Of course, the Elites would be exempt
Great Reset: Individual CO2 Limits Needed to Fight Climate Change, Says German Scientist
An individual carbon dioxide limit should be applied to every person in order to establish a “planetary guardrail” in the effort to combat allegedly man-made climate change, a leading German scientist has argued.
Hans Joachim Schellnhuber from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) said this week that every person should have a limit of three tonnes of C02 emissions per year and those who exceed their limit should be forced to pay for the pleasure.
In comments reported by Taagesschau, Schellnhuber said that there were are two competing property rights issues at hand, namely the right to spend one’s money on high emissions activities and the rights of the rest of the population to “have an environment worth living [in]”.
In a carbon credit style scheme, those who emit over the three-tonne limit by the middle of the century would need to privately purchase credits from those who are under the limit, he suggested: “Every person gets three tons of CO2 per year, but if you need more, you just have to buy it.”
The average American is around 18-19 metric tons. The Elites would be able to afford to pay for their Bad Behavior. The average American would be forced to reduce their quality of life. And Government will be right there to make sure you comply.
Why combatting climate change means embracing degrowth
We are all aware of the ambitious changes we need to make if we are to avert catastrophic and irreversible climate change. However, exactly what we need to do remains a confusing minefield which few of us have the time or energy to navigate.
Every day we hear of a new technology that promises to suck carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, or a space-based solar technology that will power millions of homes, or, conversely, we find out that what was touted as a solution yesterday is no longer one today.
But all this “complexity” is just a distraction from the simple reality that to avoid catastrophic climate breakdown we need to make fundamental changes to the way we live.
This reality could in fact not be any simpler. We need to radically reduce our consumption of resources.
The weird thing is that most Warmists do not actually do this. And the climate cult understands that it would take government to force degrowth. And the biggest thing they want is reducing the energy use of you peasants
Other than leave our car in the garage and switch lights off when we are not using them, what can you and I do? Urge our government to implement policies that put human and ecological wellbeing at their centre, not growth. Putting strong incentives in place to drive energy conservation would be a good start.
Yup, government force.

Of course, it would be a German who advocated this! Seig Heil!
The prolific Mr Dana typed: Seig Heil!
Herr Professor Hans Joachim Schellnhuber is not a very efficient or effective Nazi since his suggestion is proposed for 2050!!
How many tones of CO2 does your basic volcano create? And how does that compare to little ol’ me?
According to Professor Google: The USGS says approximately 200 million tons CO2 per year for all volcanoes. That’s a big number! (That’s approximately what Vietnam emits each year).
And the average human (worldwide) is responsible for only 4.5 tons per year! The average American emits some 16 tons per year. So, all volcanoes contribute much more to global warming than you do, if you are an average resident of the US or Canada!!! In fact, volcanoes are worse than you and 12.5 million close friends combined! Winner! And nuCons will love this factoid: Eliminating Illinois would offset the CO2 pollution from volcanoes!
But you are not alone on Earth. 4.5 tons/human x 8 billion humans = … let’s see… carry the one… 36 billion tons or about 180x more emissions than volcanoes.
As you know, CO2 has a long atmospheric half-life (t1/2). Volcanoes also emit TONS of particulates that reduce incoming sunlight causing cooling! Huuuge eruptions, e.g., Mt Pinatubo in 1991 are credited with temporary cooling (1-2 years). The particulates and aerosols have a short t1/2 in the atmosphere.
My memory may be faulty but I kinda remember that then-President Trump suggested CO2- trapping “diapers” be placed over volcanoes to fix global warming.
It was just before he suggested implanting UV lights in lungs or infusing bleach to combat Covid.
I sent the WH a design for a solar-powered UV light embedded in masks but didn’t hear back. I woulda shared the royalties with the big guy. Any virus entering or trying to leave the mask would be aborted!!
Dear Elwood:
“My memory may be faulty….”
Yes it is. Not only faulty, you make things up.
Trump did not say that. And you know that, you’re just making BS up.
What he said was, and I saw the press conference, that it would be nice if we had that capability.
You know, WISHING.
