I’m thinking you can not allow them any fossil fueled travel, stop replacing their smartphones, restrict their streaming of videos, force them to go vegan, no new clothes, but, hey, adult climate cultists have their own ideas
Youth Climate Activism Needs Nurturing. Here Are 4 Ways to Make it Happen
The climate movement has reached a pivotal juncture. We have an array of constructed and natural climate solutions with proven potential to reduce greenhouse gases and foster climate resilience, from renewable energy and electric vehicles to reforestation and climate-smart agriculture. There is just one catch: To avoid the worst of climate change, we must deploy these solutions much faster than ever before, as made clear by the sixth report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Fortunately, we have a talented and relentless group of climate leaders ready to make this happen—young people.
Youth have shown the right kind of leadership qualities to get the climate movement from a jog to a sprint, and inspire more people and organizations to come on board. If we hope to create climate justice, we must fully empower this burgeoning youth climate movement by giving young leaders the funding, standing, and platform they need to maximize their contributions.
Well, the adults have already made the kiddies neurotic, destroyed their mental well being, with their tales of doom and gloom. Anyhow, what can be done?
- Provide funding and accommodations for youth.
- Expand formal roles and spaces for youth.
- Give youth the political power they have earned.
- Embrace the catalytic voice and energy of young people.
Um, ah, yeah, no. No. Just no. But, hey, if the Warmists want to give the kiddies their own money, feel free. What really needs to be done is to stop pushing false propaganda garbage on the youts and tell them the truth there is no climate problem but there is a left-wing problem that wants to control every part of their life.

One trillion trees by 2030? That means that somebody, somewhere, somehow has to plant (and take care of) over 16.3 MILLION trees EVERY HOUR FOR THE NEXT SEVEN YEARS!!! Some more climate cult insanity.
Surprising for this blog, the math is actually correct! 16.3 million trees an hour! On the other hand, if every adult American planted 3 trees every 2 days for 7 years we’d get there.
That said, climate experts don’t believe 1 trillion more trees will offset global warming. But wouldn’t hurt. You may recall that the famous environmentalist, then-President Donald J Trump touted the One Trillion Tree initiative in a State of Union! And how painless. Planting trees is a feel-good non-solution that requires little from the 8 billion. “No need to cut CO2 emissions, just plant a tree!”
Note too, that many of the 1 trillion trees don’t have to be planted de novo but would be current trees not destroyed/timbered. In fact, a tree not cut down is more valuable than a newly planted tree!
Sounds like a typical lefty idea – “feels” instead of results. Liberals should be all over it.
Dear Elwood:
“Planting trees is a feel-good non-solution…”
So trees don’t absorb CCO2 and emit oxygen???
The things I learn…
Or is it that planting trees doesn’t control us enough???
You know they do, and you know that I know they do. I’ve even explained here before.
The point is that planting trees (or preventing deforestation) is not enough.
It sounds good, almost painless, in fact, and I’m in favor of it, as I said earlier.
So, let’s plant trees but also continue to reduce CO2 emissions.
This conspiracy tale that liberals want to control you is false. What liberals want is to leave a world no worse to our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. This includes dealing withds the threats of global warming and increasing income/opportunity inequality*.
*The fear is that skyrocketing income/wealth inequality may bring down capitalism.
Fact is that CO2 has nothing to do with climate change.
Freon and right guard had nothing to do with ozone.
Acid rain? Who knows.
The fact is that we have two nasty trolls and they get pleasure in making us upset and gaslighting. Neither has any special knowledge.
And they whine to Teach when their feelings get hurt.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Yes, please, let’s take it down a notch, both of you guys.
The “grooming” going on is from the hateful, gun-nut MAGAts. All kids hear from rightist leaders is dishonest, hateful bullscheisse.
The Republicans fully accept George Santos. Why? He’s a nuGOP vote! One of the first moves by the nuGOP house was to gut the independent Office of Congressional Ethics. Why shouldn’t children realize that lying unreservedly, claiming a history without a shred of truth in it can lead to success!!
Children today practice active shooter drills in schools! Does believing that they could get shot and killed any day affect their psyche? Well, the adults have already made the kiddies neurotic, destroyed their mental well-being, with their unwillingness to protect them at school. Maybe we need to arm the kids so they can protect themselves!
No, it doesn’t.
Dear Elwood:
As I wrote.
“The things I learn…
Or is it that planting trees doesn’t control us enough???”
You wrote:
This includes dealing withds the threats of global warming and increasing income/opportunity inequality*.”
Thanks for confirming.
What exactly is that? Both are frequently the result of hard work, birth or luck. How would one go about changing them in order to “equalize” their outcomes? I guess a leftist like you would see no moral problem with taxing ever person down ti a very equal $10k per year. No more, no less. Except yourselves of course.
It intrigues me that the leftists who have been in charge far more than the normals always complain about the “inequity” their policies have created. They are always subsidizing this or taxing that yet find no “inequality” in it all. It’s also amusing to watch wealthy white leftists like Jeff Keene who have always been the product of their own white privilege even as they thrash about handing out privileges to their pet projects and supporters thereby creating income and opportunity inequality.
No one mentioned equalized outcomes.
Taxing everyone down to $10K a year would not be very useful.
Leftists have been in charge far more than the right wing loons? Not lately. Thanks to the Reagan revolution the rich are getting insanely richer and the poor are getting so much poorer. And it’s getting worse every year. The top 10% gathered about 30% of national income from the end of the depression to around 1980. Starting in the early 80s the top 10% share steadily increased to 50% of national income! It’s become national gospel that the wealthy must be coddled. Mr Reagan supported the philosophical notion that the super-rich having more money would benefit everyone!
Perhaps the 1950s was an outlier, a time when America recovered from WWII, built highways, universities, schools, sewers, bridges, airports, towns, cities, all while paying down the WWII debt to a low in 1981! At the same time civil rights for all Americans was finally being taken seriously. How was that financed? Taxes. During this time Democrats dominated Congress during the terms of President Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy. The misadventure in Vietnam by Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon largely brought the end of the era. Civil Rights and Voter Rights were also being addressed. The top marginal income tax rate was over 90%.