This is obviously just the start of the attacks on Trump, and certainly won’t be the craziest
Trump’s plan for a 2nd term reportedly includes firing squads, hangings, and group executions
As Donald Trump’s second re-election bid begins to pick up steam in the new year, details about the former president’s plans for his return to the White House have begun to emerge — including a new report from Rolling Stone, which alleges Trump has begun polling his advisers on whether he should bring back firing squads, hangings, and even the guillotine should he win in 2024.
Ah. It’s from Rolling Stone, which, at one point, was counter-culture, was against big government. Certainty, they have rock solid sources, right?
According to two sources, the former president has even begun exploring the possibility of group executions, with a third person claiming Trump has expressed interest in a government ad campaign to highlight the administration’s lethality and, per Rolling Stone‘s source, “help put the fear of God into violent criminals.” A Trump campaign spokesperson denied the former president had plans for an execution ad campaign in a statement to Rolling Stone.
So, three un-named sources. Consequently, RS refused to name the Trump spokesperson, who seemed to be going on the record, but, naming that person makes the rest look bad.
This latest report has earned harsh rebukes from some, including journalist Oliver Willis, who called it the “kind of fascist s–t Republican primary voters love.” Citing a 2016 campaign event in which Trump enthusiastically lauded the disproven myth that U.S. General John Pershing summarily executed dozens of Muslim prisoners in the Philippines with ammunition “dipped […] in pig’s blood,” Semafor Washington Bureau Chief Benjy Sarlin wryly noted that now Trump was “moderating his stance ahead of 2024, before he just favored summary executions while defiling the bodies.”
If you’re calling Oliver Willis a journalist, you have no credibility. Semafor leans left.
Could the report be correct? You never know with Trump, and never know if he’s just yammering off the top or really serious. Anyhow, the Rolling Stone piece yammers a lot about prisoners on federal death row. These are horrible people who did horrible things. If a piece is going to run 3 anonymous sources, offer zero proof, it’s exactly what Trump constantly called fake news. And most Americans aren’t going to cry over executing the scum of the earth.

It’s from Yahoo, people. Almost as skewed as The Nation, without the humor.
Originally from Rolling Stone, then reprinted by The Week and Business Insider and THEN reprinted by Yahoo. You can tell the talking points went out. The Left has learned that the purpose of teh media is to keep Republicans from getting elected. And when it comes to Trump, All character assassination, all the time. They all still feel bad about letting Hillary down.
You do not believe that Trump is a firm believer in capital punishment ?
Does anyone here believe that state executions should be public in order to deter crime?
Teach how do you think people should be executed ?
Dear H:
I believe that it is a lie. See the other lies for proof that the media lies.
You do believe Trump is a believer in capital punishment?
Does anyone here believe any steps necessary to deter crime should be used including public execution?
H how do you think people should be executed?
There are pros and cons about the deterrent value of capital punishment. Some people believe there is no value at all. Those same people believe life in prison is a deterrent. It is very confusing the way some people think. The point of capital punishment is intentionally obscured by activists on both sides. The point of capital punishment is neither deterrence nor retribution nor punishment. The point is to permanently remove from society someone who is too dangerous to remain in it. Life in prison cannot do that. All that does is transfer the risk to other prisoners and a limited number of guards. If society deems that someone is too dangerous to ever be released in his lifetime, or several lifetimes, then it is only rational and humane to put him to death.
Public executions undoubtedly have some deterrent effect, but it is not an absolute deterrent. Criminals always believe they can get away with it.
I personally am in favor of wholesale reform of the criminal justice system to curb many of the abuses and senselessness in the current system. Some of those injustices are rooted in the Constitution and English common law. That is a whole lot of cleaning house to do.
President Trump is most certainly a believer in capital punishment, and toward the end of his term there were something like ten federal executions.
I don’t support capital punishment at all, but if we’re going to have them, then yes, they should be public, and they should be done via hanging. The idea that we hide behind thick walls and try to put killers to sleep like an unwanted puppy at the pound, ten and twenty years after conviction, is ridiculous. Let the public see what is being done in their name, and let the potential future criminals see these guys dangling from nooses, their bowels and bladders failing them, as they slowly strangle to death.
Those would be quicker than what the left has in store for the world. STARVING US TO DEATH. FREEZING US TO DEATH. MAKING US DIE OF HEAT STROKE and if that doesn’t kill us have us shot in drive byes.
Killing chickens, turkeys, cows, sheep and animals of all types because they fart methane.
Shuffling us into high rise condo’s.
People who vote for these lunatics on the left should be rounded up and sent peacefully and first class to Africa, South America and Mexico where they can live like they preach.
Give em a 5 year sabbatical from the Horrible conditions in the USA and then let them come back and see how many true converts still want to eat bugs and live in high rises as violence swirls around them unimpeded.
Donald Trump IS a big fan of capital punishment.
In addition, he knows his supporters well.
While much of the article was using anonymous sources, Trump said this at a rally:
and also in his 2024 run announcement:
and Mr Trump presided over more federal executions than any Prez.
The US is the only advanced nation with capital punishment yet is the most violent advanced nation. Perhaps executions aren’t the deterrent we hope.
Is the answer to execute more and faster?
And FDR presided over more war deaths than any other, so what? Or are you accusing Trump of executing people himself?
Ya had to get your usual piss on America it’s a bad place trope in.
Do you know the answer or is this just your usual accusatory question with no answer?
The US has 350 million diverse people from all over the globe whereas most countries are basically homogeneous. Plus, we have the democommie party which has as its basic tenet to divide people by race and call some victims and the White ones oppressors. Kinda makes for hostility doesn’t it? Plus the democommies have gathered blacks in ghettoes and Hispanics in barrios to control their votes. Plus the democommies insist on open borders allowing criminals and undesirables worldwide entrance to the US along with their filth, poverty, drugs and crime.
So genius, is the answer to execute more faster? Or maybe to throw the crap out? Or maybe both or maybe neither?
What a bizarre comparison! Are you really saying the United States of America should have stayed out of WWII? Seig heil!! Trump supports capital punishment because 1) his MAGAts do and 2) he’s elitist, mean-spirited and racist. He presided (encouraged) more executions in 4 years than President Roosevelt did in 12.
We said the US is the only advanced nation with capital punishment (mostly TRUE!!) yet is the most violent advanced nation (ALSO TRUE!!). I was wrong; Japan also still has capital punishment.
You, and others, like to claim that America is so violent because of democommies and abortion. Yet, violent crimes shot up under patriot Reagan reaching a pinnacle under patriot G.H.W Bush, and plummeted starting with democommie Clinton, reaching a nadir under democommie Obama. Violent crime started up again once the democommie Obama left office and was replaced by patriot Trump.
Now, what would happen if we removed the blacks from our equation? Without black crime the US would drop to the middle of your “most violent” demographic. The democommies created this with their anti black progrom since slavery. The democommies are about 90% of those incarcerated. They create hate and just love killing people from the unborn to the elderly. It’s always been their MO. .
Now the democommies are teaching Hispanics to hate whites just like they have the blacks.
[…] Pirates Cove- Sources of BS maybe! […]
We currently have probably a million folks in this country who actively committed or conspired to commit, or actively assisted in CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. Upon conviction, there should be only one punishment for their genocide.