How many more will they find?
More classified documents found at Biden’s home by lawyers
Lawyers for President Joe Biden found more classified documents at his home in Wilmington, Delaware, than previously known, the White House acknowledged Saturday.
White House lawyer Richard Sauber said in a statement that a total of six pages of classified documents were found during a search of Biden’s private library. The White House had said previously that only a single page was found there.
The latest disclosure is in addition to the discovery of documents found in December in Biden’s garage and in November at his former offices at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, from his time as vice president. The apparent mishandling of classified documents and official records from the Obama administration is under investigation by a former U.S. attorney, Robert Hur, who was appointed as a special counsel on Thursday by Attorney General Merrick Garland.
Sauber said in a statement Saturday that Biden’s personal lawyers, who did not have security clearances, stopped their search after finding the first page on Wednesday evening. Sauber found the remaining material Thursday, as he was facilitating their retrieval by the Department of Justice. (snip)
Sauber’s statement did not explain why the White House waited two days to provide an updated accounting of the number of classified records. The White House is already facing scrutiny for waiting more than two months to acknowledge the discovery of the initial group of documents at the Biden office.
Um, why are Biden’s lawyers searching for documents when they do not have security clearances? Why are there not people with the proper clearances searching? The DOJ had zero problem with a highly visible dawn raid of Donald Trump’s property, tearing stuff up, searching through his wife’s clothes, right? That Biden didn’t know he had them should be concerning, as, how secure could they be?
Also, why is Biden at home in Wilmington this weekend, when his home is pretty much a national security crime scene?

Trump refused repeated requests to return the stolen documents
Biden voluntarily notified and returned documents.
Big difference even Trumpets must acknowledge.
Poor Melania!!
Having agents search through her clothes! (Maybe even fondle the tiny things she wore like garter belts during her lesbo iS&M B&D porn shoots!)
Melania should be more concerned about her legal liabilities. She and Donald filed jointly on those tax returns now under investigation.
Still pushin’ them lies, Harry? And just like your butt buddy jeff keene still attacking people’s wives I see. Melania had nothing to do with legally taken BY A PRESIDENT the fake crap you are peddling.
You leftists always go after the wives. Always. How about we go after your family? How about we accuse you of things you didn’t do like you do to others and keene did to me and Kye?
You leftists are pure commie scum.
Larry D.,
Grow up.
Guess Larry didn’t get the memo. He will, in the End.
Guys like you and Kye repeatedly refer to women as “whores”, so we thought you boys used “whore” as a term of endearment for women. You know, like that “whore” Pelosi, that “whore” Cameltoe Harris or that “whore” Hillary. You can understand our confusion. You both suddenly became sooooo upset when the shoe was on the other foot.
You both became such victims!!
Nazi boy,
I/we do that as a show of disrespect like you do when you don’t capitalize Christian or when you type tRump. You are such a snowflake. But that’s okay. If you want to start calling our wives and families names and if you want to get personally insulting we can play that game too.
Cameltoe Harris is/was Willies whore. Everyone knows that. Calling public figures names has a long history especially in politics but I figured we were better than to call each other and their families filthy perverse names. Apparently, nothing’s too low for you. So I responded. But I still never referred to your family or wife with nasty names. That’s just you so own it. I’m waiting for your apology.
Why would you care what I/we call Nazi Pelousy or other communist/nazi demofascists? They don’t care about you. They take/took your freedoms as much as ours. They forced you to take dangerous drugs just like us. They groom your kids just like they groom ours. You should join us and toss out these vermin and help make America great again. Or don’t you want America to be great?
Help us understand what you understand a whore to be. Is it any man or woman who has sex outside of marriage? Or is it a man or woman who gets paid to have sex? Or is it any woman you don’t like?
So, it’s OK to refer to Melania tRump as a whore and stripper. Donald Trump is obviously a whore and “groomer”. You brag about being a whore. Clearly, Marjorie Traitor-Greene is a whore (whose had multiple affairs), as is Lauren Bobbitt (who was reported to formerly be an escort).
Most men and women in America have had sex outside of marriage, so almost all Americans are whores.
You ask why we would care what you call others. Decency. “Men” of your ilk refer to women as “whores” to demean them, just as you refer to Black men as “coons”, LGBTQs as “fags” etc. It’s childish and indecent, and we feel obligated to point that out to you.
“Biden voluntarily notified and returned documents.”
documents he was not suppose to have in the first place.
biden returning the mishandled classified documents and expecting to be given a pass is like a bank robber returning the stolen money and expecting to be allowed to walk away scott free
even biden fanbois have to admit that
The Babylon Bee suggested that they may find more documents during Brandon’s next physical examination….
Dear H:
“Trump refused repeated requests to return the stolen documents”
As President Trump could declassify. As VP Biden could not.
“Biden voluntarily notified and returned documents.”
No, they were found. Plus, they are still finding them.
“Big difference even Trumpets must acknowledge.”
Cooperation with the police is about reducing the punishment for a crime previously committed. Impeachment and 5 years in prison sounds about right.
There is no evidence that the whore trump declassified the documents when he was President. When the documents were reported missing (not by the whore trump team but by the National Archives) the whore trump was no longer president.
