Los Federales may have given up on banning gas stoves (at least for the moment. You know they’ll try again), but, climahypocrite Hochul is working it
N.Y. Gov. Hochul proposes ban on new gas hookups, to fight climate change
In the same week that the Biden administration reversed course on whether a ban on the sale of new gas stoves is under consideration, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul proposed banning fossil fuel infrastructure, including lines that power gas stoves and furnaces, in smaller new residential buildings by 2025 and in larger ones by 2028.
Hochul, a Democrat, also proposed the same requirement for commercial buildings beginning in 2030. The governor also wants to end sales of new oil or gas heating equipment — boilers, stoves, dryers and hot water heaters — in existing residential buildings by 2030 and by 2035 in existing commercial buildings.
“We know that the key to long-term sustainability — for our wallets and our planet — is weaning ourselves from fossil fuels,” Hochul said Tuesday in her state of the state speech. “We are taking these actions because climate change remains the greatest threat to our planet, and to our children and grandchildren.”
Last year, Washington state mandated the use of electric heat pumps in new homes and apartments, but, in recognition of the limitations of electric heat pumps in colder climates, fossil fuel burners will still be allowed to provide backup heat. The California Air Resources Board approved a plan last year to end the sale of fossil fuel appliances statewide, but the rules are still being drafted.
So, what of new construction in the norther parts of NY? Heck, most of NY. It does get pretty cold, So, what provides heating? Considering NY is banning natural gas power plants, doing away with coal and nuclear, where does this energy come from? What of those who use propane? Is that banned, as well? Funny how so much of the ‘climate change’ policy revolves around telling the peasants what they may or may not have.

But, but, but, we were told that the notion the government would ban gas stoves was an evil reich-wing conspiracy theory!
So, which area of our country has the highest concentration of electric heating? The
ConfederacySouth! Why? A couple of reasons: one, with a greater percentage of thew population being rural, a lower percentage of homes can connect to a natural gas utility. Electricity is simply easier to get to more widely spread out residences.But, more importantly, with mostly milder winters, electric heating isn’t as hugely expensive: heat pumps and electric baseboard heating aren’t running 24/7. Yes, we can get some bitterly cold days, but in the South they don’t tend to last for weeks on end.
It’s New York and Pennsylvania and New England and the Midwest, with their colder winters, in which natural gas and heating oil are the primary heating fuel sources, because most heat pumps can’t keep up with overnight, and sometimes during the day, temperatures in the teens and below. Upstate New York, with its lake-effect snow and cold fronts out of Canada, needs fossil fueled furnaces to keep homes and businesses warm in the winter.
Of course, geothermal heat pumps could do the job, but geothermal units require more land area to install them, and bigger lots mean more expensive houses.
Apparently Governess Hochul doesn’t understand all of this, but that’s hardly surprising; she really doesn’t understand that much about anything.
Being the evil reich-wing Republican that I am, I chuckled with a sense of schadenfreude this morning as Jim Cantore of the Weather Channel, reporting from the rain-drenched Pyrite State, mentioned that some people are going on “four days, five days without power.” The government for which those idiots voted wants California to lead the nation in eliminating fossil fuel usage, in homes and in vehicles. How many of those Democratic voters are unable to heat their homes or drive their cars or cook their meals because our most vulnerable-to-the-weather utility has failed for days? And how many of them lost air conditioning during the high temperature, high demand days last summer?
[…] Pirates Cove- New York Governor Kathy Hochul is a Marxist […]
I find that most Leftie’s do not see the connection between who they elect and what the elected do.
I can’t figure out if it is gross stupidity or some birth defect that causes a short circuit in the brain.
That’s exactly how I feel about people who vote for trump, McConnell, Gaetz, Greene, Boebert, trump, McCarthy, Santos, Graham, Crapo, trump, Stefanik, Scalise, Herschel, Dr Oz, DeSantis, trump, Kari Lake, Hawley, Finchem, Gym Jordan, Carone, Gosar, trump Cruz and hundreds more. Clearly, intelligence, compassion, diversity. honesty and decency are not requirements.
Cases in point, 1) the amoral, ignorant, dishonest Herschel Walker was almost a US Senator. Why? Not for his brilliance, but for his vote. And 2) the disgraced Donald J tRump is the announced nuGOP candidate for 2024 and 3) the Santos debacle.
