Most of the Credentialed Media has been in the pocket of the government in this whole thing, refusing to cover Americans who have been held in lockup for months and years, treated more harshly than murders
Newly Unearthed Jan. 6 Footage ‘Demolishes’ Dems’ ‘Insurrection’ Claims, Tucker Carlson Says
Fox News host Tucker Carlson said Monday that footage of the Capitol riot “demolishes” claims by Democrats that an “insurrection” occurred on Jan. 6, 2021.
“We are about to show you surveillance footage from inside the United States Capitol. The images you will see were recorded 26 months ago today on January 6th, 2021,” Carlson, a co-founder of the Daily Caller and honorary board member of the Daily Caller News Foundation, said. “Until now, politicians have kept this tape hidden from the public. There is no legitimate justification for that and there never has been.”
Republican Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California, the speaker of the House provided Carlson access to over 41,000 hours of video footage of the Capitol riot, Axios reported. Previous reports indicated that the amount of footage was 14,000 hours.
“Once you see the video, you will understand why. Taken as a whole, the video record does not support the claim that January 6th was an insurrection,” Carlson said in a voice-over showing some of the released footage. “In fact, it demolishes that claim.”
“That is exactly why the Democratic Party and its allies in the media prevented you from seeing it,” Carlson continued. “By controlling the images you are allowed to view from January 6th, they control how the public understood that day.”
In the video, Tucker talks about how people are wandering around respectfully, how the Qanon Shaman was escorted by a bunch of police, with them showing him around. Yet, he was called dangerous. If so, why didn’t the cops arrest him? There’s no doubt a bunch were violent and unruly, and they should be punished.
Virtually no one in Washington, Republican or Democrat, wanted to see this tape released tonight.
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) March 7, 2023
Of course the Credentialed Media is upset
Tucker Carlson’s Jan. 6 Footage Dump Delivers the Sloppy Propaganda Kevin McCarthy Wanted
Using cherry picked clips, Carlson called Capitol rioters “orderly and meek” sightseers
Cherry picked? I do not remember Rolling Stone complaining about that from the J6 committee. (you can read the full article at Yahoo News)
From that jumping point, Carlson used cherry picked, time-stamp free clips to paint a picture of peaceful protesters who were being targeted by the Department of Justice and the Democratic party. Carlson’s use of the footage essentially amounted to a declaration that because Fox had identified some images of trespassers milling about, nothing uncouth actually happened in the Capitol on Jan. 6.
The Fox host and his guests crafted an image of peaceful protesters, who were ushered into the Capitol by police officers and spent their time exploring the complex with an air of “reverence.” Charlie Hurt, appearing as a guest on the show, falsely asserted that there was “no evidence” rioters inside the capitol were armed.
The article was published almost immediately after the show, so, it was mostly prewritten. RS did not care to give it a fair shake. I can remember when Rolling Stone was about power to the people, don’t trust the government, protesting. Now, they’re all about supporting Big Authoritarian Government.
And, then you had NBC News and Deadline, among others, diving in to protect the Government Narrative. Because that’s what they do, instead of attempting to see if the federal government is telling the whole truth. Can any of them explain why it’s called an insurrection yet not one person has been charged with insurrection?

That was back when both Republican and Democratic parties were dominated by conservatives and the communists had no power in any institution. Communists back then had to be anti-establishment or just keep silent. Now those young “reformers” are all grown up and holding office, or supporting those who do.
Excellent factoid, Professor.

This is going to get interesting, probably about time to pop some popcorn and chill a six-pack.
The “SHAMAN” is wearing a backpack that could be holding a giant BOMB!!!
Not searched. Escorted around.
Yet Babbit was shot because according to the police officer she had a backpack on.
There is little to NO doubt that FBI was on the ground inciting to riot. This was the coup da gra for the left. It was what would give them ultimate power for years if not decades.
Showing that the Right are insurrectionists. If only.
IF only they could drive the narrative. Winning the HOUSE was the greatest thing to GOP could have done. It is in the HOUSE that these tapes reside and could be released to the public for their viewing pleasure.
YES there were many violent peoplt that day. They should go to jail, including the FBI agents who were inciting to riot. In fact the real insurrectionists that day were the undercover Communists who fed the frenzy for political gain of their benefactors.
The Communist party of the USA. Commonly known as democrats.
They fight RUSSIA for CHINA. If you remember China and Russia fought for decades and now that Russia is no longer Communist per se, the CCP of CHINA still sees Russia as a threat. Defeat them he commands his communist minions in the USA.
So dutifully they oblige, sending 100’s of billions in weapons while FRANCE and GERMANY demand UKRAINE SEEK PEACE, but in the USA if you are opposed to UKRAINE FIGHTING RUSSIA you are an INSURRECTIONIST.
LIES begit LIES. DC is the cesspool we all thought it to be.
Carlson with surgical procedure proved the fraud perpetrated by the J6 Committee and the lapdog media.

