I’m not sure what they’re mad about, since Democrats cannot even tell what is and isn’t a woman anymore. I wonder if they will protest by having the men wear skirts one day?
Missouri House tightens women’s dress code, requiring covering of arms
The Missouri’s House of Representatives kicked off its new session by tightening its dress code and requiring female lawmakers to cover their arms and wear blazers while in the state’s capitol-much to the dismay and outrage of House Democrats.
Lawmakers met on Wednesday to debate changes to the House rules, as is customary at the start of a new General Assembly every two years. The existing dress code, which was last updated in 2021, states that women are required to wear a “dress or skirts or slacks worn with a blazer or sweater and appropriate dress shoes or boots.”
That is horrendous! It’s so sexist to require women to dress appropriately for the job! How dare those male Republicans trot this out!
Republican state Rep. Ann Kelley proposed an amendment that would require women to wear jackets, defined as both blazers and knit blazers, with dresses, skirts, or slacks, and dress shoes or boots. Kelley stated that the update is necessary because “it is essential to always maintain a formal and professional atmosphere.”
Oh, wait, it was a woman who proposed this. How dare she want a formal and professional atmosphere. Of course, Democrats freaked out in the House, and on Twitter, and probably on other social media I did not see.
The move was decried as sexist as the men’s dress code was left unchanged. Men also must adhere to a dress code in the Chambers with male lawmakers required to wear “business attire, including coat, tie, dress trousers, and dress shoes or boots.”
So, the men already had a dress code. Kelley should have changed her amendment so that women would be required wear the same as men, not just add that women can also wear cardigans.
“How is encouraging professionalism wrong?” Kelley added. “If there is ever a time to honor traditions and be professional it is on the House Chamber Floor in the Missouri House of Representatives; I will not apologize for standing up for these things.”
Well, Ann, this is Liberal World, and they will go full barking moonbat over everything.

With the GOP it is all about controlling sexual expression.
People should express their sexuality at home not at work. You leftists really have zero standards at all. You are all filthy pigs.
el…et’s see… did they try saying it’s racist?