Here’s the big question: will the agencies whitewash this, cover it up, or tell the public the truth if it turns out there is a big link
CDC, FDA see possible link between Pfizer’s bivalent shot and strokes
The CDC and FDA announced on Friday that their surveillance system flagged a possible link between the new Pfizer-BioNTech bivalent Covid-19 vaccine and strokes in people aged 65 and over, but said they were continuing to recommend the shots.
The surveillance “raised a question of whether” stroke risk was elevated in the 21-day period post-vaccination versus 22 to 44 days post-vaccination, according to a statement on the CDC website.
The agencies said other data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Department of Veterans Affairs and other sources haven’t shown an elevated risk of stroke.
“Although the totality of the data currently suggests that it is very unlikely that the signal … represents a true clinical risk, we believe it is important to share this information with the public, as we have in the past, when one of our safety monitoring systems detects a signal,” the statement said.
The real-time surveillance system, CDC’s Vaccine Safety Datalink, met criteria warranting further investigation into whether the bivalent Pfizer vaccine led to a higher risk of ischemic stroke, which occurs when arteries pumping blood to the brain are blocked by a blood clot.
Maybe there is, maybe there isn’t. How do we trust these agencies, especially the CDC, after all that has happened? All the BS information they’ve given us since COVID started? The obfuscation, the misdirection, authoritarian notion of forced vaccination? How much more are we going to find out about the vaccines?
Still, rare but serious side effects — which can occur with any pharmaceutical product — have arisen since the vaccines’ debut.
There is that. Think on all those commercials where they show people dancing and singing and having fun while half the commercial tells you about the side effects, up to and including death? Of course, they all went through clinical trials, and weren’t taken by hundreds of millions, often with the threat of losing their jobs.
Arguments over masks aren’t going away in 2023
On a recent evening, comedian Jimmy Fallon devoted a segment of his late night talk show to launch into one of his ready-made-for-social-media ditties, this one devoted to the new XBB.1.5 variant of the coronavirus. Rendered in the campy style of the B-52s, the joking song contained a line many public health officials would like to see elected officials make with deliberate seriousness.
“Put on your mask when inside a facility,” Fallon crooned.
Crooned while not wearing a mask. Nor do his guests wear masks.
Three years into the pandemic, the question of whether to mask or not to mask shows no signs of heading toward a resolution, especially during a winter season that has seen a so-called tripledemic sweep across the United States. States dropped their mask mandates long ago; last spring, a court struck down a mask mandate on airplanes, planes and other forms of transit. Today, masking is still required in some institutions, like hospitals and theaters.
If you want to wear a mask, wear one. Otherwise, piss off, and stop trying to force your nuttiness on the rest of us.

Our esteemed host quoted:
Actually, it has reached a resolution: we’re halfway through “meteorological” winter — December 1 through February 28 — and there are virtually no mask mandates in place. A few public schools have instated them for the first ten days after the Christmas break, but hey, children are easier to control.
Our distinguished host wrote:
Strange how drugs pushed by private manufacturers have to do that, while the vaccines pushed by the government don’t.
The developers of vaccines are governed by a different set of rules.
Why? Because vaccine development is not particularly lucrative.
People who believe they’ve been harmed by an approved and properly prepared vaccine, do not sue the industry but are compensated by a special government fund.
The nation balances the social good of vaccines against the potential harm.
The esteemed Mr Dowd wrote:
The panicdemic demonstrated that those who judge the “social good of vaccines” haven’t been very f(ornicating) smart!
We were told that if we get vaccinated, wouldn’t contract the SARS-CoV-2 virus, we wouldn’t get sick, and we couldn’t transmit it to others. But we were seeing reported so-called ‘breakthrough’ cases by June of 2021, when the vaccines only became available to the general public in March, and took until April to receive both doses. Perhaps the government knew that the vaccines did not prevent infection, or perhaps it was just wishful thinking, but in either case, the government was lying to us.
Governments at all levels were imposing vaccine mandates, requiring people in many jobs to take the vaccines, or lose their jobs, even as reports of vaccine failures were coming out. The government was pressing Twitter and Facebook to censor posts which claimed that the vaccines were not working as advertised, even though the vaccines were not working as advertised.
