Obviously, his budget proposal won’t go anywhere in full, but, the Democrats in the Senate might try to incorporate a lot of it into their version
Biden’s Budget Proposes Massive Funding Increase For Federal Crackdown On Guns
President Joe Biden’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2024 proposes increasing funding to the FBI, Department of Justice (DOJ), and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to crack down on guns.
The funding, which draws from a $17.8 billion “investment” in the DOJ’s federal law enforcement capacity, will be used to further regulate the firearms industry, create gun trafficking strike forces, enforce background checks and implement the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, according to the budget. The ATF alone will receive $1.9 billion, a $200 million increase from the 2023 budget.
Alongside the DOJ and ATF, the FBI will receive $51 million to support the continued implementation of enhanced background checks required by the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, implemented in 2022, provided funding for the implementation of red flag laws, expanded background checks and invested in state crisis intervention orders, according to the legislation.
On the surface this doesn’t seem bad, but, dig down and you realize that they are coming after the law abiding, not the criminals who use guns illegally. That would require many uncomfortable initiatives, like, having to go into minority neighborhoods where the use of firearms by criminals is way higher than in other areas.
The ATF’s “zero tolerance” police has been criticized by Republican lawmakers and Second Amendment advocacy groups, as Federal Firearm License (FFL) revocations hit a 16-year high in 2022 under the rule. The increase in license revocations, 92 in 2022 alone, is due to the new policy and the updated procedure that the ATF follows, as they no longer always go through a multi-step process, often opting to pull licenses for a multitude of “willful” violations.
“That’s not how regulatory agencies are supposed to work in the sector that they’re supposed to regulate. They are supposed to help the companies, they’re supposed to ensure compliance but they’re not supposed to punish and destroy an entire industry based on just political opposition or political distaste,” Gun Owners of America’s director of federal affairs Aidan Johnston told the Daily Caller News Foundation.
Shut down gun dealers, and gun makers, and you make it even harder for Citizens to engage in their 2nd Amendment Right to protect themselves and their families.

Criminals? I don’t recall them being mentioned in the 2nd Amendment.
You seem to interpret it as the right to bear arms shall not be infringed for us, only on them
No hablo fucktardo. ¿Entiendes?

Back to your hookah, johnnie boy.
Bwaha! Lolgf
The distinguished Mr H wrote:
I’ve mentioned this before, but you have apparently forgotten it. The Fourteenth Amendment states, in part:
It is under the Fourteenth Amendment that, with due process of law, the government can bar those convicted of crimes from owning firearms. This has normally been restricted to felony convictions, misdemeanors not included. The same provision has allowed states to remove voting privileges from convicted felons, though, sadly, some states are now permitting convicted felons who have completed their sentences to vote.
Our esteemed host wrote:
Hardly a surprise, because the government can pass laws, but criminals don’t obey the law! So, the left pursues its goal of eliminating our Second Amendment rights, figuring if they can ban guns altogether, eventually it will reduce the total supply of firearms, and reduce the number of criminals who obtain them.
They never say that out loud, but that’s what they mean.
The affable Mr Dana:
The evidence is strong that banning guns altogether would greatly reduce gun deaths!
But the evidence is even stronger that America will NEVER ever ban guns!!
Almost 25,000 Americans committed suicide with firearms, almost 20,000 Americans were firearm-related homicide victims and under 1000 died from firearm accidents. Homicides with firearms nearly doubled from 2015 to 2020.
The best we can do is to attempt to address the issues responsible for homicides and suicides in the US.
According to the CDC, although there are about 1 million suicide attempts/year in America, under 50,000 are ‘successful’! That’s only about a 5% ‘success’ rate. Yet, firearms are responsible for over 50% of suicides. Guns appear more effective than other methods, so if you’re serious use a gun. But read on…
Back in the Ozarks, my brother’s ex-father-in-law, whose girlfriend had dumped him, stood in her front yard yelling her name, stuck his 38 in his mouth and pulled the trigger. Unfortunately, his aim was bad and he missed his brain but partially transected his spinal cord leaving him quadriplegic for his remaining years.
[…] Pirates Cove- President Mumbles still wants to take our guns […]
It’s reported that there are 392,000,000 firearms in private hands in the United States. That’s more than 1 per American!! But only about 40% of households have firearms, so there is still room for growth! (NB – the Dowd household has about 20 firearms – rifles, shotguns, muzzle loaders and pistols).
We also have the highest homicide rate of any advanced nation. We are only behind South Korea in suicides of any advanced nation.
So, how effective have the liberal, demonrat, communist, gun-grabbers been?
All I know is every time those liberal, demonrat, communist, gun-grabbers say they are gonna pass a new law another 20 million guns aer sold. So no, they aren’t very successful.
Since you’re a white cracker you have no idea. All the niggas in my neighborhood walk around with guns hanging out of their pants none of which are registered. So other than attack your RTKABA what good would another gun law do? Certainly isn’t gonna stop gang bangers, drug dealers or streetr thugs now is it?
Boy you white people are fuking stupid.
Dear Elwood:
Your numbers are BS.
“Far more people kill themselves with a firearm each year than are murdered with one. In 2010 in the U.S., 19,392 people committed suicide with guns, compared with 11,078 who were killed by others”
How many lives are saved per year by armed citizens? Nobody keeps track of that statistic because it doesn’t further the narrative.
White people started out being the freest people in the world and now they are loosing their freedom of speech, their RTKABA, their right to a fair trial, their religious freedom, their property rights and I might point out is all mostly because of democrats.
The only thing these pussy white folks are good for any more kis paying taxes and being victimized by the government and the criminals (but I repeat). Soon they’ll be good to steal reparations from for deeds they didn’t do to people who were never victimized.
White folks. They may be pretty but boy are they stupid.