Very easy for her to say, as it’s easy for her to takes lots of fossil fueled flights, like the one she just took to Ukraine
Center for Strategic and International Studies
On February 9, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen spoke at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, urging the World Bank to “evolve” and be “bolder and more imaginative” in its operational approach to tackling global challenges such as climate change. She proposed that the World Bank “expand its vision” to include addressing these global challenges. According to Secretary Yellen, the problem lies in multilateral development banks’ (MDBs’) “core model,” which involves countries borrowing to make specific investments aimed at addressing development constraints in their own countries. That model is insufficient to meet the moment. Such a model will always underinvest in addressing global challenges – since the benefits of investments in global challenges stretch far beyond the borders of the country where a given project takes place.” As a result, the Secretary contended that the World Bank and other MDBs urgently needed to change, given declining progress in their “core mission of poverty reduction and inclusive economic growth.”
Yellen referenced a 2022 G20 report on development banks’ capital adequacy frameworks, explaining that it provided a “solid blueprint” for the World Bank to “boost its financial capacity by responsibly stretching its existing financial resources.” She highlighted several “promising ideas for exploration,” which included the increased securitization of private sector portfolios and piloting the issuance of subordinated debt instruments. She also requested that the World bank identify “concessional resources available to countries to tackle global challenges,” explaining that these resources could “incentivize the decommissioning of coal plants and protect displaced workers during a clean energy transition.”
A spokesperson for the World Bank responded to Yellen’s remarks, stating that the lender appreciates support from the U.S. and other shareholders “for finding ways to ramp up development finance to meet global challenges such as climate change, fragility, and pandemics. We see this support as a recognition by the global community of the World Bank’s longstanding responsiveness and effectiveness, and we always welcome new ideas.”
Yeah, yeah, yeah, a bunch of climahypocritical Elites trying to force their cultish beliefs on everyone else. Which will end up messing around with your live and money and freedom.

Ron DeSantis: “The courage to be free” – get it here!
Yellen is about as qualified for her job as thesetwo.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Another qualified genius from Brandon’s administration.

Bwaha! Lolgf
This just in…

Bwaha! Lolgf
We get it.

Gotta stop Putin and save Ukraine!!!
Bwaha! Lolgf