Well, OK, yeah, you might contract the virus if you are vaccinated, but you won’t get as sick from it, we were then told. In November of 2021, even Dr Fauxi was admitting that fully vaccinated people were being hospitalized with COVID at increasing rates, but blamed that on waning immunity and people not getting the boosters.
With all of the false things we were told, was there any truth in there?
But most of what we were told, as the government was “balanc(ing) the social good of vaccines against the potential harm” turned out to be wrong. Either they knew it was wrong, and were balancing lying through their scummy teeth against the “Social good of vaccines,” or they didn’t know that what they were saying was wrong, and were balancing saying things they just didn’t know to be true against the “social good of vaccines.”
I’d like to believe it was the latter, but my confidence that this government would ever be honest is not just in the toilet, but already flushed into the septic tank.
“Balanc(ing) the social good of vaccines against the potential harm” has two problems: it requires an accurate assessment of what that social good actually is, and it requires acknowledging that “the potential harm” is measured in chronic injuries and deaths. Of course, admitting that there will be some numbers of chronic injuries and deaths means that more people will choose to decline the vaccines, and take their chances with a disease which had a mortality rate of under 2%, especially for those under 65, and the last thing the Democrats wanted was for the people to have more information available to take those decisions.
So, what do we have now? We have a government claiming that the vaccines, as long as you keep taking the boosters regularly, will reduce the symptoms of COVID, but also having admitted that the variants of COVID now being seen aren’t as severe as the earlier ones. In other words nobody knows if the vaccines have actually made COVID less serious, but they keep blasting forth that message.
Really? What is the compensation you receive if you are stone-cold graveyard dead? What compensation is sufficient if you’ve had a debilitating stroke, which has left you permanently injured? If people were fully informed, and were able to take their own decisions based on an assessment of the risks and benefits, then they were knowingly taking their chances. But when the government lies, overstates the benefits and understates and tries to stifle information about the risks, then people aren’t taking informed decisions, but taking their decisions based on misinformation from the government trying to push people into becoming guinea pigs for vaccine testing.
The steamed Mr Dana lets fly at the gubmint!
Covid infections have killed over 1 million Americans graveyard dead. Over 600 Americans are still dying every day from Covid (and still going up). The unvaccinated are much more likely to die of Covid than the vaccinated.
Over 665 million Covid vaccination injections have been delivered to Americans. How many deaths are associated with the injections? Does anyone know?
How many deaths have the vaccinations prevented?
– Commonwealth Fund Analysis
Adverse drug events cause approximately 1.3 million emergency department visits each year. About 350,000 patients each year need to be hospitalized from adverse drug reactions.
About 15,000 Americans die each year from unintentional overdoses of opioid pain relievers.
Reactions to antibiotics result in over 100,000 hospital visits per year.
The point is that thousands of Americans die each year from adverse drug reactions. Is the social good of antibiotics worth the deaths from allergic reactions? If your life has been saved by antibiotics the answer is yes.
Public Health officials must make decisions during a pandemic without ALL the necessary information. If the estimates are correct, would it have been worth 4 million dead Americans to wait?
Political conservatives claim Covid is like the flu and can and should be safely ignored – they claim masks don’t work, and that the vaccines don’t work and are deadly. For comparisons – a flu season finds 12,000-52,000 American deaths a year. If Covid averages 500 deaths a day, that’s 182,500 deaths this year. We’ll see. Maybe it will calm down to 100/day. Anyway, the flu hasn’t killed as many Americans since 1918 when nearly 700,000 Americans died from the H1N1 flu, which was also called a global pandemic.
Political conservatives have been filling in missing information with mis-information. No, it has not been shown that the vaccines are killing hundreds or thousands. If the conservative conspiracists were correct wouldn’t the gov’t and medicos be hiding the potential vaccine adverse events rather than investigating? Wouldn’t they be hiding the Covid death rates to make the vaccines look better?
The clinical trials used for the emergency approvals showed that the vaccines significantly prevented infection with few side effects. How long should they have waited to use them? Six months or a year to see how long the subjects were immunized? Subsequently it was discovered that immunization waned in 4 mos or so, requiring a booster sooner than hoped. Rapidly mutating strains also were less susceptible to the original vaccines. We’re all sorry that the vaccines were only very good, and not perfect. Shit happens, unfortunately.
