I’ve never really understood why the Democrats and the media were so against discussing the origins of COVID, and still are. Regardless of the origin it wouldn’t affect their need to institute authoritarian government, right? Are they that much in the pocket of China, meaning, the Elites are, and they give marching orders to the peasants? Shouldn’t journalists, reporters, be interested in getting to the truth?
The endless — and potentially harmful — debate over COVID’s origins
The U.S. Department of Energy has determined that the most likely source of the coronavirus pandemic was an accidental leak from a Chinese virology lab, according to a recent report from the Wall Street Journal.
Debate over the origins of COVID-19 has raged since the earliest days of the pandemic. Two competing theories — one suggesting that it was a “lab leak” and the other that the virus was passed to humans from animals — have been the source of intense scientific scrutiny, media sniping and political posturing. But after three years of inquiry, there is still no clear answer. (snip)
Far more attention should be paid to the dangers that are coming
“Tracing the roots of Covid-19 is still an important scientific and political task, but it’s far more urgent to halt the next pandemic before it ignites.” — Umair Irfan, Vox
Um, that next pandemic could come from China, just like COVID and a few others which escaped the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Conspiracists made it tough to have a real discussion about the possibility of a lab leak
“The simple reason why so many people weren’t keen to discuss the ‘lab leak’ *theory* is because it was originally conflated by the right with ‘Chinese bio weapon’ conspiracies and continues to be conflated by the right with anti-Fauci conspiracies. Blame the conspiracy theorists. … It’s hard to have a good faith disagreement about a major issue if the issue itself has been hijacked by bad faith folks.” — Medhi Hasan, MSNBC host
Bad faith, like shutting down people’s Free Speech? And, as Rebekah Knoffler notes
Orchestrated by Big Government – in collusion with Big Tech and the Big Media – the goal was to distort and shut down any candid public discourse about this critical national security issue.
US spy agencies concealed from Congress, and therefore the American people, that COVID-19 demonstrated clear consistencies with China’s biological warfare doctrine and Beijing’s long-term programs to weaponize viruses.
There’s a reason man considered the bio-warfare angle.
Politicians and pundits should never have been involved in the debate in the first place
“The not-quite-solved mystery of exactly where this virus came from and how it found its way into humans … is a scientific question best left to scientists.” — David Quammen, Washington Post
Screw you, especially since the media itself was involved, and, I do reckon that people who are getting sick, having their lives affected have a say.
Focus on COVID’s origins blocks hard conversations about far more important issues
“Whatever the conscious intentions of the proponents of a lab leak as the source of COVID-19, their arguments and their insistence on playing and replaying the debate have become dangerous. They shift responsibility for [the United States’] disastrous handling of the pandemic away from the failures of our political system, our politicians, and our health and public health systems and to a geopolitical rival. They are a partisan political cudgel, diverting attention from the real sources of danger of future pandemics and delaying action on what could be an existential threat to humans.” — John Ehrenreich, Slate
The answer is simple: answer whether lab leak or natural. But, those in China’s pocket apparently do now want that. Meanwhile
(Fox News) GOP leadership on a House committee said Sunday it uncovered new email evidence suggesting Dr. Anthony Fauci “prompted” the drafting of “proximal origin” publication meant to “disprove” the COVID-19 lab leak theory.
In a new memo released Sunday, Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Majority Staff alerted the rest of the committee members to “New Evidence Resulting from the Select Subcommittee’s Investigation into the Origins of COVID-19 – ‘The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2’”
“New evidence released by the Select Subcommittee today suggests that Dr. Fauci ‘prompted’ the drafting of a publication that would ‘disprove’ the lab leak theory, the authors of this paper skewed available evidence to achieve that goal, and Dr. Jeremy Farrar went uncredited despite significant involvement,” the memo says.
That looks like political interference. One wonders why Fauci would do this, and how much fun he’s going to have in House hearings?

Teach please remember that the investigation results all had a rating of “low confidence” in the origin of that pandemic. How would you rate Trump’s handling of the virus? Please remember that he did tell us that it was all under control and that it was expected to “magically disappear in April when it got warmer” .
In the end it killed over 1.1 million and about 3 million being close enough to death to require being put in a ventilator, with Republicans deaths out numbering Dems by 3 to 1 in the Yale study of 2 states FL and OH. The states with the highest percapita death rates were all those poorer red states.
Everything Fauci did was done with the approval of his boss, Donald Trump. He could have been fired for not following orders.
Approval polls for Fauci during the pandemic were always higher than that of Trump
Carbon offset boy-more unsupported assertions? Do you actually believe everyone in a red state votes red, or supports “red” positions or vice versa? Because that’s what would have had to happen to satisfy your BS assertion. But it explains a lot, really-it’s why you fall for the “carbon offset” position. “Fauci had a higher approval rating”. Oh, my-irrelevant. The question to ask would be was Fauci or Trump, or anyone telling the truth? Johnny-your critical thinking cap fell off a while ago