I can’t figure out if it is gross stupidity or some birth defect that causes a short circuit in the brain. White christian conservative manly men built America and want it back! By force if necessary.
So, what are the primary policy objectives from the nuGOP House so far. 1) Cut taxes for the wealthy. 2) Force doctors and parents to suffer through the inevitable death of their terminal infants. 3) Investigate the Bidens, the Dems, the FBI, Dr Fauci.
Inflation? No Comment. Global Warming? No Comment. Infrastructure? No Comment. Immigration Reform? No Comment.
Tell us more about “virtue signaling”.

Bwaha! Lolgf
There’s plenty of comments you just ain’t listening.
But you do put on quite a show when you go off your meds and start a rat. LoL
The distinguished Mr Dowd thinks he’s snarking, but he accidently told the absolute truth:
Yes, it’s true: America was built by the men with the strength, courage, and will to spread out and conquer this land from the weaker people who were living here previously. That’s kind of how conquest works! The weak, liberal soy boys conquer nothing.
The men, men! who conquered America risked their very lives to subdue this land, and we can tell: that really bothers you.
What bothers us, is the lack of introspection by the likes of Mr Dana.
Mr Dana is quite proud of our “christian” ancestors who conquered the natives of North and South America, Africa and Oceania using guns and disease! How manly to enslave and kill women and children! How successful would they have been bare-handed against the Inca, Mayans, Aztecs, Africans, Iroquois, Lakota, Cherokee et al?
The plague of European colonization spread across the land like an infectious disease, e.g., smallpox, measles, influenza, bubonic plague, diphtheria, typhus, cholera, scarlet fever, chicken pox, yellow fever, and whooping cough.
Yes, manly man, be proud! No wonder conservatives hate school, education and history. We get it.
The likes of Mr Dana not only excuse but celebrate the cruelties rather than examine them!
WE current Americans have benefitted from the atrocities of our ancestors! Why not just man up and admit it?
Have the descendants of Native Americans and Black slaves benefitted nearly as much as WE Euros have? That’s rhetorical. But according to the likes of Mr Dana, as conquerees, Native Americans and Blacks deserve their lot in America!
We’re surprised (not really) that fundamentalist (incurious) christians celebrate the outright murder of actual Native Americans but believe 15-minute old fertilized-ova deserve citizenship.
Might makes right! Does the admittedly unarmed but “manly” Mr Dana expect society at large to protect him if “conquerers” decide to take his home and land? After all, why shouldn’t a well-armed family needing a few acres just “subdue” the land? Who will stop them? The manly man, Mr Dana? LOL. We suspect he would call the government he despises to save him. How weak, liberal and soy boy of him.
Have a good weekend!
The introspective Mr Dowd wrote:
Of course, the “Inca, Mayans, Aztecs, Africans, Iroquois, Lakota, Cherokee et al” wouldn’t have been bare-handed themselves, having weapons of their own. Our ancestors, yours as well as mine, simply had better weapons and better technology. Mr Dowd seems to be using the cockamamie idea of a “fair fight,” but when your life is on the line, the last thing you want is a fair fight; you want a fight in which you have every advantage possible. As George C Scott said when playing General George S Patton, it isn’t the soldier’s duty to die for his country, but make the other poor bastard die for his country.
I most certainly admit that current Americans have benefitted from the conquests of our ancestors! I’m just not ashamed of them the way you appear to be.
Might makes right! Does the admittedly unarmed but “manly” Mr Dana expect society at large to protect him if “conquerers” decide to take his home and land?
Good heavens! It would seem that the marksman from Missouri is rather upset, at least to judge from his use of the boldface.
Who knows, perhaps “a well-armed family needing a few acres just ‘subdue’ the land” will at some point try to seize my property, and perhaps they’ll succeed. Mr Dowd has just made the argument that I need to purchase a couple of AR-15s, extra magazines, and several thousand rounds of ammunition. As much as Mr Dowd expects us to take his advice, perhaps this is a good piece.
Or, I can assess the risks, and decide not to buy weapons. And yes, I do recognize that there are risks, less from that well-armed family than from random criminals and drug addicts.
But, if I recall correctly, Mr Dowd was quite contemptuous of his neighbors Mark and Patricia McCloskey, who defended their own home from the anarchist Black Lives Matter rabble who invaded their neighborhood, even though the McCloskeys and their property were clearly under threat by that rabble.