More videos tonight.
If Brandon wanted to do the right thing he’d free all of the political prisoners immediately.
But he won’t.
Bwaha! Lolgf
We can trust the Mother Tucker Carlson. His only agenda is truth!
Regardless of what he decides to show it will not negate the broken windows and doors, the beating of officers, the shouts of “Hang Mike Pence!”, and the looting of offices. And don’t forget, the sole objective was to stop the Constitutional certification of the 2020 presidential election. Then-president Trump encouraged the violence and refused to stop it.
Our reactionary brothers and sisters are deteriorating rapidly and repeating really stupid stuff! We blame Rush* and Trump for poisoning your minds.
*Limbaugh, not the prolific Canadian rock band.
Who are ya gonna believe?

The raw unedited videos or
that dumbfuck Rimjob?
You decide.
More truth released tonight.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
We’re certain even the loony QAnon Shaman wasn’t committing violent acts his entire time in the Capitol Building! Even BLM rioters took breaks for lunch! When he wasn’t assassinating Dr George Tiller, even Scott Roeder had quiet moments!
Dumbfuck Mr Teach’s dumbfuck son, CumBreath, should even realize that!
Stupid is as stupid does.
Who ya gonna believe?

A lying fatass dumbfuck Rimjob?
Or your lyin’ eyes?
Bwaha! Lolgfy
“Why it’s called an insurrection when no one was charged with insurrection?” When the actions don’t fit the narrative, out come the lib Drama Queens..
And another mostly peaceful tourist convicted today in VA Federal court of 1 felony 4 midedeamors. Navy vet Hatchet Speed CPO who worked at the National Reconaissance Office which oversees all spy satellites. Previously convicted of possession of unregistered gun silencers. Also recorded by undercover agent saying he wanted to kill all the Jews in the United States and that Biden was controlled by The Jews.
His videos while in the Capital will probably not be released by the Tucker.
However I would not be surprised if more indictments come out after more people are identified.
Yes there were many pro Trump capital police most immediately resigned to protect there pensions.
Who ya gonna believe?