Why do you lie?
You may be right. He says so many embarrassingly stupid things.
I think Mr Trump also suggested dropping an atomic bomb into volcanoes.
Did he suggest we drag hurricanes across the equator so that Coriolis forces would cancel them out?
Dear Elwood:
It is doubtful you can think. After all, Stupid is as stupid does.
Trump say drop nukes on hurricanes??
Snopes says he did not. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-nuke-hurricanes/
He also didn’t want to nuke volcanoes.
It’s the old game of one site telling a lie and then others repeating it using each other as the source.
Actually the concept of using nukes to break up hurricanes goes back to the 50’s when the question regarding fall out wasn’t all that important.
Trump is an “idea man.” He’s always asking why and why not. This bothers you Lefties who demand we all accept the way you want things done.
It appears those of you who do not support the efforts of our leaders to help undo the human damage being done to our earth do not fully realize the necessity of government power to create a broad plan. We as individuals can do little, but the government and the UN can force lagging governments and their citizens to comply with the climate needs of our planet.
Nothing is more important or more urgent.
It is the responsibility of wealthy countries like the USA to subsidize and support the poorer nations on their trip to sustainability. It’s our duty as the premier user of the resources. We should create a per capita tax on all Americans which would go into a World Fund and distributed to poor people throughout the globe by the IMF with special attention on black and nations of color.
We as a nation can no longer ignore the plight of the poor in other countries any more than that in our cities.
We can save the planet from the capitalists, businesspeople, energy abusers and farmers if we work together. The first thing we must do is completely open our borders to all people of the world. This country does not belong only to us, it belongs to humanity. Overwhelm the American bourgeoise until they are powerless then use their property to feed the world with renewable foods, energy and laws protecting the earth first, not the people.
Future generations will thank us.
Hana She/Her outlines (suspiciously) the worst fears of connies!
Well done.
Why do I outline (suspiciously) the worst fears of the connies? Who are the connies? Or do you mean “commies”?
There should be no fear in moving toward a fully sustainable humanity. In fact it should be lauded. We are not here to destroy the earth but to nourish it. I don’t see how that is a fear for anyone.
I am open to any other better suggestions you may have Mr. Dowd but mocking my ideas without putting forward any of your own does no one any good.
The earth as we know it will be burning in 12 years. It’s no longer a joke.
The connies are the conservatives that deny that global warming is an issue. “Connie” is a play on “commie”, which is what conservatives call anyone who is not a connie.
And the only idea I have regarding why you list the worst fears of the connies is that you’re being clever and mocking those that are serious about global warming.
Let me list the connie fears:
If a connie were to put forth a plan mocking what the DemoSocialistCommunistNewWorldOrderOneWorlders had in mind for them, it would be as you propose.
If you are serious, you should realize your goals are not attainable, as your proposals are unacceptable to 99%.
The Earth will NOT be burning in 12 years, at least not from global warming. It is possible that asteroids could strike or global nuclear war could erupt. That said, Earth does continue to warm which will have devastating effects on human societies.
The Earth will recover from whatever we humans inflict.
You are correct that our descendants would thank us for halting global warming.
Dear Hana She/Her:
You wrote: “We are not here to destroy the earth but to nourish it. I don’t see how that is a fear for anyone.”
Exactly what is the source for that claim?
You wrote: “We as individuals can do little, but the government and the UN can force lagging governments and their citizens to comply with the climate needs of our planet.”
The UN has no legal authority and what our government can do is limited as defined in the constitution. Are you suggesting that a world government be formed?
You write: “We can save the planet from the capitalists, businesspeople, energy abusers and farmers if we work together.”
If we eliminate farmers, how will be eat?
“We can save the planet from the capitalists, businesspeople, energy abusers and farmers”
Save the planet from Farmers?
Farmers grow the food we eat.
Also, we have another person who thinks that only the USA should have no borders.
Your ideas are nuts.
Volcanos emit about 3% as much CO2 as the total amount of CO2 emitted by humans.
Volcanos emit about 3% as much CO2 as the total amount of CO2 emitted by humans.
