A few people were freaked out by tropical systems which never hit the Florida Keys before CO2 went above 350ppm
Florida’s Great Displacement has already begun
The state’s climate exodus has already begun
As many residents will be proud to tell you, the thousand-odd islands that make up the Florida Keys are one of a kind: there is no other place in the world that boasts the same combination of geological, ecological, and sociological characteristics. The islands have a special, addictive quality about it, an air of freedom that leads people to turn their backs on mainland life.
The Keys are also the first flock of canaries in the coal mine of climate change. Over the past few years, the residents of these islands have been forced to confront a phenomenon that will affect millions of Americans before the end of the century. Their present calamity offers a glimpse of our national future.
Nature is changing. Today’s hurricanes tend to be stronger, wetter, and less predictable than those of the last century. They hold more moisture, speed up more quickly, and stay together longer. It’s difficult to tell for certain what role climate change plays in any individual storm, but in the case of Hurricane Irma — which slammed the Keys in September 2017 — there is little doubt that the warmth of the Caribbean Sea made the storm more powerful, allowing the vortex to regain strength overnight as it barreled toward the islands. As global warming continues to ratchet up the temperature of our oceans, we can expect more storms like Irma. The danger to the Keys doesn’t end with hurricane season, either: a slow but definite rise in average sea levels over the past decade has contributed to an increase in tidal flooding, leaving some roads and neighborhoods inundated with salt water for months at a time.
OMG, nature changes? That’s horrible! We all know things were static for millions of years!
The term “climate migration” is an attempt to explain why people leave one place in favor of another; it assigns motivation to movements that may be voluntary or involuntary, temporary or permanent. Yet even if the primary cause for migration is clear, there are still countless other factors that influence when, where, and how someone moves in response to a disaster. It’s this messiness that is reflected in the word “displacement”: the migratory shifts caused by climate change are as chaotic as the weather events that cause them.
For some families the decision to depart the Keys was easy. The storm was a traumatic event, more than enough to convince many people that life on the islands was too dangerous to accept. They came back home, fixed up their houses, and got out. That was the case for Connie and Glenn Faast, who left the island city of Marathon for the mountains of North Carolina after spending almost 50 years in the Keys. “It was pretty much immediate,” Connie told me. “It’s just too hard to start over when you get older. We couldn’t risk it.”
Well, some people decide they want nothing to do with areas that get earthquakes, a lot of snow, and tornadoes. If you’re living on low lying islands that have a chance of being hit with tropical systems, well, you’re rolling the dice. The article claims hundreds, hundreds! are leaving. And will probably be replaced with people who are will to take the chance, just like people do all over the world in wanting to live near the ocean. And Florida is the fast growing state for population. But, you know, it’s always some sort of doom with these climate cultists.

The Keys are a national treasure and well worth a vacation!! It’s a different world.
Residents of the Keys will vote with their feet.
Regardless of where you live in America there are risks. Earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, record heat, record cold, power outages, blizzards, hail, plagues, train derailments, droughts, hurricanes, crime, rednecks, bears and pumas, diseases, balloons, migrants, lack of healthcare and other resources, the stupid etc. We all do the best we can with what we have at the time.
Here in middle America we have a moderate chance of severe storms today, with a blizzard crossing the northern tier, and record heat to the south. We’ll survive. Our area has tornadoes yearly. We are near the New Madrid fault. We’re on the outskirts of a violent city. Black bear and puma sightings are on the rise! The Missouri, Meramec and Mississippi Rivers flood yearly, some years catastrophically. Summer heat is usually more threatening than winter cold. We can count on the insurance company paying for a new roof every ten years or so from hail damage.