Some people really need to be fired if they’re only figuring out now that spy balloons crossed into the U.S. without being noticed at the time
This is how dumb they think we are:
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) February 6, 2023
Let’s stay with CNN for a moment
Pentagon says it had an ‘awareness gap’ that led to failure to detect 3 Chinese balloons under Trump
The American military had a “domain awareness gap” that allowed three other suspected Chinese spy balloons to transit the continental United States undetected under the Trump administration, the Pentagon general responsible for providing air and missile defense over North America said on Monday.
“Every day as a NORAD commander, it’s my responsibility to detect threats to North America. I will tell you that we did not detect those threats,” Gen. Glen VanHerck, commander of US Northern Command and North American Aerospace Defense Command said when asked about the three other balloons.
So, how do you know they occurred? He failed to answer that question.
“And that’s a domain awareness gap that we have to figure out, but I don’t want to go into further detail.”
Word salad. He also yammered about “having additional fidelity at this time”. But, did not answer questions over 1. how NORAD allowed the balloon to cross the U.S. and 2. what proof he has that they did whole Trump was president.
VanHerck added that the intelligence community after the fact was able to gather intelligence “from additional means that made us aware of those balloons that were previously approaching North America or transited North America.”
That’s convenient, eh? But, don’t ask what those means are, years after the events supposedly occurred.
Past surveillance balloons were discovered at the beginning of the Biden administration because President Joe Biden directed the intelligence community “to increase both our vigilance and the assets that we were deploying to be able to detect Chinese efforts to spy against the United States,” said national security adviser Jake Sullivan.
Oh, please. First, that sounds like pure mule fritters, second, how would this have picked up spy balloons, when they would have been looking for electronic? Seriously, they’re just making this crap up as the go.

LOL. So, President Donald J. Le Petomane’s administration didn’t address Chinese spy balloons because they weren’t aware of them. Believable excuse?
LOL. Fake President Daughter Rapist Liar Robinette Biden didn’t address Communist Chinese spy balloons because he is paid by the commies not to see them.. Whooda thunk?
If you’re dumb enough to believe balloons were sent over the US and Trump didn’t shoot them down you’re dumb enough to believe President Daughter Rapist Liar Robinette Biden got 81 million legitimate votes. And that is totally dumb. Even blacks ain’t buying that shit.
President Biden received 81 million votes. Anyone still denying this truth is deranged.
Our ex, child rapist, liar, grifter, adulterer and traitor, Donald J Trump, was consumed with everything EXCEPT the good of the nation. No wonder his administration ignored his buddy Commie Xi sending surveillance balloons over America. How about that “beautiful
piece of chocolate cake”!!
The mental health expert Mr Dowd wrote:
A person who is not deformed and born with a penis and testicles is male. Anyone still denying this truth is deranged.
See how that works?
Of course, Mr Dowd was responding to Mr White’s statement, “you’re dumb enough to believe President Daughter Rapist Liar Robinette Biden got 81 million legitimate votes,” emphasis mine, so Mr Dowd was actually attacking a straw man.
Me? I knew that the election was lost as soon as states started nearly unrestricted main-in voting. Conservatives are simply harder-working, stronger citizens than liberals, and are more likely to get up and go to the polls. By sending ballots to lazy people’s homes, complete with postage-paid return envelopes, more of the shiftless and lazy and drug-addicted voted, and they tend to heavily vote Democratic. Joe Biden won because a greater percentage of the people who shouldn’t vote and normally don’t vote, voted. And the result is just what one would expect: when worthless people vote, worthless results are obtained.
This particular commenter pines for the days when only white, property-owning men could vote. They also would support any policy “discouraging” the lazy, shiftless and drug-addicted from voting. They forgot to include “uppity”. Of course, many of these people they hate are poor, the working poor, disadvantaged or disabled. Not every American has the privilege the commenter has.
The unAmerican commenter believes there are Americans who “shouldn’t vote” who should have no say in their representation, which has been a common theme of white conservatives for centuries. They consider these Americans “worthless”.
We get it. White conservatives are afraid of losing their guarantees of white privilege, having as they do, a compact with the wealthy, political donor class to always support the upward distribution of wealth. Comfortable white cons such as the commenter support the status quo – the wealthy getting wealthier, the poor getting poorer, the comfortable being comforted by the nation. The idea that the working poor should receive significantly greater pay or better benefits is anathema. Allah forbid these souls voting in their own self-interests.
