I’m shocked. Who else is shocked?
Merck’s COVID pill fails to prevent infection in household members
Merck & Co Inc said on Tuesday its COVID-19 pill was not effective at cutting the risk of coronavirus infections in people living with someone infected with the virus.
The results were similar to data from rival Pfizer Inc, whose COVID pill Paxlovid also failed to prevent infections among household contacts.
The two antiviral drugs are approved as treatments for individuals at risk of severe disease, but enthusiasm for the Merck pill has waned since it was shown to be only 30% effective versus 90% for Pfizer’s Paxlovid.
Merck’s late-stage trial enrolled over 1,500 participants, who were household contacts exposed to an individual with at least one symptom and had recently tested positive for COVID-19. Its Lagevrio pill, also known as molnupiravir, was given every 12 hours for five days and was compared with a placebo group.
So, basically, it works about as good as the COVID jabs. Which, based on the, admittedly anecdotal information, since no real trials were held, but the graphs all seem to show that they barely stop people from getting COVID, and do not really stop people from dying from it. They’re not much better than placebos. There’s no clinical trials that support that any of the Wuhan Flu vaccines do what they say they do. Sadly.
6 shots, still masks, yet gets Wuhan Flu? That's weird /sarc https://t.co/cu2PkkxCcl
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) February 21, 2023
Miss Scarlet was replying to another person who had 5 shots and still masked, yet, got COVID. And has now made their tweets private, probably because they were catching so much crap over it.

According to Mr Teach, the Trump Vaccine is a complete failure in preventing the Trump Flu and doesn’t cut mortality.
Yet, unvaccinated Americans are several-fold more likely to die from Covid than are the vaccinated.
Do you feel that the data are faked? Or are there confounding factors – are the unvaccinated generally less healthy, rural, obese, older etc? Maybe the vaccines are not important at all. In the UK, religious non-believers were LESS likely to die from Covid than believers. Is it because non-believers are more likely to accept Covid vaccinations? Or that non-believers are more likely to wear masks or less likely to attend large weekly gatherings? Maybe believers are less likely to believe in germ theory.
Currently, only a few hundred Americans are dying each day from Covid, only twice as deadly as a bad influenza year. But of course, how can you trust any data. You might be better off wearing a protective talisman or using incantations.
Mr Teach was shocked!
Merck conducted a clinical trial to determine if their anti-viral drug protected unaffected family members from becoming infected with Covid. It was a reasonable trail to conduct.
It was previously shown in those already infected, Paxlovid (Pfizer) was 90% effective in reducing mortality, the Merck drug only 30% effective.
If Mr Teach was infected and taking a turn for the worse, would he turn down Paxlovid?
We understand that the anti-vaxxer Mr Teach underwent the “dangerous” Covid vaccination process, which also protects him from developing lethal Covid.
Mr Teach typed:
The initial clinical trials demonstrated efficacy. Mr Teach is either mistaken or lying.
Groomer Elwood: I see DJT lives in your head. Your masters are afraid of him too. DJT just might lead us to victory for our Republic.
Rimjob still pushing the clot shots.

Too bad he hasn’t kept up with the latest research.
Bwaha! Lolgf
What’s the problem? Both Pfizer and Merck wanted their drug to act as a vaccine. Merck’s appears tp be around 23% effective in prevention. Not enough. Same with Pfizer. Can they have an E for effort?
In 12/20 the CDC/FDA announced that the efficacy (results in a controlled test environment) was around 93% for the two 2 shots vaccines, around 73% for J&J’s 1 shot. That meant that there would be around 85 effectiveness FAILURE in the world to prevent infection and no one knew how long that would be.
The greatly reduced hospitalization rate with attendant deaths started to be recognized in spring of ’21 but the oversell of the drugs by the Feds, media and the companies just overcame the fact that thousands of people, especially the immune compromised, survived Covid because they had taken the vaccines and the boosters.
This was further complicated by some far out claims re existing drugs, idiot rulings by the Feds, anti-vaxers, etc., etc. Yes, folks, if you give 225 million people a vaccine some will die, some will have other side effects and recover. Sorry folks, that’s life.
“That meant that there would be around 85 effectiveness FAILURE in the world to prevent infection and no one knew how long that would be.” Should read:
“That meant that there would be around 85 effectiveness SUCCESS in the world to prevent infection and no one knew how long that would be.
The medical/pharmaceutical industries have been intentionally making people sicker for decades. But during the COVID “pandemic”, a virus that was manufactured and released by the Chinese Communist Government, with financial backing from the US taxpayer through the CDC, they happily joined .gov and globalist elites in the conspiracy to not only deny people proven, safe, inexpensive preventative and treatment drugs, but ridiculed and vilified anyone who dared tell the truth.
They did this to spread fear and maximize hospitalizations and the use of very profitable “treatments” that radically, needlessly, increased deaths and to permit the emergency approval of toxins, marketed as vaccines, that they knew were not only going to be ineffective but would maim and kill millions. They even changed the definition of “vaccine”.
For money and power.
“That meant that there would be around 85 effectiveness FAILURE in the world to prevent infection and no one knew how long that would be.” Should read:
“That meant that there would be around 85 effectiveness SUCCESS in the world to prevent infection and no one knew how long that would be.