My first thought on this includes the phrase “f*** off.” My second is “f*** right off.”
US proposes once-a-year COVID shots for most Americans
U.S. health officials want to make COVID-19 vaccinations more like the annual flu shot.
The Food and Drug Administration on Monday proposed a simplified approach for future vaccination efforts, allowing most adults and children to get a once-a-year shot to protect against the mutating virus.
This means Americans would no longer have to keep track of how many shots they’ve received or how many months it’s been since their last booster.
The proposal comes as boosters have become a hard sell. While more than 80% of the U.S. population has had at least one vaccine dose, only 16% of those eligible have received the latest boosters authorized in August.
The FDA will ask its panel of outside vaccine experts to weigh in at a meeting Thursday. The agency is expected to take their advice into consideration while deciding future vaccine requirements for manufacturers.
In documents posted online, FDA scientists say many Americans now have “sufficient preexisting immunity” against the coronavirus because of vaccination, infection or a combination of the two. That baseline of protection should be enough to move to an annual booster against the latest strains in circulation and make COVID-19 vaccinations more like the yearly flu shot, according to the agency.
If the vaccines were working as stated, it might make sense. They aren’t. Yes, yes, there are the side effects, but, realistically, how many meds/treatments do you see on TV with all sorts of side effects, up to and including death? I had to stay away from a certain allergy medicine because it was giving me bloody noses. But, the COVID vaccines are really not stopping people from getting COVID, now, are they. Are they really reducing the symptoms of COVID? I know a bunch of folks who have gotten COVID over the last 6-9 months, who haven’t had their booster, if they got one, since September 2021. They were fine. Now, maybe if they have serious pre-existing conditions, it might be worth it. But, with COVID changing so much, would they even target the strains? Every year the flu shot targets a bunch of different flu strains, and, hopefully you do not get a different one.
If they can develop a vaccine that actually works to stop people from getting COVID, I’ll take another.
Meanwhile, for a laugh

No person in their right mind would trust the government.
If the government thinks they are so wonderful (safe and effective), maybe they should lift the COVID era protections from manufacturers and get FDA approvals for them in the normal course of government business, with manufacturers taking appropriate risks for harms they cause.
After three years, and with lots of effective treatments for COVID, you can’t keep standing on that emergency use authority. There has been time to do normal vaccine testing and approvals.
The vaccines have been in use for over 2 years with hundreds of millions of subjects. The Pfizer-BioNTech (COMIRNATY) and Moderna (SPIKEVAX) vaccines are FDA approved.
The Covid vaccines are covered by the same legislation as other vaccines since 1988 (see below). Vaccines tend to be low profit agents and recall that in the US pharmaceutical companies are private entities whose existence depends on profits and payouts to shareholders.
We’ve gone through this before but 42 U.S. Code § 300aa–22:
Also read over Mr Trump’s PREP Act which further clarifies liability.
If you have adverse reactions to any vaccine you can receive compensation through the US vaccine compensation plan.
have you seen this?
No comment on all your provably false claims?
In general, the willful ignorance of the American nuRight is anathema to a purported democratic republic.
The concept of democracy terrified the founding fathers who believed to a man that the inherent wisdom and grace of white male property owners was necessary for a properly functioning nation.
Keep the working class working and not thinking. Pay enough to keep them poor and “hungry”. Keep them busy scrambling for scraps so you can shovel “all they need to know” into 30 second TV ads!
I find it best not to engage you at all. Maybe you should cut-paste what the CDC site says instead. Then have someone who cares read it for you.
We understand your reluctance to admit you are wrong, but don’t expect your falsehoods to go unnoticed and uncorrected.
Everyone needs a hobby. Glad you found one that is mostly harmless.
We suggest you do the same.
In case it wasn’t clear. Not a single statement in the comment is true.
The protections for vaccine manufacturers go back over 3 decades and applies to all vaccines.
It’s been just over 2 years, not 3, and both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have FDA approval.
If you don’t want the Trump Flu (TruFlu)* vaccine shots, don’t get them.
We understand that nuCons don’t believe the TruFlu pandemic killed over 1.1 million Americans, espousing the contradictory conspiracy tale that the TruFlu virus was created in a Chinese laboratory (in cahoots with Dr Fauci et al) to enable global “control”.
What’s currently unknown is whether the current TruFlu will mutate into a more dangerous variant. The medical community is still trying to understand the sequelae of “long Covid”.
*How many Americans have been honored by having a disease named after them? Mr Trump is right up there with another beloved New Yorker, Lou Gehrig!
I fully support her right to chose her partners on the basis of arbitrary and capricious political compatibility. She is still young and pretty-ish, for now. I’m sure this will not negatively come back to haunt her. It is sad that she is illiterate though. The ability to communicate in complete sentences is a useful skill in any society.
She was wise to reject an anti-vaxxer/anti-science partner.
Note how the tweeter misogynist twits attacked her, many commenting that her ex-guy dodged a bullet! LOL. She’s better off dumping that boy or girl sooner rather than later. Most of the incels probably whacked-off watching the short video. LOL.
The anti-science society (ASS) is exclusively a conservative subspecies (except for Robt Kennedy Jr).
“The anti-science society is a conservative subspecies…”
This from a member of a society that can’t define male or female? That was satire, correct?
Where’s the young lady’s mask? Or will she put it on as she drives home alone bc she kicked her boyfriend out…?