Nothing like having a bunch of neurotic, doom-focused kiddies working for companies, needing lots of time off and lots of kid gloves, eh?
Young people who are considering careers in climate change work have a significant advantage over older generations because they will not have to invest the same amount of effort convincing people that human-caused climate change is a problem, Vice President Kamala Harris told an audience at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta.
“Students who are here and those who are thinking about their role in this: You are going to come out and just leapfrog over all of us,” Harris said on Wednesday.
“Because, you know, especially for our younger leaders, the benefit that you have is you’re not burdened by any question about, ‘Is this real?’” she said.
That’s not currently the case, Harris said. “That is great because we’ve been having to deal with some folks who just literally … we’re kind of like, ‘Have you looked out the window?’”
I can’t wait till the youts modify their own lives to be carbon neutral, instead of taking lots of fossil fueled trips to places to take selfies and videos, etc and so forth, all the things I’ve written hundreds of times.
“Let’s all stay active in this and understand … this is the planet we’ve got. It is a precious place. It is — it is a place that we have a responsibility for taking care of, and that there is a whole lot of work that can be done,” Harris said. “But the clock is not just ticking, it’s, like, banging. It is requiring us to move quickly. But there is so much to be excited about in terms of what we can do.”
Banging! It’s banging! And then Kamala took a fossil fueled flight back to D.C.

From NOAA:
The duration of solar minimum(number of sunspots observed) may also have an impact on Earth’s climate. During solar minimum there is a maximum in the amount of Cosmic rays, high energy particles whose source is outside our Solar system, reaching earth. There is a theory that cosmic rays can create nucleation sites in the atmosphere which seed cloud formation and create cloudier conditions. If this were true, then there would be a significant impact on climate, which would be modulated by the 11-year solar cycle
The same website shows their prediction of sunspots for each month out to 2040. This month its 84.
By 2030 it will be in the teens and reaching single digits by 2031 as the earth heads for solar minimum.
Ever wonder why they keep choosing 2035 for their target date. Yeah….Sunspots will be less than 1 sunspot per month reaching ZERO sunspots after 2035 and staying that way for a long, long time.
The Grand Solar minimum is upon us. It comes around every 300-plus years.
According to them….at solar minimums the sun allows more outside cosmic rays to hit earth as the protection from the sun is at a MINIMUM causing CLOUDY conditions which you know….cause the last great mini ice age during the last GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM.
Who knows? Not them. It is only a theory. A good one since the ENTIRE SOLAR SYSTEM IS PROTECTED BY THE SUN’s MAGNETIC SHIELD. As the sunspots grow weaker, this solar protection does too. Will be great for Elon Musk sending astronauts to MARS during a Grand Solar minimum.
Now you know some of the rest of the story. I am sure somehow this causes earthquakes too. I think its foreign Alien Conservatives on far away planets throwing shade at the earth until something sticks.
The next generation will only ‘leapfrog’ current workers if they will get off their dead asses and work!
Must really suck to be that stupid.
Oh boy!
Probably hasn’t see the border either.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Holy Suckface!

Bwaha! Lolgf
[…] Pirates Cove notes the most boring woman on earth wants youths to get fired up […]