I don’t recall Mr Dowd discussing the Hero of Kenosha, Kyle Rittenhouse, who was armed, retreated anyway and only fired when under immediate assault, but I suspect that he wasn’t in agreement with Mr Rittenhouse taking up arms to defend his friends’ property from the antifa arsonists.
So, on which side does Mr Dowd fall? On the side of those not armed, and trusting that the risks are very low, or the side of those who have used weapons, both in display and in action, to defend their lives and property? It seems that he falls on the side opposed to both, as convenience fits his arguments.
The US could easily conquer Canada and subdue all their resources (which we may require as parts of the US become less habitable). Why don’t we? No doubt the spirit of man is to conquer and take, just as the alien Europeans did.
And again, are Native and Black Americans as conquered peoples destined to forever be inpoverished? Is it enough that America allowed some of them to survive?
In fact, the US could easily conquer and subdue dozens of nations with natural resources we need. Saudi Arabia has enough of our oil to support us for decades. Bolivia, Argentina and Chile has most of our lithium.
The US has the firepower to subdue these nations. What is different now from when the alien Europeans used their guns and viruses to steal the Americas from the natives? Have Americans just become too soft, too moral? Too afraid of how China might react?
Dear Elwood:
“White christian conservative manly men built America and want it back! By force if necessary.”
Wasn’t it white men who died by the thousands o free the slaves?
“…Herschel Walker was almost a US Senator. …”
I’ll give you an athlete and raise you a bartender.
And I’ll call with a Uncle Festerman and his commie whore wife.
Wasn’t it white men who brought the slaves here, owned slaves, raped slaves and murdered slaves?
Did you know that nearly 10% of Union troops were black?
I’ll give you a lying college dropout, immoral, violent, celebrity deadbeat dad and raise you an intelligent Representative. AOC graduated cum laude from Boston U and worked as a bartender/waitress to help save her mother’s house.
Actually, 75% of free blacks owned slaves. And it was against the law to harm a slave.
The troll is just gaslighting all of you. Who gives a damn what he thinks.
Nobody david7134, nobody. He’s an America hating pervert of no moral character. A commie. A groomer, A racist and anti Christ bigot. He is everything America stands against.
The White man conquered and developed the America’s from savages who enslaved and murdered each other in bloody heathen rituals. He knows that. He chooses to ignore it.
We understand how self hating dowd is because of his slave owning ancestors and his proclivity toward control of others. He’s mentally bent. We can see his hate for us and all we stand for. If we mad America so bad why does everyone want to come here?
Whites conquered and built America with almost zero help by blacks, Indians, Asians or anyone else. Yet as he reaps the benefits of being White in a White country and exploits his color and privilege’s to his own advantage he continues to demean the rest of us.
dowd is the most vile and hateful person I’ve ever run across. He has no redeeming social value and should consider euthanasia. For the betterment of all mankind.
It is untrue that 75% of free blacks owned slaved.
A few Confederate states had 20-40% of free blacks owning slaves, but overall, the percentage of free blacks owning slaves was just a few percent.
Almost all slaves were owned by whites.
“Most” may have been White but they were all democrats. Still are. Still killin’ babies too. And mutilating the survivors. Or grooming them.
Democrats only morphed into communists in the 20th century. Before that they were an American political party. Now they are a subversive cult.
!% of whites owned slaves. 75% of free blacks owned slaves. Blacks generally were not allowed in the North. New York was the principal site of entry for slaves..
For some reason the Indian wars have been brought up, we are supposed to feel some kind of guilt over wars with the Indian.
The history is that with the first contacts with Europeans that Indians were infected by common European illness. Remember no one had any idea of infectious disease and the immune system. I short order it is estimated that maybe 90% of Indians died, shit happens.
As a consequence the country appeared almost uninhabited. Of course, Europeans took up the vacuum. Indians did not share our culture and the white men certainly did not understand them. What they did understand was hostility and while some Indians were friendly, most were not. Thus war, which took about 200 years to resolve, Indians lost. Big deal.
I agree david7134. What would make the Indians immune to the normal ebb and flow of history? Wars are fought, people killed others conquered. So what? It’s happened for thousands of years. And usually the victors are better armed and have better weapons than the vanquished.
The conquest of the Americas was a great thing. And the fact it was done by White Christians made it that much better. Be thankful Jeff Keene, you could have been born in Somalia or North Korea. Then you wouldn’t be bitching about diversity, inclusion and equity but rather food and clean water.
Somalia and North Korea won. America lost