Yes, the documents were found by President Biden’s team. They are being returned as they are found.
The House will most likely impeach President Biden. Prison for what?
Here’s an idea, boys and girls. Let’s stop calling people whores, Nazis, fascists, communists, faggots, coons, cameltoes, pedophiles, pedos, trannies, wetbacks, illegals, tRump… I know, I know, that’s disarming some commenters.
I have a better idea. Just stop calling each other inappropriate names but everyone else is fair game. We do have free speech you know.
It’s not “disarming” it’s dishonest. For example you and the rest of the radical democrat party have more in common with Stalin and Mengele than JFK and Jonas Salk therefore calling you all democommies or nazis is just the correct use of the labels. Aside from the fact that if you actually believe the crap you espouse here what else is there to call you? “Our friend from across the isle” dissolved when Hussein said he wants to fundamentally change America and you agreed. One doesn’t want to fundamentally change that which one loves so his statement said it all: none of you love America. And since we do love America we have very little in common politically. We want a freer and stronger republic and you want a censored and despotic one party state.
There is no place to compromise. Beside, in any compromise between good and evil only evil wins. We will not compromise with baby killing, child mutilation, fake words and lies, BLM/Antifa, CRT, anti White racism, anti Christian bigotry, going to war to protect a despot, fraudulent elections, collusion of the CCP and the biden crime family, two tier justice and so many more leftist ideas.
Even in this discussion you lie. It was not I or the other normal patriots here who called you and/or Hairy’s wife a whore. It was you. Own it. You called me a rapist. Own it.
Beside, nazi boy suits you. Perfectly.
Larry the Boy-Whore,
OK, fascist whore. I tried. Can’t help it if you are just too sensitive a soy-boy for the internet.
Your butt-buddy routinely calls me a pedophile. A slippery former con-menter repeatedly called my wife delusional.
What we have noticed about you and your butt-buddies is that insults and name-calling is ALL you have.
I’ll ignore your scheisse unless you direct toward me. You have nothing to say.
Dear Elwood
And there’s no evidence that he did not.
Either way, Biden could not. He has committed a serious crime.
As I wrote, cooperation with the authorities is about reduction of punishment for a crime previously committed.
His crime is obvious.
“Section 4
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”
He has without doubt committed a high crime. His relationship with China, and the Ukraine, brings in Treason.
Your nuGOP House of reactionaries will most likely impeach President Biden. It’s highly unlikely they’ll be able to persuade 67 Senators to convict.
So, there’s no evidence Trump DIDN’T declassify the documents, LOL?
Good luck with your fantasies!
He needs to be impeached, removed from office and hanged for treason, his remains cremated and spread in the sewers of America. All his property should be forfeit to pay reparations to the blacks his democrat comrades held as slaves (as should the property of all demofascists). His name should be stricken from the history of the US and his family scorned.
You commies keep gurgling about all kinds of BS Trump was “accused” of but nothing he ever actually did. Plus all you phony accusations are by political opponents and none are backed up by actual witnesses, spread by the anti American press wholly owned by the leftists and any facts conveniently censored.
Meanwhile one of your negress “lawmakers” Rep. Shelia Jackson Lee, long in the running for being the stupidest and most racist anti White anti American member of Congress (oops, did I just commit a crime?), has introduced legislation that could make political criticism by white people against minorities a federal crime. the bill proposes that a white person who “vilifies” any non-white person and has their words end up on social media, accessible by “persons who are predisposed to engaging in any action in furtherance of a white supremacy inspired hate crime,” would they themselves be committing a federal crime.
That sounds like some bullshit jeff keene would endorse being himself a White hating racist!
The only real “HATE CRIME” in America is voting for the demofascist party. Those lying, vote stealing election rigging pigs.
I’m all for people loyally supporting their team but I have some extensive experience in this.
There is absolutely zero possibility of Biden being held accountable for any documents in his possession. Even if he were not above the law as a “Biden”. Highly placed people in the government, like Senators and VPs have staff who handle classified documents for them. Same goes for compliance with federal records acts. As such, it is not possible for Biden to personally even know about which documents are in his files regardless of their classification. This is also true for Trump, and Obama, and Hillary.
Second, this isn’t 1965 where secrets are transmitted on paper and saved in filing cabinets. We have things called digital scanners, copy machines and high resolution cameras on every phone. Thus, no one, not even a president, needs a physical copy of a document in order to betray the national security of the USA. People who make this argument are just showing how uninformed they are on this issue. This is true for Trump as well as for Biden.
The entire documents “scandal” has always been a nothing burger with extra nothing. It only exists because it was invented by the Democratic party to sway 2% in the mid term elections. Just like the Russian Collusion “scandal”, the Trump is a racist “scandal”, the Trump is hiding income from Russian oligarch on his tax returns “scandal” and all the rest of the “scandals the democratic party has invented.
If these investigations get tot eh bottom of this, they will discover some intern put stuff in the wrong box and that intern now has a government job somewhere at the GS13 level and she doesn’t understand why the FBI wants to talk to her.
Only because Rep Cynthia McKinney (D-Atlanta) lost her primary in her totally safe Democratic party held district in 2006.