…are horrible carbon pollution Bad Weather clouds, you might just be a Warmist
The Blog of the day is Evil Blogger Lady, with a post wondering what James O’Keefe’s new project will be.

…are horrible carbon pollution Bad Weather clouds, you might just be a Warmist
The Blog of the day is Evil Blogger Lady, with a post wondering what James O’Keefe’s new project will be.
We can always tell when the usual suspects’ levels of frustration overflow. They change subjects.
Again, Putin decided to invade Ukraine. It is not going well for Russia, so Putin now hints of using nukes. The West has united behind Ukraine against Russia’s aggression.
The American nuRight, out of their hatred of President Biden (and all Dem/Libs) and their love of Trump (and by extension, Putin), support Russia’s invasion parroting Putin propaganda about Nazis seasoned with a soupcon of Biden/Ukraine corruption.
The only legitimate concern is one voiced by the reasonable Mr Dana: How much does the West wish to poke the humiliated nuke-bearing Russian madman? Most bad actions by nations are local – it’s rare for a nation to invade another with intent of annexing it.
Most in the American nuRight, who when Repubicuns are in charge never oppose a foreign incursion, whether Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf, Iraq, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Panama, Grenada, Lebanon, Syria etc, now object to the US defense of Ukraine.
It is also legit to question the overall approach of the US over the last several decades being involved in coups and overthrows of other nations.
Typical lib logic by the Rimjob.

Give Ukraine over $100 billion dollars (added to US debt).
Thinks Bidenflation at >6.5% is not really a problem.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Dear Elwood:
Putin’s expansion started when Obama was president. It stopped during Trump’s tenure. It started again after Biden stole the election and took control.
Do you see a pattern there?
Do you remember the phrase, “Talk softly but carry a big stick?”
Repeating the same bologna is still bologna.
We are not at war with Russia, are we? Therefore, it is also a legit prospective to be on the side of Russia. Why would you think that because there are people like some here (including me) who would side with Russia believing they were making a defensive move to keep NATO weapons off their border we are wrong? They only invaded when the call from the West for Ukraine to join NATO became so loud it seemed a fait accompli. Sadly no one here including our brain dead fake fraud pres. did anything to assure Russia we were not drafting Ukraine into NATO just as now the idiots are not talking peace anywhere. Ukraine is anti Jew, anti Christian which automatically makes them aces with Elwood but beside that they are run by Nazis and crimminals. Period. You know it Elwood. You can read. You just won’t admit it because you personally hate Putin so there can never be a truthful word from you nor a compromise. Your hate trumps all, even Trump. That’s why you and your kind need to be gotten rid of.
Most of the American nuDemocommie Left , who when demos or Repubs are in charge never support military action or foreign incursion regardless of the location from Nam to Afghanistan. In fact they are “supposed” to be the “party of peace”:. spit, vomit,
It is also legit to question the overall approach of the nuDemmocommies over the last several years being involved in voter fraud, ballot harvesting, vote machine tampering and other illegal/immoral election shenanigans.
Too bad their greed and criminality is so deeply imbedded into our institutions we can’t even get a fair hearing let alone an actual trial, probe, audit or investigation but only kangaroo trials and Soviet style show trials.
I feel obliged to put to rest the absurd notion of making voting easier. American citizenship is a pearl of great price. Its voting privilege should be closely guarded. It should not be farmed out to mail-in ballots where people who don’t exist, people who are not citizens, imprisoned felons, and foreign nationals, all of whom seem eager to vote, can. Worse, they are allowed to vote. Voting in America should be made harder, not easier. It should be mandatory that:
Voting should be on a single day and in person
Photo ID must be required to vote
Signature and address must be checked against a database. If the address is not valid, no vote.
Mail in ballots should be permitted only for the disabled, those overseas, and the military. Proof of any of those things must be required before sending a ballot.
Oversight at every polling place by registered overseers of both parties should be zealously administered.
Paper ballots; we know enough now to realize that electronic voting presents myriad validation problems and in fact, flips votes from Republican to Democrat if so programmed, which is not hard for any 14-year-old miscreant to do. This was unearthed in the last election by hundreds of disenfranchised voters who were told to “file a form.”
No votes will be counted after midnight of election day, and no halting or slowing of the vote count for any reason other than an H-bomb shall take place.
In the event that mail-in voting doesn’t go away, the GOP should mobilize a D-Day-sized operation to use mail-ins to their advantage. They had better learn how now, not six months from now.
Marjorie Traitor-Greene just proposed that anyone moving from a Blue state to a Red state should be banned from voting for 5 years. That might help the Repubicuns.
Stupid, stupid Repubicun. And she runs the United States House of Representatives. America is fooked.
More lies Elwood? MTG(R-GA) is just the Rep for the 4th Dist., she does not run the United States House of Representatives.
