Is it any wonder that the youts are having lots of mental issues when they are treated to a constant litany of doom and gloom?
Greta Thunberg: ‘The World Is Getting More Grim by the Day’
There is genuinely no precedent in the modern history of geopolitics for the climate activist Greta Thunberg.
Four and a half years ago, she began “striking” outside of Swedish parliament — a single teenager with a single sign. She was 15. In just a few months, she had made her mark at the United Nations climate conference in Poland: “You are not mature enough to tell it like it is,” she told the assembled diplomats and negotiators, “even that burden you leave to us children.” (snip)
In early February I spoke with Thunberg, who was in Sweden, over Zoom, about why she believes it is now a trickier time to be a climate activist than when she began, why it’s no longer sufficient to listen to the scientists, the necessity of systems change and whether she still believes in the basic goodness of people. The conversation has been edited lightly for clarity and length. (snip)
What’s changed, if anything, since then?
(St. Greta) It seems like the world is getting more and more grim every day. The concentration of CO? is now higher in the atmosphere and causing more and more extreme weather.
But there are also positive things that have changed. We have more people now who are mobilized and who are in the climate movement, in the fight for the climate and social justice.
So I guess that’s a good thing. But we have to be able to zoom out and see that we are still moving in the wrong direction. The things that people said back then that they were going to do, they still haven’t done, which proves, or which shows us, that it was just empty promises and really not taking it seriously, unfortunately.
Oh, good, the kids are mobilized. What are they doing in their own lives? What are they giving up in their 1st World lives to help out the folks in the 3rd world shitholes developing nations, since the mostly 1st World white kids think that blacks and browns cannot get ahead on their own (their beliefs do seem rather racist, eh?)?
Four or five years ago, you were really emphasizing that we need to listen to the scientists. Is that still sufficient?
No, of course not. In the beginning — well, “in the beginning” — people have been campaigning about this for decades. But when I began, I said we need to listen to the scientists because people were still treating the climate crisis as something debatable. And now — at least in the discourse — we’ve kind of settled that. It is a crisis. Even scientists and even heads of state are saying that this is an emergency.
See, we do not need to listen to the scientists because it is not a science.
In the book, you wrote: “We still need to answer some fundamental questions. What is it exactly we want to solve in the first place? What is our goal?” How would you answer those questions now?
Right now it seems like the people in power just don’t want to solve the climate crisis. They want to find “solutions,” whether they’re good or not, that enable us to continue now as we have been, that allow them to continue staying in power and to satisfy their greed. That’s not what I think that we should be striving for. I think that we need to make sure that no one’s well-being is at the expense of someone else. But that’s not what our current people in power seem to want.
Hmm, Modern Socialism. Go figure.

Speaking of grim. Did you hear St Huckabee-Sanders “speech” the other night? Yikes.
Nearly as dark as Sir Donald of Mar-a-Lagos giving his inauguration “address”.
Grim for Greta. As a 19 year old, the cute-ness has worn off. Former celebrities are so sad. She stretched her 15 minutes of fame as far as she could. She won’t work. She thinks she is morally superior to adults and she can’t learn (ADHD). Her life is finished at 19. The climate gig is the only thing going for her and she hasn’t caught on yet that that she was a tool only because of the optics of a small girl scolding old white men. Instantly replaceable by a 13 year old today.
All the “deniers” have left are personal attacks on 20 year old Greta the Great.
Although her life “ended” at nineteen, here she is still stirring the juices of envious, old, antedeluvian deniers like Mr Teach and Dr Hale. LOL.
Just ignore her, although she HAS been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022. This is more nominations than even the Greatest American President, The Donald, has received.
Easy to Ignore.
So I guess that’s a good thing. But we have to be able to zoom out and see that we are still moving in the wrong direction. The things that people said back then that they were going to do, they still haven’t done, which proves, or which shows us, that it was just empty promises and really not taking it seriously, unfortunately.
No ones doing anything. WAH. WAH. WAH.
The motto of the AGW Chinese communist-funded truthers is to end the world so China has more room to grow.
See I don’t care how we power our homes, cars and industry. I just want them powered. Unlike AGW and The new world order who props up Greta the used and abused for their own political agenda fueled by CHINA.
Maybe the radical left could give her a sex change to save the planet. They could film the entire thing and put it out as a book then movie to make money for the biden crime family. They could glue hair on her chest and show her off on The View with the other morons. She could gain another few years of limelight then go into politics as the first transsexual “person” to run for the NUdemocommie party. It wouldn’t matter that it’s a foreigner since the left ignores the constitution anyway.
And people say conservatives aren’t smart and inventive!
Sir Trump vs Greta the Great…
The puppet said what? Who’s pulling the strings…?
And everyone says conservatives aren’t clever!