Even if he gave up half of what he’s doing now he wouldn’t be “impoverished”
Bill Gates criticizes idea of leading ‘impoverished lifestyle’ to address climate change
Microsoft founder Bill Gates reiterated his view last week in the contentious debate about whether individual sacrifice can make a tangible difference in the fight against climate change, casting doubt on the idea that living an “impoverished lifestyle” or becoming a vegetarian could put a dent in rising greenhouse gas emissions.
“In climate movements, you can get this ‘Hey, we’ve been consuming too much,’ and ‘Hey, maybe we shouldn’t travel anymore,’” Gates said last week in remarks delivered in India. “I don’t think we can count on people living an impoverished lifestyle as a solution to climate.”
Gates, who is estimated to be the fourth-richest person on Earth, went on to say it was not realistic to expect that the climate crisis could be addressed by personal choices such as giving up eating meat.
“Will all Indians become vegetarians? Will all Americans become vegetarians? I wouldn’t want to count on it. Anybody wants to evangelize that, they’re welcome to,” Gates said.
Except, that’s the lifestyle that climate cult Elites like Gates want to force on all you peasants. We’ve seen them all advocate for this stuff, but, they won’t give up anything themselves. Nothing. Nada. Zip. A goodly chunk of the government legislation will force you folks to live an “impoverished lifestyle”, and it will be vastly different from Gates, who’ll still live in his waterfront mansion, still flying in his private jet, still eat meat. He can afford to buy a fancy, expensive EV. He won’t have to sit around waiting for his EV to charge at a station like all you folks living in apartments. He can just pay for carbon offsets for his Bad Behavior, while your life is diminished.
If you aren’t getting that this is a scam perpetuated by the Elites to put you under control, you’re missing it. Even if Mankind was mostly/solely responsible for the slight temperature increase since 1850, why are most policies aimed at empowering government over your life and money? And Freedom?

I totally support Gates’ choice to live like a king even while demanding peasants to live like peasants. That’s not hypocrisy. That’s what reality looks like. All the little people need to be reminded of their place. They also need to be reminded why it is dangerous to allow your government, run by any party, to have that much control over you. Without force, Gate’s opinions are just stories he can tell the other rich people at the cocktail party (the one we aren’t invited to).
Mr Teach concludes:
The American nuRight has constructed their Conspiracy of Everything where nuCons are victims of an attack from global Elites/Dems/Communists/science/LGBTQs/Blacks/migrants whose objective is CONTROL! It’s all grievance politics.
Yet Rimjob doesn’t answer the question posted.

Typical dumbfuck deflection rant.
Cry harder.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Not at all, sweetheart. Just democommies in the USA. YOU are the enemy. Not science, LGBTQs, Blacks, or migrants. Just people (?) like YOU. The constant lies, the cover-ups, the excuses, the frauds, the denials etc. It’s why nobldy believes a damn thing you people say any more.
It’s been going on for a long time but it really got bad when you started the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax, refused to admit Hunter is a fraud a cheat and quite possibly a traitor and covered up Hillary and her election fraud over Bernie.
And what makes it worse, like with the Twitter Tapes is when you’re caught you just make more lies.
How did liberal democracy evolve into this strange elite ideology? Clearly, we no longer live in liberal democracies and our ruling classes no longer subscribe to the morality of liberal democracy. The question is, what is this ideology and how did it evolve? When I look at what Dowd or H comments, I realize the old names socialist, nazi and communist just no longer fit theses people are just so much worse. They have murdered democracy, gutted it and now wear its skin like a suit of armor.
Will the congressional delegation led by Rep. Taylor-Greene find that some Jan. 6 detainees — political prisoners, actually, in view of the clear trashing by this administration of the Sixth Amendment’s mandate for a “speedy” trial — have been held as long as two years? And what if, when they are finally put on trial, convicted, and sentenced to less than two years in prison — do they get damages for false confinement? Where, indeed, is the outrage at the administration’s blatant denial of due process for the Jan. 6 detainees? Where are the demands from the media that administration officials be held accountable for transgressing the Constitution and the Founders by their “slow-moving prosecution?” Jim Jordan, the Sixth Amendment doesn’t call for “slow-moving prosecutions.”
