This would be the same Credentialed Media who were happy to run with the Narrative established by the hyper-partisan J6 committee, just running the cherry picked video release by the committee, never asking for all the video so they could do their jobs as watchdogs of Government, rather a reason that Freedom Of The Press is mentioned in the 1st Amendment. They showed no interest, but, now that McCarthy gave Tucker Carlson access now they want it?
News outlets demand access to Jan. 6 footage McCarthy gave to Tucker Carlson
A group of news outlets are demanding that they receive access to tens of thousands of hours of surveillance footage from the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) gave to Fox News host Tucker Carlson earlier this week.
Attorney Charles Tobin sent a letter on Thursday on behalf of 10 media organizations to congressional leadership to request all closed-circuit camera footage recorded inside the Capitol and on the grounds outside the building as was given to Carlson.
“The incredible public interest in understanding what transpired on January 6 crosses party lines,” the letter states.
Tobin, who provided the letter to The Hill, noted comments that McCarthy has made saying that allowing the American public to review the tapes would let “everybody make their own judgment” on what happened and would be in the public’s interest.
The outlets included in the coalition are Advance Publications, ABC, Axios, CNN, CBS, The E.W. Scripps Company, Gannett, the Los Angeles Times, Politico and ProPublica.
Funny that none of these outlets were saying the same thing over the past two years, eh? That there was no curiosity, no attempt to act as reporters to see if what the J6 committee was feeding them was the truth?
“Without full public access to the complete historical record, there is concern that an ideologically-based narrative of an already polarizing event will take hold in the public consciousness, with destabilizing risks to the legitimacy of Congress, the Capitol Police, and the various federal investigations and prosecutions of January 6 crimes,” the letter states.
You mean like the ideologically-based narrative from the committee, propped up by these same news organizations? As John Nolte writes
After TWO YEARS of bending over for Pelosi, look who’s suddenly concerned about an “ideologically-based narrative.”
We all know what’s going on here… The fake media are terrified the full context might prove what some people have been saying is true: that the Capitol Police did indeed open the doors to some of the same protestors facing legal action for trespassing. Who knows what else the video could show? Considering how corrupt the fascist F.B.I. has become, nothing would surprise me anymore.
Perhaps the video won’t show anything. Maybe it will show a lot. Humorously, it was just a few days ago the same media running with the Democratic Party talking point that the video makes America less safe. Public record video.

We have already been given the parts of the Capitol kerfuffle videos that the Democrats wanted us to see, and the credentialed media were happy with that. Now that all of the videos have been given to someone who isn’t suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, the media understand that there will be things that Mr Carlson releases which won’t fit Teh Narrative, so they’re hoping that they can find more bad stuff for conservatives so they can blow it out of proportion again.
GOP is a threat to democracy.
Credentialed, HA! Good one.
Mr Teach is “inadvertently” misleading his loyal readers by typing…
It’s either dishonest, naive or both to claim NO media outlets requested access to the full portfolio of government video from the Jan 6 right-wing riot.
In fact, in 2021 a coalition of media organizations demanded access to the government videos, but the US Capitol Police and the US attorney’s office balked, citing security weaknesses that might be revealed from the Capitol CCTV system.
A judge agreed with the media coalition and some of the videos were released.
Speaker McCarthy released the videos to election and riot denier Mr Tucker Carlson as part of an agreement to enable Mr McCathy’s speakership.
If there is no security concern in delivering the government files to Mr Carlson, they should ALL now be made public.
But but the so called “coalition of media organizations” accepted wholeheartedly the explanation given by Pelosi et al. without any non-biased investigation except by Tucker Carlson.

Give it up Rimjob you’re wrong on this one even if you stupidly refuse to admit it, you stupid fuck.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Teach is a stupid fuck!
And still refusing to admit his error.

Musta touched a nerve, hey Rimjob?
Bwaha! Lolgf
Dear Elwood:
Whoever asked for whatever in whenever doesn’t matter or tell the story.
The story is told by watching all the Leftie media, about 99% of the total, piss and moan over the videos being released.
War is hell!
Mr Teach claimed the media didn’t ask for the videos. That is untrue.
Now, the legitimate media just wants equal access to the videos.
The so-called “legitimate madia” is Rimjobesque in claiming they just want “equal access”. Bullshit.
Kinda hard to “spin” the actual videos after Carlson releases them.
Let’m go back to court.

Bwaha! Lolgf
I don’t know what the Left is crying about. They can watch it all on Fox news.