Teach are you representing that this one German scientist represents the majority of any significant climate change group?
Should he be considered an outlier? If so then your arguments are based on the falicey of the straw man argument
Since 2005 the average carbon footprint of an American has dropped 20% since 2005.0 should this trend continue we will have cut emissions by almost 50% by 2050.
Electric rates have skyrocketed less than 3% average per year over the last 20years due to solar and wind generation.
The cost of offsetting the average American carbon footprint would be about $90 to 100$
Carbon offsets for international air travel have been mandatory for 2 years. They add about 2% to the cost of a ticket.
Will you be posting any updates on how many Germans died from not being able to afford to heat their homes in the future?
Offset Boy-“carbon footprint dropped 20% since 2005…”. Which has done what? Nothing. As long as China continues as it has been, it won’t make a difference. Johnny-why do we need carbon offsets? Do you have any proof that “carbon offsets” will actually make any difference?
I’m hurt!
What do you think, Stupid is as stupid does, means?
LOL. LOL. You show every sign of being a cult member.
If you read the Snopes analysis you would note they said it was “unproven”.
I’m pissed at Biden and his staff for their clumsy and stupid handling their documents BS. I’m pissed at Biden for his neglect. Were you angry at all at Trump for his handling of his documents scandal? If not, why not?
When I present to you “conspiracy tales” about Trump that are easily disproved, does it make you reconsider all the “conspiracy tales” you read here and at Gateway etc? “The election was stolen!” “The Democrats are running a pedophile ring!” “Climate scientists are paid by the gubmint to support global warming!” “Obama was born in Kenya!” “The Dems are receiving billions from Zelenskyy!” “The Demoocrats manufactured 10s of millions of votes!”
What this implies is that connie cultists create these complex myths to explain their team’s failures. Trump didn’t lose, the Dems stole it! A million didn’t die of Covid, they died of the vaccine and the flu and car crashes! Trump has never done anything criminal, the FBI, CIA, AG and states are out to get him!
You’ve become as delusional as the rest here! You’ll be just as angry soon.
jeff keene calls everything not leftist a conspiracy. We’re used to that crap. Funny thing is he knows the truth he just chooses to ignore it. Yet he can repeat all that sexual and political conspiracy about Trump with a straight face. Gotta love a man that devoted to the communist party.
Abortion Larry calls everything not a right-wing conspiracy communist.
Stupid is as stupid does, Abortion Larry.
Do you ever tire of being you? It muat be quite the burden, Abortion Larry.
You amuse me jeff keene. A nobody who supports the murder of babies, the grooming and mutilation of children. What an example of leftist communist morality.
I see where your fearless leader went to a black church. Another big fukin lie from the lala land of leftist lies. Seems the commie bastard is in cahoots with the chicoms and some classified papers. How could that be? After all the shitraft he spit out about Trump who was legally able to take classified papers the pedo joe stole his own but for him it ain’t legal.
Looks like your illegitimate party is trying to push pedo out before the next election. Too much baggage? Maybe you guys want the whore and a tranny as exec officers. What a country you commies are making.
Rachael Levine for transpresident. Not only a pervert but a cult leader.
Dear Elwood:
“What do you think, Stupid is as stupid does, means?”
You just answered the question.
And then you sweetened the pot.
Dear Elwood:”
“The Earth will NOT be burning in 12 years, at least not from global warming. It is possible that asteroids could strike or global nuclear war could erupt. That said, Earth does continue to warm which will have devastating effects on human societies.”
Stupid is as stupid does.
“The Earth will NOT be burning in 12 years, at least not from global warming.”
They taught me in school it would be. Do you believe you’re smarter than tenured professors at a major college? Do you have a MS and PhD in climate science? The consensus of scientists and academics seem to think tat ten to twelve years from today we will be beyond help in curing man made global climate change.
This is an emergency. A crisis that needs addressing NOW. You think it’s funny but it’s deadly serious. Do you know how many PhD’s and Nobel laureates agree with me?
We need to end fossil fuels TODAY. Not just here but in every country on earth or there won’t be an earth.
