They’re still trying to make this happen, even though the “vaccines” do not really stop people from getting Wuhan flu, and may not even keep the symptoms from getting bad and death
CDC adds COVID vaccine to routine immunization schedule for kids, adults
COVID-19 vaccines are now included among the routine shots recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for children, adolescents and adults.
The 2023 list includes shots for the flu, measles mumps and rubella, polio, and other inoculations.
The vaccine schedule represents the current recommendations for people as a regular part of their vaccinations against common infectious diseases. It does not mean the CDC is requiring a COVID-19 shot for children or that schools will have to require that students receive the shot before enrolling.
The vaccine schedule is an important resource for physicians, especially pediatricians, that can help guide them on when it’s best to administer certain vaccines.
Other than flu, all those shots are required pretty much everywhere in the U.S., and most if not all 1st World countries, in order to attend school. Be in the military. Certain companies, especially in the medical field. And, they actually work. They’re innoculations. Get the polio one, and you will NOT get polio. I haven’t heard about schools requiring flu shots, but, you can bet with this Blue states and cities will require children to have the Chinese coronavirus shots before being allowed to come to school.
I wonder if all these CDC folks making these recommendations are making money off the COVID vaccines?
The CDC does not have the authority to mandate vaccines; that decision is left up to states and local jurisdictions.
For example, the flu vaccine has long been on the schedule of recommended childhood immunizations, but hardly any state actually mandates it for public schools.
Governments do pretty much follow the CDC guidance on all the other vaccines. You can expect them to add Wuhan flu shots to all the others. They won’t let it go. Kids will have to get them, and our Woke military will probably require them again.

Teach himself got the Trump vaccines.
Red states with the lowest vax and masking rates had up to 3 times higher per Capita death rates from covid as did the blue states with the lowest per Capita death rates.
Trump himself got vaxxed, after he almost died from covid.
Teach are you aware that polio boosters may be required ? Do you really feel qualified to give medical advice? Do you get your opinions from Dr Oz on TV ?
Are you still recommending ivermectin? Will that also help in removing warts?
So, Mr Teach has gone full-on anti-vax, at least concerning the TrumpFlu (aka TruFlu).
We have no bulletproof vaccines for influenza, “common” colds, TruFlu, HIV, tuberculosis, malaria, Chagas, elephantiasis, hookworm, liver flukes, Nipah, Lassa, MERS, Lyme, West Nile, Zika, hepatitis C or RSV – diseases that kill millions.
Why don’t we have bulletproof vaccines against EVERY communicable disease??
One reason is that vaccines are not big money-makers for private industry, unless gubmints step in to support the development costs. Few private investors want to invest a $ billion over 10 years that may or may not be successful – especially if the objective is to save poor kids overseas.
The other reason is scientific. Genetically stable viruses (e.g., smallpox, polio, chickenpox, measles) mutate slowly and natural immunity or vaccines can provide long-term if not life-long protection. On the other hand, HIV, TruFlu, influenza and cold viruses are much less stable and mutate rapidly allowing them to evade the immune response (whether natural or vaccine) sooner.
Vaccines effective against bacteria diseases have been developed (e.g. pneumococcal pneumonia, tetanus, meningococcus, typhoid, cholera, anthrax, haemophilus). Although bacteria are an order of magnitude more complex than viruses they tend to be more stable. But note bacterial mutants do eventually evade the most important tool for reducing infection – antibiotics. Parasitic diseases (e.g., malaria, liver flukes, amebiasis etc) are even more complex!
The TrumpFlu is caused by a rapidly mutating coronavirus. The initial vaccines were highly effective against the target. The novel mRNA vaccines also offer a rapidly adaptable platform for generating “new” vaccines to track with the TrumpFlu variants which appear to “change their spots” as rapidly does their namesake.
Mr Teach (and others) whine that the TrumpFlu vaccines aren’t perfect. They aren’t. But neither are influenza vaccines. But note that influenza kills “only” 10s of thousands of Americans/yr while the TrumpFlu killed over a million Americans (and about 500 Americans are still dying daily from the TrumpFlu).
The money shot: The mortality rate for the unvaccinated is 5 times greater than that of vaccinated Americans.
As an American, it’s your choice whether to get vaccinated. “You roll the dices, you takes your chances!”
Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.