Maybe if we knew what the money was actually being used for, where it was going, if there was some accountability, the support numbers wouldn’t be going down
Trump attacks Haley on Medicare, Social Security cuts
A new poll shows that Americans’ support for sending weapons and economic assistance to Ukraine has dropped since the onset of Russia’s invasion of the country last year.
According to the poll conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, 48 percent of Americans support sending weapons to Ukraine, a significant drop from May 2022, when about 60 percent supported sending Ukraine weapons. Twenty-nine percent in the new poll said they were opposed to sending weapons, while 22 percent said they did not support or oppose it.
Well, this war just keeps going and going and going. Not sure what’s going through the minds of the 22 percent
When asked about sending government funds directly to Ukraine, Americans were about evenly split, according to the poll. Thirty-seven percent said they supported sending funds, 38 percent said they opposed it and 23 percent said they neither were in favor or opposed to it.
That’s down from 44%, and a 5% rise in those who are against sending funds.
Only 19 percent of Americans in the survey released Wednesday said that they have a “great deal of confidence” in Biden to address the war in Ukraine, while 37 percent reported some confidence in the president and 43 percent said they hardly had any. Along party lines, 40 percent of Democrats said they had a “great deal of confidence” in Biden’s handling, 50 percent reported some confidence in Biden and just 9 percent have hardly any.
They should have asked the question “are Biden, other world leaders, and other nimrods trying to start WWIII?” Even support for economic sanctions has dropped from 71% to 63%. From that link in the first excerpt
“I am sympathetic for Ukraine’s situation and I feel badly for them, but I feel like we need to first take care of priorities here at home,” said Joe Hernandez, 44, of Rocklin, California.
Hernandez, a Republican, added that it’s difficult to support generous U.S. spending on military and economic assistance to Ukraine when many American communities don’t have the resources to deal with the ramifications of migrants crossing into the U.S. at the southern border, a rise in drug overdoses caused by fentanyl and other lab-produced synthetic opioids, and a homelessness crisis in his state.
We just keep sending more and more money while not taking care of our own. Seriously, what’s the plan to get Russia out of Ukraine? Is there one? How does this really help America? It’s not like the leaders in Ukraine are the best of people.

We spend about 1400 billion on US social welfare programs
We send about 46billion
On Ukraine. About 4%
Trying to start WW 3?
You think that if Putin is not stopped now he will be satisfied? You don’t think he will be emboldened to them begin picking off every other European country? You think St. Ronald Reagan would appease Putin ? You think bullies should not be confronted but instead appeased? Putin is a right wing bully, do not appease him would you also allow Xi to take Taiwan?
Cut US social welfare programs. They obviously aren’t working.
ZZelenskyyy is also a fuking right wing bully and a Nazi too. Funny how you radical leftists were in bed with Russia when it was communist but now you are their enemy. What happened?
There is no indication that Putin wants anything more than to stop Ukraine from joining NATO and having missiles on his border. Just like when JFK didn’t want missiles in Cuba. Did that make JFK a bully?
Long live Mother Russia!!!
Once again your inability to see past the commie narrative is making you talk stupid.
If Vladimir Putin isn’t stopped now, he might be satisfied after Ukraine is conquered, but he’ll also have to look at the cost: the Red Army did not perform nearly as well as he had thought it would, and the costs have been much, much higher than he ever expected. The Russians don’t do blitzkrieg well. Beginning the invasion just before the spring rasputitsa was a militarily horrible idea. Our histories tell us that it was the Russian winter which really hobbled the Nazi invasion of the USSR, but the autumn ‘mud time’ slowed the Wehrmacht down just as much.
Vladimir Vladimirovich is 70 years old. If Russia manages to conquer Ukraine, it will still require a decade of rebuilding its military.
My position hasn’t changed; my position was always that we shouldn’t get involved.
We’ve gotten involved in so many wars, in varying degrees, and what has it changed? Korea remained a stalemate, Vietnam fell, Afghanistan is under the Taliban now, just as it was before, Saddam Hussein is dead now, but Iraq is no democracy, the Syrian civil war is still going on, with no side at all being ‘good guys.’
And this time, we’ve gotten involved in a war directly against a nation with a strategic nuclear arsenal. This is not a good thing. People are actually talking now about what might happen if Russia crosses the nuclear threshold.
IIRC, it was Mr Dowd who asked me if I was afraid of this, and my answer was that of course I am, that any sane man ought to be afraid of nuclear war. To me, not being afraid of nuclear war is one definition of insanity; an uncontrolled nuclear escalation could kill most of the population of the world. There’s no victory in any of that.
The right wing nutz are following in the footsteps of their grandfathers who did not want to confront Hitler. Who opted for “peace in our time” and thought Chamberlain was right and Churchill wrong.
Remember his that worked out?
Putin isn’t any different, kidnapping 1000s of Ukraine kids and shipping them off to Russia.