These are the people who constantly say to get vaxxed and boosted, and, as Good Little Liberals, do it themselves, right?
It Might Be Time to Mask Up at Award Shows
Here’s hoping your favorite celebs attending the Critics Choice Awards tonight wear masks. Three years into the COVID-19 pandemic and it seems Hollywood is still figuring out how to give each other golden statues without also creating a potential superspreader event. The proof: Colin Farrell, Jamie Lee Curtis, and others have backed out of the event after testing positive for COVID just days after attending the Golden Globes.
On Friday, three days after the Golden Globes, Curtis, who has been making the rounds this awards season with Everything Everywhere All at Once, announced that she tested positive for COVID-19. She even posted an Instagram photo of three different at-home tests to prove it, writing that she would be skipping the American Film Institute Lunch, BAFTA tea, and the Critics Choice Awards. Then on Sunday, The Banshees of Inisherin stars Farrell and Brendan Gleeson both confirmed to The Hollywood Reporter that they would not attend the Critics Choice Awards after testing positive for COVID-19. And Hacks co-creator Jen Statsky also appears to have come down with COVID. This weekend, she shared in an Instagram Story that she was “riddled with the novel coronavirus.” And that’s just the ones we know about.
Of course, there’s no telling when, where, or how these celebs caught COVID. It is an extremely contagious virus, and I assume that they all had things going on outside of attending the Golden Globes, so it’s not fair to assume that they got it at the ceremony. However, the Globes were a crowded indoor event, just as the Critics Choice Awards and other award-season events are expected to be, and there’s a lot of overlap on the guest lists. Not to mention, Hollywood saw a similar phenomenon last year with a small outbreak after the BAFTAs. Assuming we all want to make it to the Oscars, I would humbly suggest that celebs mask up to attend any future award shows. If Zendaya can wear a mask to the Oscars, you can too!
Yeah yeah yeah. How many of the celebs like Zendaya and Jessica Chastain who crowed about wearing masks outside on the red carpet took them off inside or at the after-parties? Isn’t that what the vaccines and boosters are supposed to do, keep you from getting COVID? That’s what we’ve been told about the vaccines and boosters. So, why are so many people getting COVID who were vaxxed? Considering that vast swaths of people who were forced to wear masks were getting COVID and dying in 2020 and 2021, what are masks supposed to do?
Anyhow, on to the creepy
Colorado health department to begin texting parents whose children need COVID vaccine
Effective now, parents of elementary school-aged children can expect a text message from the Colorado health department if their kids are due for COVID vaccine.
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) announced Friday it would be texting and emailing parents of kids 5-11 years old.
“While children are at a lower risk of severe COVID-19, they can still get sick and have serious and long-lasting symptoms,” CDPHE said in news release. “The COVID-19 vaccine is the protection against severe infection and can help children stay healthy while protecting their loved ones and communities. COVID-19 vaccines are free. Parents and guardians are entitled to paid time off from work while they take their children to get vaccinated.
Texts and emails will go out to those families whose records indicate their children are behind on the vaccine. Additionally, the health department has compiled a list of more than 2,000 vaccine providers across the state, as well as a “Class-to-Clinic” locator showing the closest vaccine providers to the state’s roughly 2,300 K-12 schools. Those resources can be found by clicking here and here.
That’s not creepy or invasive at all, right? Don’t these same leftists tell us that healthcare is between a person and their doctor?
New York State eyes nixed COVID-19 vaccine rule for health workers
The New York State Department of Health is “exploring its options” after a state Supreme Court judge struck down a statewide mandate requiring health care workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19, the agency said Saturday.
Judge Gerard Neri wrote in a ruling released Friday that Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul and the health department overstepped their authority by mandating a vaccine that’s not included in state public health law, the Syracuse Post-Standard reported.
The mandate is “null, void, and of no effect,” the judge said. He sided with Medical Professionals for Informed Consent, a group of medical workers impacted by the vaccination mandate.
Of course, the Progressives (nice Fascists) are looking for ways around the judge’s order.

Teach you misunderstand the use of both masks and covid vaxx.
They are designed to REDUCE the transmission rate. And REDUCE the symptoms if you do become ill
Some blue states that had high vax and masking rates had per Capita death rates 1/3 that of red states
In 2 states. Ohio and Florida GOP registered voters had a 76% higher death rate.
