The climate cult usually likes to say this quietly, not at a bigger website like
Rationing: A fairer way to fight climate change?
World War II-style rationing could be an effective way to reduce carbon emissions, according to new research from the University of Leeds.
I’m wondering if all those involved with the research are practicing rationing?
In a paper published today in the journal Ethics, Policy and Environment, academics argue that rationing could help states to reduce greenhouse gas emissions rapidly and fairly.
Policymakers have considered other schemes to reduce emissions, including carbon taxes and personal carbon trading schemes, but the researchers say these favor the wealthy, who could buy the right to pollute if trading were allowed.
The authors argue that carbon rationing would instead allow people to receive an equitable portion of resources based on their needs, therefore sharing out the effort to protect the planet.
Who decides those “needs”? The policymakers who are beholden to to the rich and powerful?
Joint lead author Dr. Nathan Wood, who is now a Postdoctoral Fellow at Utrecht University’s?Fair Energy?Consortium, said, “The concept of rationing could help, not only in the mitigation of climate change, but also in reference to a variety of other social and political issues—such as the current energy crisis.”
Remember, this is all about science.
Historic rationing policies also introduced price controls on goods to keep key resources affordable for most people. As a result, rates of malnutrition went down during World War II, despite the shortages.
A key difference between World War II rationing and the climate crisis is public perception, the researchers say. The availability of thousands of garments, gadgets and goods at the click of a button can give the illusion that resources are available in abundance, but the reality is starkly different.
How dare you peasants want clothes and gadgets and goods!
The researchers suggest that rationing probably wouldn’t be the first step. Instead, policy changes could start with stricter regulations and an accompanying information campaign to communicate the benefits of rationing.
Initially, governments could regulate the biggest polluters, such as oil, gas and petrol, long-haul flights and intensive farming, creating scarcity in products that harm the planet. Rationing could then be introduced gradually, to manage the resulting scarcity with the aim of meeting everyone’s basic needs.
In other words, the government controlling your life. Surprise! Seriously, how brainwashed do you have to be to advocate for the government to control your life? Or do this climate wankers not think the authoritarianism will apply in their own lives?

Hunger games?
Hunger games?
[…] Pirates Cove […]
Some interesting tidbits going on in the world that most of the USA have no clue about:
This is about population control and rationing and not about climate change.
They just use AGW as a scaremongering tactic to make sure it gets done!!
Chinese citizens moving to the USA say that the USA is going down the road of MAO in curbing rights, freedoms, and most importantly the freedom of speech, while turning half of the nation into MAOIST supporters willing to resort to violence to get their way.
The FED is already starting this by jumping into bed with FACEBOOK, TWITTER, INSTAGRAM, etc to make sure you do not SPREAD FALSE INFORMATION which is basically information the government and the Democrats do not agree with.
The biggest threat to our democracy is a concerted effort by unelected bureaucrats to determine the course our nation takes and not the people themselves. Half of the people oppose something. NO PROBLEM they are labeled as WHITE NATIONALIST, RACIST, HOMOPHOBE, UNAMERICAN, and REDNECK TRAITORS, every one of which participated in J6. Even though a large percentage of them are Black, Hispanic, Asian, Muslim, and Jewish.
Or heaven forbid, MOMS who do not like their children being indoctrinated by state-sponsored propaganda on race, sex, and a false narrative of the USA.
BLINKEN threatens CHINA by saying that SOURCES say that CHINA is THINKING about sending offensive weapons to help RUSSIA.
NO proof, no evidence, only a weirdly veiled reference to SOURCES. Several ballons show up after the US shoots down a spy balloon belonging to CHINA. There is NO EVIDENCE these came from CHINA but with the strong implication they did.
More CHINA/RUSSIA SCAREMONGERING by this Administration and more specifically the MIC and the unelected bureaucrats. Gotta keep those tax dollars going to feed wars around the globe.
By the way does anyone even know that INDIA is now going into a crackdown on the press because the BBC reported that INDIA’S PM MODI killed thousands of Muslims back in 2002? The BBC was raided, and the piece was censored.
India is now protesting in the streets. China is protesting in the Streets. Russia is protesting the war in the streets. Can you imagine the turmoil in the world with 3 billion citizens all rioting inside their own counties?
Now we know why the unelected are in charge of everything, including information, and clamping down on Truth is a surefire way to get people rioting in the streets.
Just ask the Democrats when BUSH invaded Iraq and people were still allowed to voice their freedom even if they were making shit up. Did the USA collapse because of the left rioting in the streets over Iraq/Afghanistan? No they did not because people felt they could express their outrage until it was vented.
Today that outrage is squelched. As it is being squelched in India and China and Russia. The world is indeed headed for Armageddon long before AGW kills us.
We have reached the Season of Oppression and AGW is the reason for the season. As the formerly great USA degenerates culturally, intellectually, socially, legally, educationally and in every other metric which the radical left has destroyed over the past several years culminating in a fake appointed president pedophile and fags, cross dressers, communists and Muslims in charge of or controlling every aspect of our current “government” we find ourselves not trusting anything promoted by that government because they lie so frequently and purposefully they can’t at all be trusted.
AGW hasn’t and won’t “kill” anybody and EV’s suck. But the left will never admit either. The left is force fed lies about everything from birth and believe everything fed to them with the passion of a Bolshevik commissar. Have any of you ever heard or read of a leftist admit and apologize for being wrong? Even guys like Krugman or Erlich, both provably wrong on everything.
They admit nothing. Even now as America crumbles because of the stupid policies of the pedo in charge nobody admits to his failings. Nothing but lies to the bitter end.