…are wonderful plants sucking carbon pollution from the air, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on Biden’s eco-crazies walking back their banning of gas stoves.

…are wonderful plants sucking carbon pollution from the air, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on Biden’s eco-crazies walking back their banning of gas stoves.
Inflation continues to decrease
Wages continue to go up
1000s of Germans not freezing to death
Avg German household(3) pays about $125 month electricity about the same for heating
Mr H wrote:
The Consumer Price Index increased by 6.5% overall, but “Rent or shelter” increased by 7.6%, while groceries were up 11.8%. You know, the things that Americans have to pay every month, rather than things which can be put off.
Wages? Average hourly wages increased 4.6% over the same time period, which means that Americans are 1.9% poorer in December of 2022 than December of 2021.
Really? I just paid $11 for a pack of ice cream cones that were $8 only two months ago.
I just paid $7.79 for a dozen eggs that were $3.49 two months ago.
I also just paid $5.99 for an 8 oz. bag of potato chips that were $2.79 3 months ago.
While actual wages have risen 4% real wages (what the dollar can purchase) have gone down by 22% since last Feb.
That’s about right since their av. homes are about 11 sf which is smaller than my garage.
I’m glad to hear that, now show us how much they pay for gas and taxes.
But it sounds great you should move there. Stat!
We understand that conservatives don’t “believe” in viruses, but there’s an avian flu outbreak forcing poultry farmers to kill millions of chickens pre-emptively aborting billions of eggs.
The contraction on supply was not met by a decrease in demand as eggs are much like a commodity. Food industries use billion of eggs, and people don’t balk at the 15 cent increase in their Egg McMuffin. Part of the price increase is also due to the current bout of overall inflation.
In other words, they sent up a trial balloon, and it got shot down.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Drowningpuppies, you can’t quote Twain he wrote Huck Finn sand therefore is a white supremacist, a racist and a conservative. He be bad.
Of course, one can quote Mark Twain, one of America’s greatest and most quotable authors! The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is anti-white supremacy, anti-racism, and thus, liberal.
Once again you demean the black man by insinuating I don’t know who Twain was and what he wrote. Surprise, I do. Why he even used the word nigger which you are afraid of.
Of course Twain was a liberal for just those reasons. Like we are. YOU are a fascist, We are liberals just like Washington, Jefferson, Franklin and the rest of those bad white patriots were liberals. Liberals don’t support baby murder. They don’t support child mutilation or sex grooming by sexual deviants and perverts. Liberals don’t lie about sex and race. Liberals don’t shut down small businesses for a flu. Liberals don’t force people to take shots while lying that they are vaccines when they are not. Liberals don’t steal elections or secret documents. They don’t burn down cities, defund cops or tear down statues of America’s heritage. We as liberals believe in LIBERTY. Get it. I know how upset you get when we point out you commie/fascists are the slavers but tough crap. And you are far, far away from being a liberal.
BTW, liberals don’t
Don’t be such a sensitive snowflake! You claimed one can’t quote Twain since he was a conservative, white supremacist and racist (we know you were being sarcastic, not stupid). I offered another opinion, and you pulled the race card!
I don’t object to the word nigger but would never call someone that name. Other commenters here do call black men and women, coons and niggers and negresses.
I’m happy to hear you and all those around you are liberal and not conservative.
Your religious beliefs cannot dictate the actions of others. There are differing opinions on abortion – but no one will force a woman to have an abortion. On the other hand, GOPhers want to force some women and girls to give birth with absolutely no repercussions for the sperm donor!
You’re lying about child mutilation and “grooming”.
Almost every red state had shutdowns to some degree during the Covid pandemic.
The government didn’t force people to get the Covid vaccines (except for fed employees), but they didn’t stop businesses from requiring them.
The Republicans (tRump) tried to steal the 2020 election.
tRump DID steal secret documents and still hasn’t returned them.
Republicans (tRump supporters) attacked the US Capitol building while Congress was in session to certify the 2020 election.
What liberties have you lost as a result of Democrats?
Rimjob is the only one here who uses those terms. A lot.

He does like to call other commenters wives “whores”.
A lot.
Wish he would tell us more about “virtue signaling”.
Bwaha! Lolgf
The root cause of all of this is energy costs.
In Jan 2020, gas was around $2.00. It’s now around $3.00.
Natual gas was .87 cents per ccf. It’s now $1.13.
Biden supports the crazy Left who want to ban oil and gas. Biden is the cause.
Biden should be impeached and removed from office.
Mr Lewis,
We understand how frustrated and angry you feel. BTW, how did President Biden cause a increase in global energy prices?
Domestic oil production higher now than under the previous guy.
The funky fascist House GOPhers will impeach President Biden.
Mr Lewis wrote:
Why do you think he picked Krazy Kamala Emhoff to be his Vice President? She insulates him from any serious talk of removal, because as poor a President as he is, everybody, Democrats as well as Republicans, know that she’d be worse.
Candidate Biden didn’t choose Senator Harris for protection but because she was good for turnout and votes. It’s unlikely that any presidential candidate is thinking of not completing their term.
That fact is, President isn’t that hard of a job. If George Bush and dj trump both did it Harris would too.
Odds are the House GOPhers will impeach President Biden. So what?
Coo on dowd, even a nitwit like you realizes the fake pres picked the whore to protect from impeachment. You can’t be that naïve.
Connies may be right! More voting irregularities, this time in Iowa.
Of course, Jeremy Taylor is a Republican.
After 6 years of democommie lies, cheating and election fraud you come up with this pathetic shit?
81 million votes. LOL
Now the crook is stealing secrets and selling them to the Chicoms. Commie pigs.
“The son of a noted civil rights leader in Alabama has been charged with voter fraud and ballot harvesting in incidents related to two elections.
Perry County Commission Chairman Albert Turner, Jr. has been charged with voting more than once and harvesting hundreds of ballots in two separate elections in May and November of 2022.”
[…] Cove! Gotta love his “If all you see” posts. I mean they rock!. Oh MY! Do they ever […]