This is a perfect example of why I refer to this whole “movement” as a doomsday cult
Opinion: How NC State can battle climate change
Recently, I was invited to speak at the TEDxNCState event, held in Tompson Hall on the North Carolina State University campus on February 22, 2023. And today’s post in my ongoing series on WRAL TechWire is, essentially, the text of that talk delivered to students and other campus officials and employees.
In the speech, as you will read, I present a proposal that asks the institution to become a perfectly green campus. (snip)
At the very beginning of this talk something unexpected happened to me. About two sentences into it I was struck by a wave of emotion. I had to pause, let the wave pass, and then begin again. It’s something I had never experienced before.
If I were to try to explain what happened, it might be this: In front of me in this audience was a crowd of college students. And that mattered.
These college students did not ask to be born onto a planet that is about to be destroyed by climate change and global heating.
Wait, I thought we weren’t supposed to listen to people who are “climate scientists”, and Marshall Brain is not. This is the kind of stuff you get from a doomsday cult.
Yet here they are coming of age on such a planet. All signs are pointing to a coming catastrophe, yet the world’s leaders – the people in charge of the world’s governments, industries, corporations, and even the leaders in charge of their campus – appear to be doing little to nothing of any real significance to solve the climate change problem. It’s overwhelming to comprehend how amazingly unfair this is to them; how unjustly they are being treated by a few generations that preceded them and burned all the fossil fuels that create the current crisis.
Well, during his talk he railed against fossil fuels. But, weirdly, despite saying that Government should ban all use of fossil fuels, he never recommended that all those students stop using them immediately voluntarily. He does say that NC State, for which he is a professor, should stop using them. It would make it difficult to run all those buses taking kids around campus, taking the sports teams to compete, for the kids to get to school, to go on spring break, eh? And cost quite a lot. Interestingly, he doesn’t say if he’s given up his own use of fossil fuels. Weird, right?

Does anyone ever get to ask to be born into the world they find themselves? Do black children ask to be born black? Shouldn’t their parents instead choose for them to be born white? Do children of the poor get to choose to be born to wealth instead? What a ridiculous thing for college students to be fearful of. They need to check their privilege. Pampered college kids instead of needing to work for a living. People in India and CHina are not losing sleep about climate change.
Shaking my head:
Well, thanks to our Second Amendment, if they are saddened by the fact they have been born, they can easily change their status from living to dead.
So? They aren’t on one.
So why should they have to repay their student debt?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Previously you all were discussing the train wreck. The likely fault was a labor action as they got stiffed by Congress. And it fits their mo.
In the past we have been presented with challenges. Previous generations would get together and find a solution. But the younger generations seem to be total losers and in capable of innovation. Of course the issue is a total hoax and the one and only solution allowed is taxes and tyrannical central government.
They’re far too occupied asking for every fucking thing else!