Hana She/Her,
Your professors were exaggerating. The Earth will not be burning in 12 years but will very likely be warmer than now. It’s unlikely the Earth will ever “burn”. Although… high levels of atmospheric oxygen would make fires more likely, more easily spread, and more difficult to extinguish… so… maybe. But not from global warming from CO2.
Don’t misinterpret what I’m saying, as it’s likely the Earth will continue to become less habitable for humans.
Should we double down on our transition from fossil fuels to other forms? Absolutely, yes. But those of us who understand the reality of global warming need to be realistic. Nearly 2/3rds of CO2 emissions currently come from China, the US, Europe, India and Russia. Forcing Kenya to immediately stop using fossil fuels would not be productive. Meritoriously, the US (-15%) and EU (-20%) have both been reducing emissions over the past several years and doesn’t seem to have greatly harmed the economies or quality of life here or there.
China: 30%
United States: 14%
European Union: 10%
India: 7%
Russia: 5%
Japan: 4%
S Korea: 2%
Iran: 2%
Saudi Arabia: 2%
Canada: 2%
(International Shipping: 2%)
(International Aviation: 1.5%)
Almost 80% of CO2 emissions come from 10 nations. Another 7 nations contribute between 1% and 1.5% each. Indonesia, UK, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, S Africa, Turkey.
The remaining 180 or so nation add less than 1% each, most much less.
My suspicion is that you are intentionally exaggerating by mimicking the worst case scenarios spread by connies. Most governments, scientists, scientific organizations, major religions, corporations, universities agree that global warming is real and dangerous and must be addressed. And yes, suspending all burning of fossil fuels immediately would allow atmospheric CO2 to start to slowly return to what it’s been over the past 1 million years or so but would cause a collapse of the world economies.
Few reasonable people are calling for the immediate cessation of all fossil fuels.
So you are accusing me of lying through “intentional exaggeration”? Also spreading misinformation from your friends the connies again? Are these connies under your bed? Where are they? How come no other blog talks about them? Why hasn’t any of my professors told us about them?
People like you who make fun of the fact that if we don’t eliminate all fossil fuels the world will become unlivable in a couple decades make a mockery of the settled science. The arguments and debates are over. It’s not the connies fault since I doubt they exist. Only an old guy could believe we aren’t on the road to doom. Only a crazy person would still believe in capitalism when we can see what it has done to personkind.
Few intelligent people are not calling for the cessation of all fossil fuels. When you compare countries like China and India and the US to Kenya and such doesn’t mean much since the first three have populations in the hundreds of millions and billions and the others are mostly in the less than 25 million category. There is no comparison.
We also cannot talk climate control without addressing population control. My profs believe no country should be allowed a population higher than 25 million to save the planet. Most of the resources are wasted on these large population countries. If we eliminate that in conjunction with 100% renewables we can save the earth. They say the worst thing on earth next to fossil fuels are human beings. Both need to be addressed because they are both interlocked in the future of earth.
Thanks for your time.
Hana She/Her,
Thank you for confirming my suspicions. There were only two possibjlities: 1) You are either actually incredibjly naive or 2) you are pretending to be incredibjly naive to feed the connie narrative about global warming.
In the unlikejly event you are just an incredibly naive college student who found this blog, you have my apology. And sympathies. Global warming and jlife are more complicated than you believe.
If you are a Science Denier spreading the Denier gospejl, nice try.
Buh bye.
There you go with that connie thing again. Is everything because of the connies?
The only narrative I’m feeding is that which is the commonly known and taught in college to those of us who actually care about the earth. We actually read about population and climate. Then for some reason you give me a choice of two wrongs as confirmation of your suspicions. I can play that game too.
Since you refuse to engage with me about the dire forecast on global warming and find it necessary to label me as some kind of climate nut I guess there is no further discussion needed. You obviously are a climate denier and refuse to see the impending doom in our future if we fail to eliminate billions of excess humans and fail to eliminate all use of fossil fuels. This is what is being discussed right now in Davos and it is being discussed by the important people who know what to do about it and not deniers like yourself. They are scientists, media people, politicians and billionaires trying to fix what capitalism and unbridled freedom has done to our planet.