Neither ivermectin nor hydroclorquine seem to have helped
As usual, johnnie boy, you’re full of shit.

Bwaha! Lolgf
You’re a damn liar H. The vaccine was touted as a way to stop getting and passing on the scamdemic. The masks were said to stop the spread, not reduce anything.
At this point you are so brainwashed, so in the bag for our despotic rulers you cannot be trusted yourself. They lie and you swear to it. It’s been three years of nothing but lies and prevarications, changes in statements and a load of gaslighting by all the leftists and half of the normals in charge.
Even today when the CDC has admitted these things you are so convinced of the BIG LIE you can’t accept the change.
We can no longer allow people like you and jeff keene to lie to the people without penalty. This shit has to end. This woke crap has destroyed our culture and nation all because of your hate.
If they wore their masks while driving alone in their car it would never have happened…..
But, but, but, we were told by doctors, by trained medical professionals, “What people don’t realize is one dose of any COVID vaccine gives you 100% protection against being hospitalized or dying.”
It seems that at least some of those medical professionals were telling us ‘truths’ that they did not know to actually be true.
At every step along the way, we have had Our Betters telling us what they hoped would be true. Of course, what they were telling us changed along the way as actual results proved the earlier statements to be false. Now we’ve reached the point at which all “they” claim is that the vaccines will make your symptoms milder if you do contract COVID, but also that the Omicron variant produces less serious illness. Both statements could be true, but there’s no way to know if both are true, so once again, “they” are talking out of their anuses (ani?) again.
We have a virus running rampant through the population, and nobody knows how many people have contracted it, because most cases are so mild, and since most (?) tests are now performed at home, we don’t know what the positivity rate is.
I’ll tell you the real truth about COVID, and it’s that nobody knows the real truth about COVID.
As has been previously discussed, the data from the initial clinical trials did show almost complete inhibition of Covid infections. Subsequently it was shown the complete inhibition lasted only some 4 weeks after which breakthrough cases appear, but the seriousness of the infections was reduced. Anti-vaxxers claim they were lied to, but the reality was well, science. Obviously, the Covid pandemic was rapidly developing – the vaccine program was like flying an airplane while still building it.
Since the vaccines were developed under Trump’s aegis, his supporters feel compelled to blame the medical community for any deficiencies. And of course the vaccines are a part of the ChiComDemOneWorldOrderControl conspiracy.
Your best bet to avoid dying of Covid (fortunately a rare outcome), is to be vaccinated and boosted and wear a mask where appropriate.
And you can gauge your risk by assessing your comorbidities: age, obesity, lung disease, local health care facilities, heart disease, compromised immunity, hypertension, diabetes etc
BTW, I know several influenza vaccinated people who have caught influenza A this flu season. Are the flu vaccines part of the conspiracy?
This has always been the case going back to the tribal witch doctor or barbers applying leaches. We certainly know a lot more real truth about medicine than we used to but there is still a lot of out-right quackery going on out there. Some of it is intentional like the thieves who sell “dietary supplements” and “eastern medicine” with all sorts of unsupported claims of wonderfulness. But also true of lots of drugs coming from drug companies. Thalidomide was once “safe and effective”. Fen-Fen was once “safe and effective”.
In every area of the information sphere, we trust what other people tell us about things because non eof us have the time and resources to independently verify every claim. Modern doctors and medical school teachers don’t have that sort of time and resources either. They trust what other people tell them. Some of what they are told is true. Some is mostly true. Some hasn’t been proven false yet. And some is known to be untrue and yet deliberately passed along as if true.
We really don’t know how much of the COVID theater in the past 2 years fall into each of those categories. We know with certainty that there was a lot of lying, misinformation and fraud by people we should have been able to trust. We know with certainty that the data was fudged from the beginning. I suspect we will never really know how much of it was based on lies, how much on fears, how much on best intentions with the information available, and how much wishfull thinking.
We will also never know what the true impact of COVID was. We offered cash bonuses to hospitals to list cause of death as “COVID related”. There is bound to be some misrepresentation with such perverse incentives. We will never know the true morbidity rates.
What we should have all learned is that even previously trusted sources should be looked at critically and with healthy skepticism.
Do the world a favor. Line up Hollywood leftists, make sure they’re all up to speed on their shots and boosters. No placebos or saline shots for them.