Stop resisting. Give your money and freedom up to Government already. Otherwise, deep space shots like this may possibly not be possible In The Future
How Our View of the Universe Could Slowly Fade Away
Toni Santana-Ros is an asteroid hunter.
At nightfall, after the final scenes of fiery clouds and flamingo sunbeams fade to black, he peers up at the sky to watch space rocks swimming along our solar system’s gravitational tides. Sometimes, he sees shards casually cruising next to Earth, greeting telescopes with a gentle “hey,” never to be observed again.
Occasionally, he catches one on a crash course with our delicate blue orb.
Last year, Santana-Ros, a planetary scientist at the University of Alicante in Spain, sprung into action when astronomers realized an asteroid named 2022 WJ1 was headed straight for the border of Canada and the United States. With barely four hours on the clock, he mustered his team to help pinpoint how menacing this asteroid would be.
What towns would it threaten? Would it be like the dinosaur-killing Chicxulub or merely make a “plop” sound before sinking into a sturdy body of water? “Luckily,” he concluded, “the object was small and just produced a spectacular fireball.”
But what if such a time-sensitive asteroid warning had been sent out in November of 2020, when Santana-Ros’ telescopes were shut down because of bushfires ravaging the region and covering lenses with inky layers of ash? Or in February of 2021, when bushfire debris made its way into some telescopes, forcing astronomers to dismount instruments and pull blobs of soot from them after the wind settled?
“Climate change is already affecting astronomy and my work,” Santana-Ros said.
No matter the question, the climate cult always has the answer. Heck, if there’s no question, they’ll make one up. Because wildfires never happened before fossil fueled vehicles.
Time and again, studies have shown that climate change is leading to an increase in wildfire occurrence and severity as the years go by. With our present greenhouse gas emission trajectory, some models even predict that the risk of very large wildfires in the US will increase sixfold by the middle of the century.
Who pays the price when this fails to happen?
Cyclones, floods, fires and droughts are becoming the norm in astronomy hubs like Hawaii and New Mexico. Sites like the Les Makes Observatory in Paris were hit by severe storms at the same time Santana-Ros had to contend with wildfires near his tools in Australia.
And it’s not just full-on disasters that we have to worry about. It’s also the smaller things: changes in temperature, humidity, steady weather – elements telescopes usually rely on to operate in tip-top shape.
Yes, storms never happened before. The climate never changed. The weather was always steady before 1850. This is a cult.

Importantly, here’s what the reference actually stated:
This is not a criticism of Mr Teach but rather the author of the CNET piece, Monisha Ravisetti, who appeared to have conflated the above information into “a six-fold increase by mid-century”. Very sloppy reportage (propaganda?) by Ravisetti and CNET.
The general assertion that global warming leads to more extensive wildfires is valid, so no need to exaggerate the risks CNET.
“More extensive wildfires..” Except the data doesn’t show that-anyway, 80-90% of wild fires are started by humans and/or igniting.
20 million more people living in California since 1970 would correspond theoretically to more wildfires. California’s 1st and 2nd most dangerous fires, the Campfires and Thomas fires, were started by downed power lines. California’s largest fires area-wise-the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th in order of areas burned, were started by accidents.