It’s a fact that the death rate from Covid is much higher in unvaccinated Americans.
Studies show (but do not prove – how could they?), that vaccination has saved millions of lives in the US alone.
After a couple of years, we have no real knowledge on the jab. We still have the drug companies and government reluctantly giving critical information.
The “studies” that indicate reduction in death are based on estimates of infection and artificial assignment of death than noting the actual death rate. This is known as crap.
Fact is the virus has morphed into a less lethal illness. Normal response.
The COVID was a minor viral illness prior to the jab. Another way of looking at one million deaths is to determine the mortality rate which translates to about 0.3%. And this is mostly concentrated in elderly and high risk groups. Considering the increasing risk of the jab, it is best to have a heart to heart with a good doctor, not your pharmacist.
Red states that had lower masking and vax rates had higher per Capita death rates. They had up to 3 times the death rate the people that died were those cohorts most vulnerable. Masking and vaxing helped to keep them safer. Masking does not stop but does reduce transmission: just like covering nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing. Studies of deaths in 2 states also showed that registered Republicans were much more likely to die from covid as they were more likely to be unvaxxed the best thing Trump did was to fast track at warp speed vaccine approval. Vaccination helped not only to keep you healthy, it also helped other people. That alone was a good reason to get vaccinated.
Hate to retell ya Hairy but the CDC has stated the “vaccine” neither stops one from contracting Chinese flu nor from passing it on. Now tell us your next fantasy.
So the way you vote determines your risk of death. That ranks up there with other correlations that you make, like the hoax that increasing carbon levels cause climate change.
But we know you are just gaslighting and have absolutely no real knowledge or logic.
“Musk confirms secret Pfizer operation to silence vaccine critics”. Yes, because that’s what you do when you’re open and transparent about the safety of your vaccine…
Carol Ann
Trumps vaccine greatly reduces your risk from dying if covid.
Also it greatly reduces your viral load if you do have covid, which in turn again reduces your likelyhood of transmuting the virus to someone else. Covering your mouth while coughing or sneezing does not prevent transmission of illness,it does however again reduce that risk of transmitting your illness to someone else. Do you cover your mouth while coughing ? Why do you do that?
I do, I consider it common courtesy to reduce possible harm to others. Do you want to be part of the solution, or part of the problem?
Do you demand the FREEDOM !!! Of not covering your mouth in public?
Stay safe and wear a mask
Or condom where appropriate ????
Also wash your hands after using the toilet.
Carol Ann
Trumps vaccine greatly reduces your risk from dying if covid.
Also it greatly reduces your viral load if you do have covid, which in turn again reduces your likelyhood of transmuting the virus to someone else. Covering your mouth while coughing or sneezing does not prevent transmission of illness,it does however again reduce that risk of transmitting your illness to someone else. Do you cover your mouth while coughing ? Why do you do that?
I do, I consider it common courtesy to reduce possible harm to others. Do you want to be part of the solution, or part of the problem?
Do you demand the FREEDOM !!! Of not covering your mouth in public?
Stay safe and wear a mask
Or condom where appropriate ????
Also wash your hands after using the toilet.
And remember to stay up to date on ALL of your vaccines and boosters.
Carol Ann
Trumps vaccine greatly reduces your risk from dying if covid.
Also it greatly reduces your viral load if you do have covid, which in turn again reduces your likelyhood of transmuting the virus to someone else. Covering your mouth while coughing or sneezing does not prevent transmission of illness,it does however again reduce that risk of transmitting your illness to someone else. Do you cover your mouth while coughing ? Why do you do that?
I do, I consider it common courtesy to reduce possible harm to others. Do you want to be part of the solution, or part of the problem?
Do you demand the FREEDOM !!! Of not covering your mouth in public?
Stay safe and wear a mask
Or condom where appropriate ????
Also wash your hands after using the toilet.
And remember to stay up to date on ALL of your vaccines and boosters.
So if any of us take your advice and are injured by the jab, then you will take responsibility.