I’d love to know the thought process behind this
.@Hersheys is putting the face of a trans-"woman" on chocolate bar wrappers with "HerShe" highlighted in honor of international women's day.
Hershey's is erasing women. pic.twitter.com/JzRkAtwTdO— Leftism (@LeftismForU) March 1, 2023
Did Hershey discuss this in a meeting, planning it out? Did their ad department, or a hired ad company, put it together then bring it to the suits who approve ads? Did no one say “why in the ever loving f*ck are we using a mentally ill man for an ad campaign for international women’s day?”
Boycott Hershey’s Calls Over Trans Woman in International Women’s Day Promo
Some social media users have called for a boycott of Hershey’s products over its decision to include a transgender woman in its International Women’s Day advertising campaign in Canada.
The chocolate manufacturer brought back its SHE bar for a third time on March 1, to “shine a light on the women and girls who inspire us every day.”
In Canada, this is being branded as HER, with bars featuring the faces of five women chosen to be part of the campaign.
One of those chosen for the promotion is Fae Johnstone, a transgender rights activist, who said they were honored to be featured.
Not a women. You can shave a bear and call it a pig, but, it’s still a bear
“You get the feeling that these companies *always* despised women — they were just waiting for the right moment to stick it to us,” Abigail Shrier, author of Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters, tweeted. “Here’s the thing about real women, Hersheys: we have long memories.”
Also Wednesday
(MarketWatch) Shares of Hershey Co. HSY, -0.70% slid 0.70% to $236.65 Wednesday, on what proved to be an all-around mixed trading session for the stock market, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, +0.02% rising 0.02% to 32,661.84 and the S&P 500 Index SPX, -0.47% falling 0.47% to 3,951.39. This was the stock’s second consecutive day of losses. Hershey Co. closed $7.73 short of its 52-week high ($244.38), which the company achieved on February 22nd.
I suspect the purchase of Hershey products is going to dip. It’s not very good chocolate. I buy the Lidl brand Way To Go bar, which is much bigger, for $2.40, and it is much, much better.

They could have used five real women in the ad, and nobody would have cared. Instead they went for controversy, apparently thinking that all publicity is good publicity.
Stop oppressing him, ya bigot. Not only can men be women, they can be better women than women.
No doubt, Hershey was trolling the right. And it worked! People love to irk the culture warriors and laugh.
You should not by Hershey chocolate! Governor DeSantis plans to ban Hershey chocolate from DisneyWorld!!
Manly Repubicun officials inconveniently have pictures of themselves in ‘drag’ showing up. TN Gov Bill Lee was a very homely cheerleader in that short, short skirt!
BTW, the ad was for Hershey’s Canada and included 5 women, including Ms Johnstone.
It’s only controversial to the far-right minority.
And why do conservative men care? Are you afraid you might get Lola-ed? L-O-L-A, Lola!
Or is it just something to add to your culture warrior (CW) grievance file?
You can still call them mentally ill, trannies, chicks-with-dicks etc, but in public you’ll be ridiculed.
Dear Elwood:
The purpose of a publicly traded corporation is to increase the value of the corporation as defined by the value of its stock.
Angering its customers is not a good way to do that.
The Board of Directors should fire the top management who approved this.
Will it? Maybe not this time but remember what Disney and other idiot ran corporations have discovered.
Go Woke! Go Broke!
Disney was attacked by the State. Do you think the State should dictate how private companies operate?
Dear Elwood:
Go woke. Go broke.
That would be the liberal way to put it. Normal people would see that the state took away special privileges Disney had that others didn’t. The horror….
Do you think large private corporation should dictate policy to our government that is opposite to the desires of the majority.
Why would any sensible person ridicule calling “chicks” who are not chicks and actually do have dicks? Why would you denigrate women by allowing men to take their jobs and pose as women? Are you mentally ill too?
Because we actually respect women unlike you radical nuDemocommies who are trying to replace them with mutilated fake twats. Why don’t nuDemocommies care about the sanctity of women?
Let me tell ya something Elwood, a lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right and evil doesn’t become good just because it’s accepted by a majority. Even if the radical Democommie minority says differently.
Radical leftists have lost their minds and believe men are women.
It’s marketing. No one has talked about Hershey park in the media for years. Today, everyone is talking about them. Sadly, for them, not all advertising is good. There are tons of chocolate makers in the USA. If Hershey’s alienates 75% of the population in favor of approval of the other 25% then those LGBTQ+ activists and their friends better buy a lot of chocolate bars.
They do this because, as Barack Obama once said, “they didn’t build that”. The boards of most of the corporations in the USA had nothing to do with building those companies and making them the giants they are today and they get lots of extra credit form their friends by using corporate resources to promote political causes. Being well connected politically is a sure fire way to get on the board of directors of a big company. Since they didn’t build it, they don’t have any loyalty to making it bigger or more successful. They are only there to milk it and diverting resources to political causes is just one way to milk things. They ALL do this.
Do you think that the transgendered are evil? Is the burgeoning acceptance of transgendered the work of the “Devil”?