Overpopulation and pollution are joined at the hip and must be dealt with together if the select are to survive. You seem unequipped for the task.
As amusing as it is to watch you and Jeff (AKA Elwood) fight over trivia, you should know that you and he are on the same side on this issue. I will give you the Cliff* notes version since you are new here.
Jeff has no original thoughts on any subject. He strongly agrees with the Democratic party approved agenda on every topic and can pivot like a ballerina if any of those official positions changes.
You and he are natural allies. He refuses to engage with you because you are wasting his time. He is only on this site to make his political opposites angry. Since you are not his political opposite, he cannot feed on your angry soul. If he tried, he would find it tasteless and non-nutritious.
* What old people used to find out about a book instead of reading it before the internet was invented.
The fake nutty perfesser doesn’t realize that “Hana” is a connie playing games and listing the greatest fears of all connies. Gubmints, control, UN, no gas or oil, population control, professors, scientists, comply, force etc.
The fake nutty perfesser has no original thoughts but daily regurgitates what he hears on FOX and reads at Gateway and Breitbart. He’s a cowardly lyin’.
Hey perfesser. Do you agree with “Hana” that we should stop ALL use of fossil fuels immediately? I don’t. That’s why I engaged “her” and argued.
BTW, why are so afraid of this “jeff”?
Since Leftists have become a parody of themselves, it is literally no longer possible for me to tell when they are serious or a game playing troll. Good on you in being able to tell the counterfeit.
I don’t feel the need to agree or disagree with “Hana”. “She” seems to be suffering from a bad case of ADHD and I find her dialog difficult to follow.
Hana She/Her,
I don’t care what others or your “professors” say or don’t. “Connies” mocks conservatives and sounds close to “commies”. Get it? That it irks you is tejlling.
I’ll play!
What is your plan for dealing with overpopulation?
The current population is 8 billion and is predicted to level at around 11 billion in 2100. The growth rate is slowing.
Do you have a reasonable plan for stopping population growth? Or even reducing the current population?
We seem to agree on stopping most if not all burning of fossil fuels but disagree on timing. Your plan is to halt all now. Tomorrow how will people get to the hospital, to work, to the store? Keep their homes warm? Their lights on? Manufacture antibiotics? Purify water?
Is that part of your plan to reduce the population? People who need an ambulance deserve to die? People who can’t survive the cold deserve to die? People without food deserve to die? After all, humankind survived the middle ages!
It’s a fun game jl! But in all seriousness, the solutions required must be ACHIEVABLE. Anyone who is telling you the answers are easy is lying to you. Are you willing to harm, even kill billions of humans?
BTW, what did you not understand? The buh or the bye? LOL.
Sorry kid but you sound like a left wing loon to me. When you’re further left than a nut case like jeff keene then you’re a lost cause. You should go peddle you crazy at Daily Kos we’re all full up her with those we got.
Abortion Larry,
Now that you have a name, do you plan to use your gov’t contacts to track him down and firebomb his house? “Jeff” has insulted you AND your family.
Ok. I understand. It seems all I’ll get here is mocking and derision so I’ll go. My friends told me going to a conservative site with an honest discussion on my mind was unless but I didn’t believe them. Well, I did but only partially. I didn’t expect this. They were right you folks have no reason or ability to see any ideas.
Sorry I bothered you.
I’m sure you’ll understand Ta and Ta.
I didn’t refuse to engage but did tell you where you were wrong. I also asked you very specific questions that you refused to address.
I agreed that the Earth is warming rapidly from CO2 we’re adding to the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels. There is no scientific reason to expect this to stop without interventions. This warming will continue to cause cumulative negative effects on human populations.
Where we disagree is that the only hope for humankind is to stop all burning of fossil fuels immediately. Also, your contention that the Earth will “burn up” in 12 years is very likely untrue.
Right-wing climate change deniers persist in falsely claiming that those who understand global warming desire to destroy the economies, which is what you proposed. It won’t fly.