…is a horrible pool made with lots of evil concrete, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Common Cents Blog, with a post on the Ohio train derailment being worse than they’re telling us.
Doubleshot below the fold, check out Dissecting Leftism, with a post on the Republicans COVID origins inquiry.

“East Palestine sees record real estate surge from Californians seeking a better quality of life…”
Tail corporations are making record breaking profits
Stop BIG GOVERNMENT from over regulation
Let the Free Market regulate itself
That is capitalism, anything less is socialism
Good job, Johnny. Now we’ll wait to see you post against electric vehicle subsidies. By the way, what are “tail corporations”?
That is one of the more broadly stupid statements I ever read coming from a democommie and you are known for broadly stupid statements. We can think of no policy or program in the former great USA that is 100% capitalist or socialist. Everything’s a mix moron.
Tail is an energy company. It must be full of left wing nazis if H likes it.
Social Security and government involvement in healthcare used to be socialism to true conservatives. But since so many true conservatives now collect SS and are on gubmint healthcare and disability the goalposts have been moved.
Former conservatives have become “cafeteria conservatives” (aka Cafe Cons) picking and choosing socialist policies that benefit them. Cafe Cons support gubmint subsidies for their pet industries.