARRYAssociated PressThe Associated PressATLANTIC CITY, N.J.
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) — As the stench of a dead whale hung in the air, environmentalists and opponents of offshore wind stood on a beach where the marine mammal lay buried Monday and called for a federal probe into a spate of whale deaths in New Jersey and New York.
Groups from the two states wrote President Joe Biden requesting a probe of the deaths of six whales that washed ashore over the last 33 days in areas being prepared for large-scale offshore wind farms. They also are asking for a halt to site work until the causes are determined.
Cindy Zipf, executive director of New Jersey-based Clean Ocean Action, called the rate of whale deaths in the two states unprecedented.
“Is it an omen?” she asked. “Is it an alarm? Never before have we had six whales wash up in 33 days.”
Oh, they wrote Biden? Like he’s ever going to see it. They think a little highly of their little groups.
And a federal agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, said that to date, no humpback whale — the species accounting for most of the recent whale deaths in New Jersey and New York — has been found to have been killed due to offshore wind activities. (snip)
Orsted, the Danish wind power developer that will build two of those three approved projects, said its current work off the New Jersey coast does not involve using sounds or other actions that could disturb whales.
First, the extreme-enviro groups won’t care. Second, they couldn’t use an American company?
At Monday’s news conference, the groups said offshore wind developers have applied for authorization to harass, harm or even kill as many as 157,000 marine mammals off the two states.
So, next comes the lawsuits to stop these projects. Renewables seem to be popular in theory for these extreme groups, not in practice.

Yes Teach they COULD have used an American company, but instead they chose to go the free market way and open it to competitive bidding.
The Danes were early innovators in wind turbines. They currently get almost 50% of their electricity from wind. By getting in early they are gsr ahead of Americans in that technology
It seems like the people who do pay the most attention to the envito-wacjos are the fossil fuel fan bois. Great, I am glad they have something to keep their little minds occupied.
Then we suppose you support the Danish right to harass, harm or even kill as many as 157,000 marine mammals off the two states? Ain’t you the caring, noble humanitarian. If you guys aren’t mass murdering babies you’re slaughtering whales, birds, fish and other sea creatures at an astounding rate and not even as food to feed starving people. Just for shits and giggles! You are stupid barbarians.
The Danes were early innovators in wind turbines. They currently get almost 50% of their electricity from wind
Denmark, having a population of 5.8 million people can’t generate enough wind power for their entire needs? Currently less than half? Wind don’t work.
You leftists believe every idiot thing the propagandists put out there. Morons.
They want the government or energy companies to pay them to produce a study and then pay them to do full time whale counting and monitoring from an expensive boat. Environmental groups have been pulling this scam since the Alaskan pipeline was built.
Yes, abandon large scale wind but not only because they are an environmental disaster, do it because it’s a false economy.
If wind powered electricity generation is economically feasible without federal subsidies, it will survive and prosper. If it is not, then such will fail. That’s how things should be.
The problem being that the subsidies, i.e. .gov making a small group of already rich assholes a little bit richer with our money so that those rich assholes can then write big checks to the corrupt .gov assholes that create and administer the subsidies – will never end.
Enviro group against the windbags? Uh oh….