Apparently, malaria was super-isolated before fossil fueled vehicles. Just a few cases. No big deal. But, now, Doom!
How Climate Change Is Spreading Malaria in Africa
Warming temperatures are chasing animals and plants to new habitats, sometimes with devastating consequences to ecosystems. But there is little evidence regarding how far and how fast the invaders might be moving.
A new study offers a glimpse of the future by looking to the past. Mosquitoes that transmit malaria in sub-Saharan Africa have moved to higher elevations by about 6.5 meters (roughly 21 feet) per year and away from the Equator by 4.7 kilometers (about three miles) per year over the past century, according to the study.
You mean the early part of the 20th Century, when we are told that CO2 was below the safe level of 350ppm? And there hadn’t been that much warming? Say, can we compare what’s happening now with what happened during previous Holocene warm periods? And realize that mosquitos are found in most US states, found in Alaska, found in Canada, and have been for about as long as Mankind has been in North America?
That pace is consistent with climate change and may explain why malaria’s range has expanded over the past few decades, the authors said. The results have serious implications for countries that are unprepared to cope with the disease.
Well, now, if only 1st World nations hadn’t made it so 3rd world ones stopped using DDT.
“If this were random, and if it were unrelated to climate, it wouldn’t look as cleanly climate-linked,” said Colin Carlson, a biologist at Georgetown University’s Center for Global Health Science and Security and the paper’s lead author. The study was published on Tuesday in the journal Biology Letters.
Sounds more like climate activism than science, eh? All the other Credentialed Media Warmists got the message
- Climate Change Is Spreading Malaria Risk to New Parts of Africa
- House climate change may already help spread malaria
- Climate change portends wider malaria risk as mosquitoes spread south and to higher elevations in Africa
And many more. Africa can solve this by paying taxes and installing more dictators.

Is there no evil that
global warmingclimatechangeemergency cannot do?Teach
Do you realize that there are very few species of mosquitoes that are vectors for malaria?
Why is it that gas water heaters and gas furnaces are coded for vent to outside? Is there a risk of toxic combustion gases ?
Dear H:
Do you realize that we have poisons to kill mosquitoes? Of course we outlawed DDT…
Why don’t you start a Go Fund Me page and get some money for pesticides instead of crying about something you can do nothing about.
Johnny-as said yesterday, why is it that homes need circuit breakers if electric power is so safe? Why are there warning labels on all electrical devices for shock/electrocution if they’re so safe?
Well yes residential electricity is coded for circuit breakers and all electrical appliances should be labeled or have a data plate . Do you think that BIG GOVERNMENT is over regulating electricity also?
My point is, if gas furnaces and hot water heaters are coded for outside ventilation, should stoves be also? Don’t stoves also give off toxic combustion by products the same as gas furnaces and water heaters may/might ?
In my state all commercial gas stoves must be vented usually by a hood. Should new residential gas stoves also be coded ?
DDT ? Wow haven’t heard anyone advocating for the use of that in the USA in a long time!
As for DDT use in Africa for insect control most countries haven’t “outlawed” it. They have restricted use. Most often allowed for residential but not industrial use.
If they do, where are the bodies?
Teach whines (TM):
Contrary to Mr Teach’s feelings, 3rd world nations still use DDT for mosquito control.
DDT is dangerous to marine creatures including crustaceans, mollusks and many species of fish. Because of its lipophilic nature and extended half-life, DDT accumulates through the food chain, with apex predators such as eagles, hawks, falcons concentrating more chemicals than other animals.
Note too, the widespread resistance of mosquitoes to DDT.
Why do fuelists feel that the mosquito range in Africa is steadily increasing? Disease carrying mosquitoes were largely found in the equatorial tropics, now they’re spreading into extra-equatorial regions.
Even in the US, the ranges where ticks spread Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis, and spotted fever rickettsiosis have increased. Mosquito-borne West Nile virus is the most common mosquito borne disease in the US, but Dengue, chikungunya, and Zika virus outbreaks have occurred in Florida, Hawaii and Texas.
Global warming is allowing the spread of once tropical diseases.
Actually none of those diseases has increased. The number of people living in those areas has. Stop repeating every lie on Google and start thinking if there are any other reasons things occur.
And stop believing the same people who have been lying to us for at least 7 years.