…is an Evil carbon polluting refrigerator, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Greenie Watch, with a post noting that natural gas is a major source of fertilizers that keeps people eating.

…is an Evil carbon polluting refrigerator, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Greenie Watch, with a post noting that natural gas is a major source of fertilizers that keeps people eating.
Nimrata Randhawa (Nikki Haley) just formally announced her candidacy for the 2024 GOP nomination for US president! She was the Governor of SC and UN Ambassador.
MAGA Inc exec and former Trump spokesman Taylor Budowich said: “Nikki Haley is just another career politician. She started out as a Never Trumper before resigning to serve in the Trump admin. She then resigned early to go rake in money on corporate boards.”
Can’t wait for the debates! Little Nikki, Meatball Ron DeSantis, Disloyal Mike Pence, Pompous Pomeo, Sleepy Tim Scott, So Long Sununu, Who Hogan, Crispy Creme Christie… Trump’s only talent (besides bankruptcy and grift) is his murderous instincts on the campaign. Can anyone stand up to his withering torments?
Cruz couldn’t, Little Marco didn’t, Low-Energy Jeb was clobbered, Ben Carson slept through it,
Nikki Haley also called for mandatory Mental Competency Tests for candidates over 75!!
Ouch, Don and Joe!
JFK, LBJ and Nixon all took psychotropic drugs for depression and anxiety.
So Long Sununu, Who Hogan, Crispy Creme Christie.
I know you are enamored by the past establishment righties and putting them out there as the true creme of the crop but almost all of the politicians that get to congress go bat shit crazy for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
They will do and say anything to promote their own self interests at the expense of anyone that gets in their way.
Nikki Haley is an establishment anti-Trumper who quit. After the election of 2020 most of the people jumped ship because they, unlike Trump, understood the power of the establishment. 2016 was a fluke that they could not overcome. They are already getting far out ahead of 2024.
The competency test was most likely directed at Biden and not Trump since Trump took one and passed with flying colors. Unless your version of Competency is how closely aligned with the Democratic party is said candidate on the test.
On another leftist front:
On Jan. 30, 2023, Twitter user @echo_chamberz tweeted that the OpenAI tool ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer) declined a request to write an AI-generated poem admiring former U.S. President Donald Trump, but had no issue in creating one for U.S. President Joe Biden. “They’re turning Chat-GPT into a good little tech worker,” the user added, posting a screenshot of the Trump refusal above the successful result for a Biden poem.
A screenshot of this tweet was also posted to the r/conspiracy subreddit on Reddit.
We performed the same two queries in ChatGPT and found this to be true. SNOPES WROTE.
AI is only as intelligent starting out as the woke lunatics that program it before starting up.
Remember what AI is…..it is a computer that writes its own code and UPDATES itself as it takes in more and more information, and data and responds to interactions with other people and its surroundings.
IF the LEFTS AGW SCAM won’t kill us and COVID won’t kill us, then they will simply program AIs to kill us sometime in the next 20-50 years.
CONGRATS…..As far as I’m concerned, the greatest threat to the world is mad scientists creating AI, VIRUSES, and LIES and spreading them for all of us to consume.
Perhaps in the future, an AI can run for president and Congress and be immune from social pressure, money, sex, and drugs and just finally determine that MANKIND IS A VIRUS just like COVID and fix all our issues by pressing the big red button.
Ah, diversity and equity, ain’t it great.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Are those electric ovens, or could they be, horrors! gas?
Payton Gendron, the 19 year-old white supremacist who murdered 10 Americans in Buffalo NY because they were Black, was sentenced to life in prison without parole.
Said Gendron: “I did a terrible thing that day. I shot and killed people because they were Black. Looking back now, I can’t believe I actually did it. I believed what I read online and acted out of hate. I know I can’t take it back, but I wish I could, and I don’t want anyone to be inspired by me and what I did.”
Gendron believed the Great Replacement tale and hoped to set an example for other white supremacists.
Do any Cove commenters feel there’s a conspiracy to replace white Christian Americans with non-white, non-Christians?
New York state does not have capital punishment, so life without parole was the most he could get. If the Department of Justice decides to try him on federal hate crimes charges, he could get the death penalty, not that it would ever be carried out.
If all you see is an antique carbon-spewing aluminum Angel of Death, YOU might be a Warmist!
Can you explain any other reason for the replacement then? Why are the communist left bringing in all colored people at the rate of 2-3 million a year? Why is every institution in America promoting anti Christian theology like MMGW and transsexuality and mass abortion? Why is it de facto okay to discriminate against white people?
Do all the leftist at the Cove hate white, Christians or just Elwood? Why?
Just because you deny it does not mean it’s not happening. We know you believe all of us to be stupid but we’re really not. As a black man (I’ve been black all my life) even I can observe the hate and disparate treatment of whites especially, Christians secondarily and men also.
If there is another reason for the replacement I’d sure love to hear it.
[…] Cove Wonders what she sees And what she sees And her […]