Hey, remember how Democrats always say they’re for the little guy, but, in practice they tend to help out the big companies? Here’s another case
California’s plan to electrify trucking may be hard for small companies
Before the sun rose on a cold January morning, Alex López navigated an 18-wheeler through busy traffic on the 710 freeway. He was headed to the Port of Long Beach, just south of Los Angeles, to retrieve a shipping container and haul it to a warehouse. In the eight years he’s been driving trucks, it was a process López had done thousands of times.
“There’s usually nothing new with the routine we have as truckers,” he said.
But on this day, there was something new: He was driving an electric truck.
López drives for Hight Logistics, a family-owned company that moves cargo in and out of the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles. In January, Hight added four battery-electric trucks to its 50-vehicle fleet. They will mostly haul containers between Hight’s warehouse and the port, a route that cuts through a cluster of communities that have some of the dirtiest air and highest rates of asthma in the country. (snip)
Hight is one of about a dozen fleets in California that have added electric trucks, a number that will grow as companies rush to comply with looming zero-emissions mandates. But as the state’s effort to electrify the sector begins, some fear it is moving too quickly and could drive small operators out of business.
But, see, it’s totally worth it to drive (no pun intended) small operators, from single truck owners to small business, out of operation as they cannot afford these trucks, and cannot deal with the short ranges and long charging times, because diesel trucks and all the infrastructure necessary is Bad for ‘climate change’ and the environment. Especially those minorities. So what if it hurts a whole bunch of working class people: they’re Saving The Planet.

Teach you seem to have left out the part about “the little(st) guys”
The people who live around the ports that have to breathe that polluted sir from the old trucks that typically are used most around the ports. Those little guys have an average lifespan TEN. Years shorter than the rest of the state per that story you cited. Will the GOP step up for them? Or will they like you day ” more pollution regulations drives up the cost of everything” ?
Electrification will come first to these trucks that work the ports,, few of which are required to go more than 150miles per day.the average class 8 truck averages only 60000 miles per year. Most fleets retire them after 6/7 years. If you regularly read Truck Paper you can see that is so, in it’s big full page ads. Cali is also outright banning port trucks having engines older than 18 years because of pollution.
H hasn’t visited an American port since 1965 and must rely on outdated stereotypes. “Ports”, as H calls them, are more likely to be surrounded by high price condos than “little people” with low life spans.
I had the wonderful opportunity to put out a car fire in a EV Tesla S yesterday. We had to use dry chemical then a 21/2 ” water hose. Took over an hour and even then it was too hot to tow. Our EV training paid off but the driver died. At least there were no other casualties or explosions.
The guys at the Firehouse were talking about the hundreds of EV’s dead on the road out west during the recent snow and rain storms. Several people died in their vehicles although you’ll never hear about it from the media. The will never admit these EV’s are touchy in inclement weather. Bad for the narrative.
We figure they got away with lying about Chinese Flu, a couple elections, MM climate change, sloppy joe’s mental state, Festerman and they have everybody calling men women so what’s one more leftist bullshit lie?
We have the constant lying from official Washington. They lie about everything to the point where it is the norm. No one is bothered to be outraged as it is just how the things are now. It is the line incorrectly attributed to Alexander Solzhenitsyn, but written by Elena Gorokhova. “The rules are simple: they lie to us, we know they’re lying, they know we know they’re lying, but they keep lying to us, and we keep pretending to believe them.”
This is going to cost the consumer and put small, independent owner/operators out of business. In my experience with container facilities, many of the independent o/o’s are operating older equipment that is no longer suitable for over the road use but is still serviceable and affordable. They simply do not have the resources to buy or lease a new electric semi. While Nikola doesn’t publish prices a web search yields pricing of $300k and up depending on incentives, etc. and many of the folks we are focusing on are buying trucks in the $20k~50k range. Not to mention that the supply of class 8 EV’s is rather limited as the market is only developing. There are only 8 or so major players in the market. This is an application that would suit a class 8 EV, limited range and time to charge, etc. OTR EV’s are still rather impractical due to range issues and charge times.