…is a horrible concrete pad, possibly for evil fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on privacy seeking Meagain and Harry possibly suing South Park.

…is a horrible concrete pad, possibly for evil fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on privacy seeking Meagain and Harry possibly suing South Park.
Another train derails in Midwest as Pete Buttigieg announces visit to Ohio crash site.

Bwaha! Lolgf
“South Park” hilariously mock Megan and Harry! Respect Our Privacy! – SOUTH PARK (warning strong language)
Maybe forcing railroad workers to work double shifts or have no paid dick days isn’t such a good idea?
Weren’t those some of the things they were striking for ? But some said that giving in to the workers would just drive prices up
Funny-DP mentions Pete Buttplug and Johnny unintentionally (or intentionally) writes “workers to work double shifts or have no paid dick days isn’t such a good idea”?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Not that there’s anything wrong with it.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Well, when they start out with people who are obviously and observably mentally ill what would you expect? Beside drowningpuppies, when they’re selling secrets they are just following in the path of he rest of the commie screwing spy banging democommies . Throw in some laundered cash and you got the biden family. The entire democommie party has degenerated into a gang of thieve, grifters perverts and liars. And they make our laws. Think about that.
In the Alaska legislature, lawmakers were shown a study indicating each incident of fatal child abuse costs society $1.5 million, a figure reached by assessing the impact of trauma and the child’s loss of earnings over a lifetime.
Republican David Eastman, who sits in the Alaska House said, and we’re not making this up:
There was a time when right-wingers kept such thoughts private, making these statements privately in klaverns, kitchens and church basements. But the nuRight is invigorated! These Margaret Taylor-Greene-isms (MTGisms) are now public.
But in Eastman’s defense we recall the horrid Rusty Limbaugh saying smokers dying of lung cancer benefitted the US by saving Social Security payments.
Has the nuRight no sense of decency? If a pro-choice spokesman made this argument the nuRight would have gone apeshit crazy.
Mr Eastman, you’ve done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?
“david7134 says:
December 4, 2022 at 9:40 pm
Yes, Jeff is extremely concerned. Like when he hoped that Kye would die from his severe respiratory failure, after calling his wife a whore. Never met a man as sympathetic as Jeff.”
Sense of decency? PROJECTION you immoral baby killer and war monger.
Jeff has the added problem now that he recently became a neocon. Since Biden supports the war in Ukraine, Jeff has to. It must be tough to be Jeff’s brain and keep up with whatever the talking points from his party tell him he strongly believes in today.
Personally, I find arguments about which fictional numbers to use boring. How much society loses from a fictional life not led or a fictional value of a life fully led but on welfare are equally arbitrary and unimpressive arguments.
The fake “Professor” has so many problems…
Supporting the defense of Ukraine from Putin’s invasion is the right thing to do, Fake Professor.
The Fake Professor slurps whatever his master DonJon posts on “Truth” Social.
Every day, Professor Fake, gets his marching orders from FOX “News”.
Professor Fake uses sophistry to dismiss whatever he finds inconvenient. We find 90%+ of what Professor Fake types to be boring and unimpressive.