Funny, the Biden admin is fine with letting enormous amounts of illegals and “asylum” seekers into the nation, but, with (possibly) real refugees, they want sponsors. How about asking members of Congress, their staffs, and high ranking members of the Executive Branch to be the first ones to sponsor them?
New program lets private citizens sponsor refugees in US
Everyday Americans will be able to help refugees adjust to life in the U.S. in a program being launched by the State Department as a way to give private citizens a role in resettling the thousands of refugees who arrive every year.
The State Department plans to announce the program, dubbed the Welcome Corps, on Thursday. The agency aims to line up 10,000 Americans who can help 5,000 refugees during the first year of the program.
“By tapping into the goodwill of American communities, the Welcome Corps will expand our country’s capacity to provide a warm welcome to higher numbers of refugees,” according to the announcement.
The State Department has traditionally worked with nonprofit groups that specialize in refugee issues to help people from around the world when they first arrive in the country and face a dramatically different way of life. Under the program being announced Thursday, five or more Americans would be able to form a group and fill this role as well.
They would apply to privately sponsor refugees to resettle in America, and would be responsible for raising their own money to help the refugees during their first 90 days in the country. Assistance would include everything from finding a place to live to getting kids enrolled in school.
Interesting. The federal government will let them in and then require private citizens to support them? Well, Congress members make some good money, right? They all surely have a spare bedroom, right?
A consortium of nonprofits with expertise in refugee resettlement will help oversee the vetting and certification of people and groups who want to be private sponsors. They’ll also offer training so private sponsors understand what’s needed to help refugees adjusting to life in America. The consortium will be responsible for monitoring the program.
Double interesting. These people will be vetted, unlike the millions showing up at the border and being let in. I’m sure Biden will get his base to put their money where their mouths are, but, will the rich supporters get involved?

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