She couldn’t have done this on a zoom call? Perhaps she could have met them at the border, a place she’s never been
Kamala Harris in Ann Arbor: Young activists must lead charge against climate change
Truly eradicating the detrimental impacts of climate change requires activism, investment and an understanding how pervasive these problems are through society, Vice President Kamala Harris argued during an event Thursday afternoon at the University of Michigan.
Nah, it just requires Warmists to give up their own use of fossil fuels and make their own lives carbon neutral, if they think it’s so bad. Instead, they want all the taxes, fees, restrictions, and loss of freedom to apply to Other People
More than 2,000 people came to Rackham Hall for the discussion, moderated by U.S Secretary of Energy and former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm and university Professor Kyle Whyte.
The pair posed no hardball queries during the roughly 35-minute conversation and the trio focused little on key drivers of environmental policy in Michigan, like the Great Lakes or eradicating PFAS chemicals. Instead, the vice president highlighted the state’s ballooning electric vehicle sector to amplify the work of the Biden-Harris administration to create what she deemed a “clean-energy economy,” while acknowledging the intersection between poor social or financial outcomes and climate change.
So they both took a long fossil fueled trip for a scant 35 minute “conversation”, which means they bloviated, and took zero tough questions? What did they do next? It’s harder to know, since her schedule is not published like Biden’s. What’s the over/under that there was a fundraiser with big money donors afterwards?
“You can look at, for example, the data that tells us that some of the regions in America with the poorest air quality are low-income communities and communities of color,” Harris said.
Which has nothing to do with ‘climate change’, and, interestingly, the crappy air quality occurs in Democratic Party run cities. How about we focus on real environmental issues?
Referencing her own familiar ties to community activism, she encouraged students in the audience to use social media and friend networks to make a climate impact in their own circles.
“Tell the story, talk with your peers because the reality of it is is you all have such a charge to lead this movement. You all have everything at stake,” Harris said.
It’s so weird that none of the leaders like Kamala ever tell them to get off their asses and practice what they preach. It’s always about providing force on That Guy. And none of the reporters actually do Journalism and ask questions like “why did you take a long fossil fueled trip if fossil fuels are bad?”
Just too be clear, these little stories are important, because they do highlight how the Elites really are complete climate hypocrites. Why should we listen?