A stoned out buddhist or
your own lyin’ eyes?
Bwaha! Lolgfy
As far as your beloved Qanon Shaman not being immediately arrested, I think that very few were actually arrested that day.
Certainly very few of the 900+ indicted so far.
Didn’t anyone else notice that ?
I think only 11 were arrested in that day. The police were really overwhelmed, many trying just to survive the attacking mib which vadtky outnumbered them. 120 injured/hospitalized while trying to protect people from the mob chanting “HANG PELOSI HANG PENCE” and of course they did come with a premade gallows.
Puppy boy
We are only seeing an edited version
Only what your sticker chooses to release.
Why is he not releasing ALL of the videos?
Let us get this straight, H boy. After two years of the democommies not showing anything but a few hours of the same video over and over and over to brainwasht their minoins, finally Tucker put out more of the tapes and you have the balls to bitch? Screw you.
We all knew nothing would ever change your mind about anything. The leftists and their programmers in the media have your brains so washed you could never even see a contrary position if it was shoved up your ass.
There is no reasoning with programmed leftists. This country needs a revolution. You don’t even care that fellow citizens are being processed into poverty, loosing their homes, businesses, jobs, families and all their money to defend themselves against this bullshit while marauding leftist commies burn down buildings, tear down statues, assault and riot in cites and walk away. You have made America a third world shithole and you seem to think it’s the right thing to do.
Every comment you people make just convinces us sane folks you need help. Mental help.
Today, in our America, the democommies are just that dangerous. Their self-righteous, smug arrogance about what are permissible viewpoints, beliefs, values, or morals, and their unquenchable need to target individuals whose views differ, by outlawing their views and opinions, and punishing them through ostracization, cancellation, and even jail…are far more dangerous to the health of the republic and individual feelings of safety and freedom, than a few geriatrics at a rally screaming “hang Pence”. After all, they aren’t democrat KKKers who actually DID lynch people!
I am absolutely unconcerned about the potential for these unarmed citizens to rise to power and persecute my family. I am absolutely tired of leftists constantly portraying average folks who are pissed off being described as nuts.
But, what keeps me up at night is the threat from people already in power especially leftists who have labeled conservatives like me—like us—”domestic violence extremists”; who will one day kick down my door in the dead of night and haul me away without any Due Process because of something I said or wrote.
That’s who we’re dealing with.
Videos of people going about their business, legally, are of little value. Breaking into the Capitol Building, breaking windows, busting down doors, threatening the VP and Speaker, you know, crimes have more value.
Mother Tucker can show all the peaceful videos he can edit. This doesn’t negate videos of men and women committing crimes.
Hey wingnut, the democommunists have spent two years showing every video they have of men and women committing crimes. Over and over. Every news channel including FOX. For over two years.
We just saw new footage not shown by the democommunists that was in their possession. Why the bitching? You don’t like what you saw? So it’s no good?
Why do you think the the democommies are so upset about Tucker showing the new videos? Got something to hide maybe? Up-chuck Shumer the groomer went batshit crazy yesterday and so did all the leftist propagandists from CNN, MSNBC etc. Democrats lie about everything and I’ve never met an embedded bureaucrat that would admit he/she made a mistake.
You radical leftists have shown yourselves to be constant liars and refuse to face the truth. You’ve done it for years with your phony climate crisis. You did it with the Chinese flu and vaccinations that didn’t work and masks that were silly. You did it when you stole an election then refused to investigate the millions of complaints because the complainers “held no standing”. Yoiu did it when you immediately branded the protest as an insurrection. There were at least 33,000 people in DC that day to see Trump and protest. If we wanted a insurrection they would have BEEN ARMED and stormed the Capitol, killed hundreds and today you’d be in prison rather than hundreds of patriots who only wanted to be heard rather than ignored and belittled.
As I said, show all the videos of non-violent actions the FOX and their friends want!! Freedom!! The legit media had requested all the the videos be released in 2021. Just realize that this does not negate the violence. Although you’re a Republicun, you understand that, right? There are home movies of Adolf Hitler playing with his German Shepherds!
Now, you need to attack Senate Repubicuns since they have criticized FOX for their propaganda about the Jan 6 assault on the Capitol.
Liar Tuck is reaching out to viewers such as you. Reasonable people know what happened Jan 6. Are you now claiming there was little violence on Jan 6? Do you think the Jan 6 Committee “doctored” the violent videos?
BTW, privately Mother Tucker, in a text message, said he “I hate him (trump) passionately”. What a hypocrite! Tucker is using you. This all about ratings; all about FOX making money.
Dear H:
“We are only seeing an edited version”
Yes the Democrats gave us only an edited version.
“Only what your sticker chooses to release.”
Yes the Democrats gave us only an edited version.
“Why is he not releasing ALL of the videos?”
Tune in at 7PM Central…for more…. to be followed with more and more and more.
Why didn’t Pelosi, carbon boy?
Carbon girl,
Because then-Speaker Pelosi is a patriotic American.
A Federal Court previously said that “everyone knows what Tucker Carlson says is untrue” so he can’t be guilty of defamation!
LOL. IOW, Mother Tucker (aka Liar Tuck) is a liar. At least according to FOX and the Federal Courts.
Funny-and that would be different than what Pelosi did…how? Thought so.
“According to the courts…” Really? According to one Court. “Everyone knows..”. What is this, 5th grade school yard talk? “Everyone knows Tommy is a jerk”. Everyone knows is obviously false and simply a personal opinion. That’s the best you have , drama boy?
Drama girl,
You Deny the significance of a Federal Court dismissing a defamation suit because everyone knows Tucker Carlson lies? LOL.
FOX lawyers made this argument in court!!
Here’s what a Federal Court said about Tucker Carlson’s show:
