If only the Hittites had driven EVs and powered everything with wind and solar, they could have survived
Climate change may have toppled Hittite Empire: study
Three years of extreme drought may have brought about the collapse of the mighty Hittite Empire around 1200 BC, researchers have said, linking the plight of the fallen civilization to the modern world’s climate crisis.
The Hittites dominated Anatolia in modern-day Turkey for nearly 500 years, even rivaling the power of the Egyptian Empire for a period.
They were one of several influential ancient civilizations in the Eastern Mediterranean and Near East which were all toppled or severely weakened at around the same time, bringing the curtain down on the Bronze Age.
The Hittites mysteriously abandoned their capital and religious center Hattusa around 1200 BC, when the royal line died out and written historical documents dried up.
“Linking the plight”. Are they saying that the current climatic changes are being caused mostly/solely by nature? Because that’s damned sure what caused those years of drought. Interestingly, the Hittites thrived during a slight cooling period that was ending and into a slight warming period, similar to the current one. And then died out as a deep cooling period started.
Of course, they really do not know what truly caused the end
The rings showed three-straight years—1198 BC to 1196 BC—with “unusually” low growth, suggesting a prolonged and particularly severe drought, according to the study published in the journal Nature on Wednesday.
The researchers suggested that the drought caused severe food shortages, particularly for the land-locked parts of the central Hittite kingdom, which depended on grain and livestock.
The food shortages could have led to political, economic and social unrest, ultimately bringing about the end of the empire.
The tree rings from a limited era “suggest.” Of course
Manning warned that current global warming means the modern world could face a “multi-year existential threat” similar to the one that affected the Hittites.
Sigh. It’s all about the scaremongering.

The article is clear that the Hittites died out when their royal line failed to reproduce enough heirs. It is more likely to blame homosexuality than climate change.
Conservative “scientists” like Mr Teach are repeatedly triggered by lay headline writers (most likely “liberal arts” grads).
The actual title of the actual research article was: Severe multi-year drought coincident with Hittite collapse around 1198–1196 BC
See how careful the actual scientists are? They didn’t even claim the drought “caused” the collapse, only that the events were “coincident”.
From the actual article:
Don’t attack the actual scientists.
Another commenter blames LGBTQ Hittites. LOL.
Oh jeez! Rimjob now fancies himself a climate historian to add to his climate scientism credentials.
We are truly blessed.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
If it weren’t for Google he couldn’t spell his own fukin name. That’s why so many here just pass over his comments. Well, I know I do.
Yep. You got that right, L’Roy.

This Troglodyte Klan has a single member with even a bit of reason and you’re even dragging him into your swamp!!
Conservatives have lost their way, now depending largely on willful ignorance, wanton cruelty and disinformation. It’s not that nuConservatives are just ignorant, it’s that much of what’s believed is blatantly false.
When did the right become the hateful right? It was before TrumpTime although he was clever enough to take advantage of you.
There has always been an element of demagoguery in the right. Just after WWII Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon ushered in the golden age of middle-of-the-road conservatism. This coincided with the pinnacle of small “c” conservative media. We built middle class America!! Before then, Lionel Trilling quipped that conservatives exhibited “irritable mental gestures which seek to resemble ideas”.
But the 60s civil rights/Vietnam era hit conservatives hard. They saw their “hard-earned” privileges and advantages melting away. “Their” America, the nation that white Christian men had built, was being turned over to the hippies, draft dodgers, Negroes and women!
The kind, gentle, grandfatherly Reagan gave them hope, but talk radio gave them a voice! No more news filtered through Reasoner, Cronkite, Mudd, Sevareid, Brinkley et al – now Limbaugh could tell the real story!
Gingrich tried to give Republicans ideas – but found out that’s no way to win. And then, horror of horrors, Americans elected a Negro president!
Which led us to Trump. No policies, no ideas, no governance – just “irritable mental gestures which seek to resemble ideas” – except no longer even trying to resemble ideas.
You misspelled “liberals”. They are the masters of all three.
Yes, that low inflation, no new wars (or embarrassing retreats from foreign countries), and general prosperity was SO bad.
Your self-perception is grandiose and self-deluding, powered by your impenetrable ignorance.
Prof Hale
I found your post rather interesting.
The Hittite empire collapsed because of homosexuality,
Interesting observation. Is this something that you thought up yourself?
Sparta had a great deal of homosexuality. So much so, that contemposries wrote that Spartan women shaved their head on their wedding nights to entice their hubbies into sex.
If only you had not previously demonstrated you have no interest in rational discussion, you might merit a response.
Run away! Run away! MAGAts flee from any discussion they don’t control.
Dr Hale was trying to be “rational” mocking homosexuals AND global warming.
Such rational discussion, LOL.
So your idea of progress is to go back to the 4th century BC? Plus you even put forward your argument based on the propagandistic writings of Thebes, Corinth and Argos? Not to mention in today’s pro-fag world it is fashionable to portray Sparta as a bunch of superfag warriors. They were not. This whole bit is from Sparta’s unique military “buddy system” where two warriors would be attached to each other and it was each ‘ responsibility to keep the other alive. IOW, they would live and die for each other. Dig a little deeper than Google and wiki and apply reason to everything the “experts” tell ya today. Just like half of America thinks Hamilton was black because of a play and their willingness to ascribe blackness to a Founding Father so too it is very contemporary to believe Spartans were fags and Epstein killed himself. Leftists will believe anything if it comes “from authority”. Ask Fauci.
Here’s something for ya; Sodom had a great deal of homosexuality as did Gomorrah and how did that work out for them?
Homosexuality could be a chemical problem or a mental or emotional disorder I don’t know. What I do know is Nature has only ONE goal: Survival of the species. Everything in every living organism is directed to living and reproducing. Neither fags nor dykes can reproduce within their group and that’s proof enough they are not normal but run against nature.