It’s really a hallmark of cult’s that they just don’t consider how insane their ramblings sound like, and they’ll try and convince people that what they’re pushing is totally real
How climate change is making California’s weather more extreme
In the midst of a two-decades-long megadrought that climate scientists say has been made worse because of rising global temperatures, California has been hit with an especially cold and wet winter, in which low temperature records have been set and the Sierra snowpack is poised to eclipse its all-time high.
But the whiplash from one extreme to another is consistent with climate change, experts say. Since the start of the Industrial Revolution, California’s average temperatures have risen between 2-4 degrees Fahrenheit, and the dramatic variability seen in recent years is a consequence of that fact.
“A lot of folks are saying, ‘Everything is getting more extreme, it’s wetter and drier and hotter and colder.’ One of those isn’t true,” UCLA climate scientist Daniel Swain told Yahoo News. “Three out of the four are in California. The one thing that isn’t happening is it’s not getting colder.”
No matter what happens, the answer is always ‘climate change’. Is it any wonder I started referring to it as Hotcoldwetdry for well over a decade? Somehow, greenhouse gases are making it so hot that it snows in Los Angeles. Which, by the way, happened as far back as 1879 (in recorded history). And two inches during the CO2 safe period of 1932.
So, while some parts of Southern California saw rare blizzard conditions last week, and snow fell at unusually low elevations in places like the Bay Area, those events in no way disprove climate change, which is measured over a longer time horizon than a single week, month or season. Nor do the brutal cold snaps show that climate change is simultaneously causing the world to undergo cooling.
Despite saying this is the long term, they blamed a short term on You. This is all just the ramblings of a doomsday cult. If we had an impartial, skeptical, and honest media they would be pointing this out. They apparently do not realize that with the implementation of authoritarian government these same journalists will be under the complete thumb of government, and will be told how to do their jobs, what they can investigate, and what they can write.

Who would have ever predicted that global warming could trigger extremes in weather?
Mr Teach continues his grievance tour! If we humans aren’t responsible for global warming, what is? Magic!! The gods!! Chance!!
It’s not a grievance tour it’s a reality tour. Why would warming trigger extreme cold and snow?
So that’s the basis of your “science”? If we didn’t do it then what did? Yeah, that’s real scientific. We would imagine the same forces that have been responsible for past episodes of warming even before humans is at it again. Or is that beyond your “scientific” reason?
We’d have more respect for your false predictions, rants and lack of reason if you would stop trying to destroy Western Civilization to conquer the weather and if you’d go after the real culprits like India and China than we who strive for clean energy.
None of us are deliberately trying to damage the weather whereas those of you on the left where the real climate loons live are trying to destroy freedom and free markets. Here’s proof: If you actually cared about saving the climate and not destroying our civilization you would be marching in the streets for safe, clean, abundant nuclear power. IOW, the technology we have and we know works without making the rich richer and the poor poorer which is what your current plans are and will do.
Why or how does global warming cause shifts in cold snaps and snow?
The overall average warming of the Earth’s surface is not uniform. For example, the Arctic, which it turns out significantly influences the weather of North America, is warming more rapidly than other areas. No doubt, you’ve heard of and readily dismissed the term ‘polar vortex’, which keeps the coldest Arctic air, well, Arctic. Even though the Arctic is warming rapidly, it’s still very cold!! Just not as cold. That warmer ‘cold’ air is much more likely to dip southward now. Hence, more frequent freeze snaps in Texas.
In addition, warmer air can hold more water vapor – more water vapor, more potential precipitation, including snow.
Forbes has a dated (2019) but solid explanation of the complexity of the overall climate system of Earth and how global warming can cause cold snaps in the US.
BTW, I do support nuclear power, although it is very expensive. France obtains over 70% of its electricity generation from nuclear. It can be done. Liberals opposed nuclear power for decades based on: nuclear waste storage, meltdowns like Chernobyl, 3 Mile Island and Fukushima, terrorist actions, and a general fear of nuclear explosions.
Could be wrong here but the intelligent observer would call it… weather.

But you being a dumbfuck that flies right over your head.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
It’s that seventh word that trips up Jeffty.
Oh, Stormy! Youse guys are such stupid dumbfucks. Filled with hate, brimming with ignorance. LOL.
“Who would have predicted that gw could trigger extremes in weather?”
Anyone can predict it, but who would have thought there’s no evidence of more extreme weather?
Tell that to the over 90 million Americans in California, Texas and Florida, the three most populous states in America.
Come up with evidence yet that it’s any worse than it used to be for those in California, Arizona and Florida? And even if it was, which it isn’t, the next step would be to show cause-effect evidence that it’s from “global warming”. A few steps yet to go..
I’m currently enjoying 3′ of global warming in my yard. I’m able to type this because my Generac is turning propane into electricity. I think I’ll take my gas guzzling Jeep Rubicon out for a spin to the nearest watering hole when they open. hanging around the house is getting boring.
Don’t believe everything you read from that dumbfuck, Teach!
Read this to understand how it can still snow even though the Earth has warmed.
Happy to walk you through the article if you’re interested in learning.
The irony is amazing…and quite lost on Jeffty.
Of course inconvenient to the alarmists is the fact that the exact same weather pattern was observed in the 70s and was blamed on global cooling. *science*
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