Mother Tucker is a right-wing entertainer. It’s a niche, for sure. Whereas normal entertainers need to reach larger, diverse audiences, a right-winger can do very well attracting most right-wingers – mostly with material that “owns the libs”. And since conservatives are not very entertaining, there’s not much competition.
As an aside, as a teen my favorite comic storyteller was a conservative Christian – the great Jerry Clower from Mississippi. After a stint in the Navy he played football at Mississippi State, “The first football game I saw, I played in”.
In “Knock Him Out, John!”, he describes a lynx as some kind of “souped-up bobcat”.
In “Coon Hunting Monkey”, the monkey came down the tree, “boogity boogity boogity, thumb-cocked that pistol, stuck it up to ol’ June’s head and killed her, graveyard dead.” June was a coon dog.
Many of his bits are on YouTube. Highly recommended.
Anyway, his cadence, pace, accent and phrasing harken back to ruralism just like it was in the Missouri Ozarks.
Dearest Elwood:
“We can trust the Mother Tucker Carlson. His only agenda is truth!”
Well, the Democrat’s could give their version to MSNBC.
But they won’t.
I don’t watch broadcast or cable tv so I haven’t seen previous video clips of 6 Jan death of democracy. I thought Carlson’s version to be quite balanced. He showed video of crowds breaking windows and quiet people milling about. An activist would have only shown one version. I liked hearing that the majority of camera footage in the 40,000 hour trove was video of empty rooms. Interesting that the entry where Babbitt was murdered had no video. One would think that an important hallway door like that would be monitored.
And now the NY Post is reporting that the Jan. 6th committee added “screams and crowd mayhem sounds to a silent tape to make it seem more ominous”. Nothing to see here folks, move along..
How the hell do you know what Tucker wrote in a private text message? Are you really stupid enough to believe something that obviously made up?
Ya know, for a guy who has spent years repeating every damn lie put out by the democommie party you really have balls saying Tucker is lying especially after he broadcast the videos. Tucker is not lying about anything as far as I’ve seen so far. He showed the videos. He made his comments. You decide. You seem to think anything ever said or written by anyone other that a fellow commie is a lie and quite frankly you guys are the ones who spend years perpetuating lies and we’ve all seen it. Just one point: The 1/6 protest was not an insurrection. It was a perotest and during said protest there was a riot of a few hundred people for about 3 hours. If there was an insurrection DC would have been in flames, bodies in the street etc. So there is your first lie about 1/6. You have held people in jail over two years. Why? This used to be America.
This whole affair is riddled with lies and inconsistencies not the least of which are that it was an unarmed insurrection lead by old folks, fry cooks and Uber drivers trying to “overthrow” America. That’s a radicalized view and it’s bull shit. That the DC cop shown walking around was already dead beaten to death with a fire extinguisher when the only fatalities were two unarmed female protesters.
The fact that you democommies just ran a Soviet style court of inquisition and jailed or fined hundreds of Americans for “redressing their grievances” is deplorable. They were not allowed to represent themselves? They had no access to these tapes in their defense? Why? Why? Why?
Because the democommies running the show wanted to put fear in the hearts of free people. Because it would show the lies the “court” was covering.
Only you leftists would scream and hollar when after two tears of hiding and lying the videos get revealed. WHAT ARE THEY AFRAID OF?
You are afraid of compromising your Gleichschaltung*
*Gleichschaltung or “coordination” was the process of Nazification by which Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party successively established a system of totalitarian control and coordination over all aspects of German society and societies occupied by Nazi Germany “from the economy and trade associations to the media, culture and education”
Sound like democommie policies?
Unfortunately for FOX, the Dominion $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit has led to the disclosure of FOX employee phone records. So yes, Tucker texted that he hated Donald Trump. Did you not read all the other revealed emails and texts revealed from the lawsuit. Behind the scenes, FOX talking heads like Tucker, Sean and Laura made clear they knew the Big Steal was a Big Lie but pushed ahead with the Lie.
The objective of the riot was to stop the Constitutional certification of the vote with the intent of keeping DJ Trump in office. That’s why it was scheduled for Jan 6. See the connection?
Several hundred were arrested for crimes. They broke windows and doors. Illegally entered restricted areas. Threatened the VP and Speaker. Raided offices. Assaulted police officers. Hundreds have been convicted or have pleaded guilty.
Is it the terms ‘coup’ or ‘insurrection’ that bother you? Fine. A violent mob attacked the United States Capitol building while the House and Senate were in session to certify the election of Joseph Biden who won the election over then President Donald Trump. You can call it a picnic, a tourist event or a party, but the facts are clear for everyone to see. A person tried to stay in office after being defeated – and the election wasn’t even close.
You are led by a charlatan who Denies the obvious truth – he lost the 2020 election, bigly. He is using you and other election Deniers and destablizing America in the process. And he’s the odds-on favorite to be the unGOP candidate in 2024!
Tucker’s silliness is meant to distract and reinforce your belief in the Big Steal.
Please release ALL the video and let ALL the people see, not just FOX watchers.
Rimjob sure has his CNN “talking” points down pat. It’s not like he’s repeating them endlessly. Maybe he thinks they’re true if he does it enough.

But then again he’s just a dumbfuck who lacks any critical thinking skills.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Meh. He’s not going to listen and he doesn’t care. He repeats the communist talking points and never misses a beat nor stops for a breath. I know what he’s gonna say before he says it. It’s like CNN on a loop. So, I am going to join Kye and Brandon and no longer read nor respond to Dowd. It’s pointless. He’s just a troll and not a serious commenter so the hell with him.
Let me ask youse guys. Do you believe that Tuck’s revelations are changing any minds?
He’s no doubt hoping to pick off a few low information types who only watch FOX.
Rimjob: Do you believe that Tuck’s revelations are changing any minds?
Maybe. He certainly put a bug up this guy’s ass.
Bwaha! Lolgfy