How does a transgendered male OR female disrespect women?
What we radical Americans have lost is respect for our increasingly belligerent, cruel and ignorant reactionary “friends”. It’s your choice to live life ignorant and angry.
Why would you insult and denigrate those that do no harm to you or others? Because you don’t like or approve? Are you bothered that many of your compatriots consider you inferior?
It’s just how allowing Blacks play professional sports ruined sports. At the time most Americans didn’t approve of race mixing in business, education or sport. Gay men and women were largely excluded from the American mainstream.
Some far-right individuals think this led to Making America Not Great and want to Make America Great Again.
It’s my opinion that many right-wingers are Mentally Ill. Many Americans believe their lives are impacted by, if not controlled by, imaginary spirits – some good, some evil – attributing beliefs and “laws” to these “beings” that others should/must follow.
The concepts of “good” and “evil” are human constructs. Some are universal, evolving from the necessity of maintaining stable societies – killing, assault, stealing are considered evil. Of course, killing, assault and theft is how non-human animals have always lived.
Again Rimjob continues to prove that he’s not very bright.
Or maybe he’s just a dumbfuck with nothing better to do.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Every argument from a radical nuDemocommie has to include : “What we radical Americans have lost is respect for our increasingly belligerent, cruel and ignorant reactionary “friends”. It’s your choice to live life ignorant and angry.and Nazi like statements “Are you bothered that many of your compatriots consider you inferior?”
First we and you all realize that you clowns are well known for your constant Projection so look in the mirror fool. Especially when you start calling us ignorant, belligerent, cruel, angry and the money line “inferior”.
That’s a true blue Nazi line there. We are “inferior”. LOL. People who don’t agree with you are inferior. That in itself is a fukin riot. LOL.
But the fact that you believe “The concepts of “good” and “evil” are human constructs” just like sex, justice, and everything else you pagan heathen snots think are “constructs”. There is not absolute truth or absolute evil or with you loons even and absolute woman or womanhood. The only thing that is absolute to you is the inferiority of conservatives, Christians, Whites and of course Trump supporters. Everything else is fungible. Even good and evil because they are constructs not absolutes.
We don’t think they are necessarily evil just their sexually deviant acts. And your “burgeoning acceptance of transgendered” is an evil act of widespread promotion by leftists like you. When you control all the levers you always win. It’s a one party state run by the forces of 1984. You know it and you love stepping on those who disagree and crushing their faces with your boot. Makes you feel like your dick is bigger than reality.
The only thing that is absolute is the inferiority of conservatives, Christians, Whites and of course Trump supporters. Everything else is fungible. Even good and evil because they are constructs not absolutes.
Haven’t you taken the time to notice even though nobody is perfect you seem to believe you are? Always right. Never in doubt. Unable to compromise because of your utter perfection? LOL
Reading the shit you type here is so illuminating regarding the very soul of those we fight against. If one could find a soul.
Here. A great read about Trannyism and the destruction it is creating. As a construct of course.
[…] Or something. VIA Pirates Cove […]
Another democommie faggot mayor arrested for child porn. But according to Elwood he wouldn’t be considered a groomer or a pervert. Just a regular guy who likes to fuck kids.
Patrick Wojahn, a mentee of Pete Buttigieg who was first elected mayor in 2015, resigned his position after he was taken into custody this morning by the Prince George’s County Police Department. Ahh yes, whooda thunk?
Wojahn, a gay man, recently made headlines in the DC area when he and his husband, Dave Kolesar, attended the signing of the so-called “Respect for Marriage Act” (Which was nothing but disrespect for marriage) at the White House. Wojahn remarked at the time, “It feels like it’s a sort of a turning point and a crossroads, a moment where we’re really gonna look back in 20 years and remember this day, as a date that really signified something important in our history and the history of our country.” It sure did. It represented the putrification of the institution of marriage.
Because according to current radical democommie thinking it is much better to encourage people with perverted sexual urges that to help them. After all, wouldn’t want to hurt some fags feelings now would we?
Beside, how are they gonna keep the child traffickers, child porn makers and groomers in business unless we celebrated diversity with people who like to shower with their little children. (Oops, sorry Mr. President).
Many of you have already reached out with well wishes and thoughts, and I am eternally grateful. I am stepping away to deal with my own mental health. I ask that you continue to keep me and my family in your prayers.”
Funny how as soon as they’re caught they resort to the old “mental health” bullshit but if we tell them their deviancy is a mental problem they call us homophobes (like we’d ever be afraid of a whacked out fag).
And as the left slowly destroys America and calls us “cruel” (Elwood’s favorite insult now that “racist” has lost its oomph) we can console ourselves in the fact that there is on less faggot encouraging child rape by buying child porn to whack off on while dreaming about what’s under Richard Levine’s admiral outfit.
But Elwood will ask how these perverts harm us or how they hurt the country. Willful blindness, a common observation among the left.
And a senile old man living in his basement got 81 million votes. Sure, we buy that too. LOL.