Your party wants felons, 16 year old kids, non-citizens and the insane to vote but you complain about her suggestions to maintain the sanity of Red States? You’re the one who is fooked. In the head. It’s just like your position on the mass replacement you call “immigration”. If the so called immigrants were potential Republican conservatives you commies would have a 20′ high electrified border fence and the US Army would be guarding the border with Abram tanks. But since you pinkos are grooming a one party commie state you want every non-white person on earth here so the border remains open.
You are only concerned about Ukraines border, not ours. You’d start a nuclear war to protect your little fag commie friend.
We recognize your frustrations that triggers your anger.
Margaret Traitor-Greene and her gang extracted promises from the gelding Kevin McCarthy who has to accede to their demands. In addition, she is in the news daily.
We want every eligible voter to be able to vote. Some felons can legally vote. “Coincidentally”, Red states have several-fold more citizens disenfranchised than Blue states. For example, some 10% of potential voters in MS, TN, AL and FL are disenfranchised! The top ten in disinfranchising voters, in order: Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, Virginia, Kentucky, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Texas.
Sixteen year-olds cannot vote according to the Constitution. Non-citizens cannot vote in national elections.
American bigots, neoNazis, white nationalists, anti-Semites etc proclaim The Great Replacement. Recall the Charlottesville chants where the fine people on your side where shouting “Jews won’t replace us!”.
Mr Zelensky is neither gay nor a communist. Your brethren even accuse the Jewish Mr Zelensky of being a Nazi!!
You project your desires for one party (authoritarian white nationalist) rule on others. Never forget; with the right it’s always projection.
Great question. I assume you are asking rhetorically because Congress has not issued a formal declaration of war. But in fact, and in every way that matters, the USA is indeed at war with Russia. Like most neo-cons and Democrats, they prefer their wars to be undeclared so they never have to face the American people and actually ASK if Americans would like to go to war. At least the Bush administration went through the motions.
1. American troops are in Ukraine participating in combat actions. 2 have already died thus.
2. America is providing important levels of arms, ammunition and funds to one belligerent specifically to help their war effort. The very same thing that Germany used as the Casus Belli to sink the Lusitania and enter the USA into WW1.
3. America is providing intelligence gathering and analysis to Ukraine to assist their war effort.
4. The American Biden administration is providing moral and propaganda support to the government of Ukraine in support of their war against Russia.
5. America is leading a global initiative to punish Russia economically. The very thing that Japan used as a Casus Belli to bomb Pearl Harbor.
6. America is providing mercenaries to assist in combat operations in Ukraine, paid by Ukraine, using money provided by the USA. The American unit of mercenaries is manned, led and supported by Americans.
7. American forces are in Ukraine providing aid and comfort to the Ukrainian armed forces.
8. American forces are in Ukraine providing advanced training and logistical support to the Ukranian Armed forces.
9. The American State Department is leading a global diplomatic effort to get other European zone countries to give military aid to Ukraine.
In every way that matters, the USA is at war with Russia just as much as we were at war with Germany in November of 1941. And Russia sees it that way too. We are totally depending on their restraint to keep us out of a shooting war all over Europe. And it was done without a vote in Congress, other than to authorize the money. The founders never intended for any politician or political party to have this much power.
Wilson feared impeachment if he took the USA into WWI, even though Europe was begging for it and millions had already lost their lives.
FDR feared impeachment is he took the USA into WWII without sufficient cause, even though the war in Europe had been raging for years and millions had died. Japan finally gave it to him.
Biden (and Hillary before him) fear nothing. They treat the world like a game and the lives of the millions who will die in their game never enter their minds.
I don’t know about the rest of you but I don’t think the legacy of a few American political families and the generational wealth they accumulate is worth another world war.
100 percent agree Professor. A shooting war is out of the question barring the engagement of China which just now might think about joining the fray since INDIA which is holding back the Chinese…sharing a border and constantly antagonizing each other….is in disarray with rioting and demonstrating in the streets over a BBC report on MODI which was intended to bring him down since he has chosen to side with CHINA and RUSSIA vs the USA and the EU in this conflict.
With this done by the BBC it is clear that the west has become a liability for MODI and with CHINA/RUSSIA/INDIA and thus Pakistan and IRAN joining the fray a shooting war is very likely and at the same time China moves on Taiwan.
All to cover up for HUNTER BIDEN and Joe BIDEN as I see it. These generational power thugs will do anything for power, wealth and legacy and Biden has shown this repeatedly with speechs that so far have been met with more and more angst by Russia and now hes got China pissed enough to fly directly to MOSCOW a day after Biden pisses them off and have a very PUBLIC MEETING with PUTIN where they are French Kissing each other on Camera.
A shooting war is next. WW3 is around the corner. All because the left now has lost their minds because Donald J. Trump must somehow be shown up over and over and over again.
You know the guy that did not start a single new conflict in 4 years and was even lied to by the military who later laughed about it in order to keep us in SYRIA and other places Trump ordered us to LEAVE.