The Democratic Party and their Credentialed Media Comrades, along with some of the unhinged Never Trumpers, are not taking it well that Kevin McCarthy gave Tucker Carlson all that J6 video, the video that the unhinged, ultra partisan committee did not want to let the public know about. And now, it’s apparently a weapon, according to the ever-moonbat MSNBC
The GOP just armed Tucker Carlson with an extraordinary weapon
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., has reportedly shared over 40,000 hours of U.S. Capitol surveillance footage from the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection with Fox News host Tucker Carlson. If you thought the right’s attitude toward Jan. 6 was worrisome before, it’s likely about to get worse. Carlson is the most influential MAGA-aligned pundit in the country, and he can use this footage to do huge damage to public memory of one of the most brazen strikes against democracy in American history.
You really could stop right there. Is Zeeshan Aleem saying that the video will show something other than what we’ve been told per the committee and the Credentialed Media? Aleem says Tucker is “not an honest person”, which is a hoot coming from anyone working for MSNBC, and
Carlson’s capacity to cast doubt on Jan. 6 narratives could be on the brink of becoming quite a lot stronger. He may be able to accurately say that he has access to footage that no other media outlet in the country has. That, in turn, will give his claims about having the “real” story of what happened on Jan. 6 extra weight among right-wing audiences. He could also develop an even stronger capacity to confuse, mislead and manufacture false claims about what happened that day because it could be harder for other media outlets to contextualize or fact-check many claims he makes. In other words, Carlson’s authoritarian disinformation operation may have just become a lot stronger. The cumulative effect of Carlson’s access could very well further strengthen his overall authority among right-wing audiences. He could lord it over any competitor that he’s obtained something nobody else has.
So, by actually showing the video it could cast doubt on the J6 Narrative? Showing the American People all the video, which Carleson has promised to do, could undermine the carefully cherry picked video used by the J6 committee? That would mean that the U.S. Government is attempting to hide facts from We The People.
At first it was concerning when the GOP wanted to move on quickly from Trump’s role in Jan. 6. Those days now look relatively innocent. These days, the speaker of the House wants to obliterate the public’s understanding of what even happened on that day.
If a prosecutor hid information from the defense, they’d lose the case. The judge could call a mistrial. If it was egregious enough they could be fired, and even disbarred. Show us the video. We The People will decide.

Teach are you still parroting the big lie that they were “mostly peaceful tourists just visiting the Capital” ? About 1000 have already been convicted. Trump has promised to immediately pardon them if elected. Will the tapes be shown to us in their entirety? Or carefully edited? Will they show any ANTIFA provocateurs that the right originally tried to blame for the riots and deaths?
Will you ever stop defending the riot?
126 police were hospitalized with injuries
First off, about 650 people have been adjudicated so far not not “1000 convicted”. Most plead guilty to a minor charge since as Americans they have to work and can’t afford to pay thousands in legal fees to prove their innocence. The system is the punishment. You and your commie friends have turned the law into political warfare. Hope you’re proud. Secondly there were about 33,000 protestors at the Capitol that day. We would be correct in saying they were mostly peaceful protestors would we not? Now compare that to an estimated 500,000 rioters burning down 26 cities, causing $2 billion in damage and taking 33 lives in the black/communist Floyd riots of 2000.
Were these tapes shown in their entirety when the leftists pigs had them? Then why would you care now if it wasn’t important before? Hypocrite!
There was a riot for about 3 hours and there were two deaths: both of UNARMED protestors and neither murderer was prosecuted! Typical two tier law enforcement supported by anti American assholes.
None of us are defending the riots (unlike you pigs did in 2020). We defend our right to protest. We defend our right to march on OUR Capitol unarmed without being beaten, murdered and locked up for years without justice of due process. And we defend our right to say the election was stolen.
As a nurse who has attended many times riots in Philly I can attest the police call a splinter a wound during riots. They get extra pay for being “wounded” so a paper cut becomes worthy of stiches. They also get overtime for court trips, related hospital and doctor visits and time off for “convalescence”. So please don’t tell me about “injured” cops at demonstrations that were only a few hours and where only 50 cops were reported hospitalized, ONLY 5 CIVILIANS (Sounds fishy, no?) and no police killed.
You guys are such liars and such scum it’s inconceivable. Nothing matters but your political points which is to cover sniffer joe and Hunters asses.
Have Kevin and Tucker released ALL the video to the public yet? Why not?
Why didn’t you ask that question for the last 3 years while the democommies had total control of the tapes? Another bullshit complaint by the guy who spent 5 years bitching about Trump’s taxes. How’d that go for ya?
MSNBC is doubling down as CNN is actually trying to return to its roots as a news outlet 24×7 under its new ?conservative? CEO, like it, used to be back in the day when it was THE MOST TRUSTED NAME IN NEWS.
Since CNN has opted out of being a political arm of the Democratic party it is now incumbent upon MSNBC to double down and become even more unhinged. I have no doubt that MSNBC will rehire the lunatic from hell…..Keith Oberman to trash the right for anything they even think in their closets in the basement out in the sticks. Becauae according to the left which their real feelings are voiced by Oberman…..conservatives should be rounded up and SHOT.
DISGUSTING: Keith Olbermann says Trump allies, and supporters should be “removed” from society
Conservative Charlie Kirk was confronted by a supporter who asked when they should start killing those who are stealing their freedoms.
His response?
“You’re playing into all their plans, and they’re trying to make you do this … ,” Kirk said. “They are trying to provoke you and everyone here. They are trying to make you do something that will be violent that will justify a takeover of your freedoms and liberties, the likes of which we have never seen.”
At a patriot Rally, a leftist supporter shoots and kills many patriots PRAYING for Trump and our nation. A BLM activist and Bernie Sanders supporter was arrested for Murder. Cenk Uygur of the Young Turks supports Russia today and threatened Glen Beck because he disagrees with Beck over covid lockdowns.
And 750 police officers were injured during the Floyd BLM and antifa riots. Never hear you mention that, Johnny
For that to be true, the liberal narrative about it has to be false (as was already known).
You’re welcome.