But we can compromise. Force all Americans to only vote in person. Every state should have 1 polling place/10,000 citizens with those polling places in each of the 4 most populous cities in each state, or every city with over 100,000 residents. Voting would be restricted to the hours of 6 PM to 6 AM to accommodate hard-working, strong Americans who work during the day. Here in Missouri we’d have 50 polling places within the Kansas City city limits. In St Louis we’d have 30. In Springfield, 15. In Columbia, 10. Hard working, strong voters should have no objection traveling 100 miles to vote. This would limit the voting of shiftless voters and make it simpler for the government to limit all to only legitimate votes. In KY, polls would be in Louisville, Lexington, Bowling Green and Owensboro.
The Socialist from St Louis wrote:
I noted that Mr Dowd inferred something I did not imply, and has implied, by saying that I forgot to include “uppity,” I meant blacks. Nope! The lazy, shiftless and drug-addicted include blacks, whites, Indians and just about everybody.
The advantages I have today are the advantages I earned, earned by working hard, every day. I grew up in poverty, after my father abandoned my mother, and she had to work to support three children by herself, with an ex-husband who saw child support as more of an option than an obligation.
What did I do? Being graduated from college in 1977, during the Jimmy Carter malaise economy, I took the job I could find, in construction. As I wound up in ready-mixed concrete production, I got ahead of other employees by the simple act of showing up on time, every day; there was never any worry that I’d call out sick. I got ahead of other employees because I was never the “that’s not my job” type, but would do whatever needed to be done when it needed to be done. I survived multiple rounds of layoffs because I had proven that I could do any job necessary.
Their own self-interests? What you mean is them voting to take more of what they have not earned away from those who earned it.
The whazi (white nazi) from Kentucky seems to take things personally. We’re not claiming you haven’t earned your comforts. White privilege is not related to upbringing but rather to lack of pigment.
Granted it’s difficult to assign how much of a person’s comfort is earned vs unearned. In general, it’s easier for a bank president’s son from Ladue, MO to make a comfortable living than the son of single mom from East St. Louis, IL, regardless of color.
In general, a white man, over 6′ tall, no deformities, average waistline, average intelligence, average comportment has an easier path than most others. Again, it’s difficult to quantify that advantage (i.e., privilege).
Most liberals recognize this, most conservatives deny it.
“Voting in their own self-interest” is actually shorthand to reduce union busting, increasing minimum wage, reduce upward distribution of rewards, increase taxes on the wealthy (for the common good), decrease the regressive taxes on the working class, guarantee SS, Medicare and Medicaid (if not universal healthcare), to reign in UNFETTERED capitalism. The lives of even most poor whites would benefit from Democratic legislatures.
Pouring concrete is a much more demanding job than almost any CFO has, but the CFO will make 10 times more! What a system. Working concrete, laboratory technicians, carpenters, 7-11 clerks, waitpersons, cooks, WalMart workers, bookkeepers, are all necessary jobs, otherwise the economy would shed them. And no, a 21 year old WalMart clerk doesn’t “deserve” equal pay to a neurosurgeon, but shouldn’t the clerk “deserve” to make a living wage? Wouldn’t that make American a stronger nation?
Getting up on time for work is white supremacy.
Speaking English in an English speaking country is privilege.
Being reared by white parents (at least one) is white privilege.
Shame on you. Shame.
Some people feel personally attacked when the obviousness of white privilege is pointed out.
Babies don’t choose their parents, so we don’t earn white privilege, it’s inherited.
In general, life is easier for a white male in America.
Black men make about 75% of what white men make. About half of the pay discrepancy between black and white males, when the groups are controlled for education (5%), part vs full time (1%), age, state (1%) and industry/occupation (9%), remains unexplained.
This song’s for Elwood.
Better yet, Democratic party activists could save them the effort and even fill out the ballots for them and make sure they got delivered to collection points. And just to be more efficient, they could skip the middle man and just put the manufactured ballots straight into the ballot box.
What would really leave Joey speechless (although they won’t do it) is if the Republicans all showed up tonight for the SOTU carrying white helium balloons.

Bwaha! Lolgf
This all makes sense-that the Brandon administration waited apparently for a week to “discover” that a similar situation happened during the Trump administration. When pressed on the matter, they admitted that Trump never knew about the alleged infraction. It all makes perfect sense because they’ve offered zero evidence for it happening under Trump. Business as usual..
And Johnny-what happened to you being so sure of this happening under Trump? A little too much CNN?