The UK Guardian was very much against the Iraq war, and wasn’t all that thrilled with the war in Afghanistan. Their UK operations wanted British troops out, and since they focus on the US a lot, wanted US troops out. Particularly since they were infused with Bush Derangement Syndrome. They constantly advocated in favor of Islamic terrorists, and loved printing pieces on the anti-war forces. Yet, it’s apparently OK to push to protect Ukraine, to the point of nuclear war
Nato faces an all-out fight with Putin. It must stop pulling its punches
In Vladimir Putin’s book of strategic blunders, a hefty, as yet unpublished tome to which new chapters are constantly added, the revival of Nato is among his more amazing own goals. Written off as “experiencing… brain death” by Emmanuel Macron and derided by Donald Trump, the 30-member cold war-era military alliance is now enjoying a renaissance – thanks, almost entirely, to Russia’s president.
Prior to Putin’s annexation of Crimea in 2014, few Nato combat forces were stationed in the east European countries that signed up after the Soviet collapse. Last year’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine turned a trickle of eastward deployments into a torrent. Bungling Putin had provoked the world’s largest, best-armed military force into setting up camp slap bang on Russia’s doorstep.
The Ukraine invasion has given Nato a new lease of life, strengthening its members’ sense of mutual support, reinforcing the US commitment to Europe, raising defence budgets and inducing neutral Sweden and Finland to join. Conversely, Nato is again locked into a dangerous eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation with Russia that will probably outlast the current conflict.
This was never the plan. Nato states will doubtless congratulate themselves at their annual summit in July on presenting a united front. Problem is, the Russian invasion also produced the worst setback in Nato’s history. A catastrophic failure of deterrence – Nato’s traditional raison d’être – led Putin to think he could seize a European country and get away with it. Presumably, he still thinks he might. Even when the fighting eventually stops, this renewed military, ideological, political and economic east-west confrontation looks set to continue indefinitely – and grow more deeply entrenched.
So, war with Russia? Anyhow, lots more yammering, till
This question leads back to the fundamental dilemma of the “new Nato”. Is it still purely a defensive alliance? Or will its leaders accept the inherent logic of the emerging situation? That is to say, Putin’s continuing military, geopolitical and rhetorical escalations, and the deepening involvement of individual western nations, mean Nato’s unassertive, semi-detached posture is no longer tenable or practicable, if indeed it ever was.
It’s not just about Ukraine. The western democracies must accept that the wider, head-on confrontation with Moscow that they have striven in vain to avoid is now upon them, exploding around their ears. Putin is mobilising Russian society for a second great patriotic war. He is going all out. French “ifs”, German “buts” and American “maybes” are increasingly unaffordable.
This is a fight the west cannot afford to lose – but cannot hope to win while a chronically reactive Nato, unsure of its purpose and aims, pulls its punches and lets Putin set the pace.
Yeah, no, let’s not get into WWIII. Why are all these left wing Progressive loons advocating to get all big and bad and tough with Russia to the point of war?

I liked the Left better when they were anti-war. It seems they were only ever against war on communists
Something the media ignores.

Bwaha! Lolgfy
The Guardian was against the war in Iraq? Shocking
They were against invading a country 8000 miles away looking for non existent weapons of mass destruction and removing the secular leader who was an enemy of Iran????
Apparently Teach still thinks that a bigger more powerful countries the USA or Russia has the moral right to invade any country it wishes. Just make up an excuse and then invade.
Bomb the shit out of them.
Why confront Russia in Ukraine? Why not allow him to gobble up whichever European countries he wants.
Just forget the past when Hitler was allowed to do the same.
In the 30s right-wing conservatives gave their approval to do nothing while Hitler gobbled up countries.
The “left” wanted to stop the US from invading foreign countries. The “left” now wants to help in the defense of a country that was attached/invaded. Reagan hard Afghanistan. Teach is appalled because we have agreed to give the Ukrainians 31 out if our 8000 Abrams tanks.
Should we also allow nuclear North Korea to take South Korea? Or China to take Taiwan?
If Putin takes Ukraine he will control 30% of the global grain exports. He will control the price of our most basic foods. Do you think he will use that power against other countries?
You must stand up to bullies or become a victim.
A lesson you should have learned
long ago.
The honorable Mr Teach still supports the ill-fated invasion of Iraq which cost the US 4,431 total deaths and 31,994 wounded in action. Not to mention trillions of USD. And let’s not forget we invaded under false pretensions. Conservatives hate the military-industrial complex when Dems occupy the WH but were delighted to redistribute billions from the gov’t coffers to defense contractors in support of Bush/Cheney.
How many young US soldiers have died in Ukraine so far?
One of the world’s most loathsome autocrats used the Russian military (and mercenaries) to invade their neighbor, Ukraine, unprovoked. Ukraine had no plans to invade Russia. In fact, Russia had previously seized the Crimea peninsula and two southeastern Ukrainian districts.
Should godless bullies like Putin be allowed to take whatever they want? Yes, Russia is bigger than Ukraine and has more military might, but does that entitle them to take the lands around them?
Let’s see.

Russia invades and annexes Crimea in2014 and ObiwanNairobi does virtually nothing about it.
Trump comes in and tells Putin “not on my watch”.
Brandon comes in and Russia invades Ukraine and declares business as usual (plus 10% for the big guy).
Notice a pattern here?
Well no you don’t because you’re a dumbfuck.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
William Teach is a dumbfuck!!
….the USA and NATO will continue giving financial aid and weapons to Ukraine until (hoping) they see Russia in its death throes. Then in usual fashion, when it is “shooting fish in a barrel” time they will send in the troops to finish. Thus they will rejoice “we won! we won! we won the war!”
If Teach really thought that a nuclear war was imminent, why isn’t he prepping for it by building a bomb shelter?