Matt Vespa at Townhall, March 9, has disclosed that Rep. Bennie Thompson, chairman of the Jan. 6 Pelosi partisan panel now admits that members of his congressional kangaroo committee did not view the surveillance videos, effectively making accusations without evidence.
Vespa included this Thompson comment in his article:
“I’m actually not aware of any member of the committee who had access [to the footage]. We had a team of employees who kind of went through the video,” he said.
But as Tucker Carlson has reported with his Jan. 6 video revelations, Thompson’s “team of employees” doctored the tapes to put Republicans like Sen. John Hawley in the most unfavorable, indeed embarrassing, light.
The Democrat lies about Jan. 6 are beginning to emerge as, previously, did their lies about Trump’s ties to Putin, and the gamut of their calumnies concerning the N.Y. Post’s reporting on Hunter Biden, the Covid-19 machinations of Dr. Fauci and so forth. Behold the Democrat Party, the party of political liars, served by a fake news media.
Suddenly they pulled out that ugly witch of a liar Debby Wssername Shultz from their ass and threw her into the fray. When the Nevada 2016 caucus was blatantly STOLEN from Bernie Sanders in real time, before our very eyes the lefts response It’s all “fair” in Dems’ cynical eyes, because they still believe Florida 2000 was “stolen”. All their cheating and election “fortification” from Washington 2004 onward is predicated on that. They steal elections and should be jailed
Meanwhile Ugly Debbie attacks reporters for drawing a paycheck from reporting whilst she became one of those dreaded “millionaires” on a salary of lifetime public servitude. She’s that ninth-grade student council member we’re stuck with for life, apparently. Except her preferred “Borked” look, is the signature wash and clip from Pet Smart.
The left, as the White professional complainers and America haters are today, have lost their soul (if they ever had one) and their integrity. All they care about is jailing Trump, grooming children and killing as many babies as possible.
You win, sweetmeat!! You’re way to persisent for me.
One correction. The cowardly elitist Senator from Missouri is Josh (not John) Hawley. They call him Josh HaulsAss in MO.
Of course Rimjob’s favorite Missouri politician is that breath of fetid air and queffing queen, Corrie (Stanky) Bush.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Corie Bush is what we refined East Coast Negroes refer to as a “coon turd”. We have them all over scenic Camden, NJ, Philly and of course the Big Rotten Apple.
That ugly dummy (Sanford and Son) actually accused an oil representative of racism because “fossil fuels are disproportionately killing and harming black and brown people”. I realize most people are stupid just look at biden voters but this bitch takes the cake. If it weren’t for fossil fuels black and brown people would be dead or living in fly covered filth. I guess she thinks we created cars, built skyscrappers and went to the moon on unicorn farts.
There is no escaping the ignorance of radical leftists.
The socialist from St Louis wrote:
The left certainly do hate populism!
The obvious question is, however, do you dispute that the government policies and climate activists’ proposals would “(empower) government over (our lives) and money? And Freedom?” Do not the initiatives to mandate all new buildings, plus older building remodels, to be all-electric restrict the lives, money, and freedom of those who would natural gas appliances? Do not the initiatives to mandate all new cars sold after 2035 be plug-in electric restrict the lives, money, and freedom of those who would prefer gasoline-powered vehicles?
We’re on your side! Seat belts, stop signs, sewer systems, water supplies, zoning laws, building codes, fire departments, public school mandates, parks, drug regulations, public libraries, catalytic converter mandates, explosives regulations, machine gun restrictions, smoke detectors, handicap parking spaces, jaywalking laws, littering all impact my FREEDOM and MONEY!! And I have to add tetraethyl lead to my own gasoline!!
We used to be able to burn our trash in a 55 gal burn barrel!! And when I was a kid there was no such thing as bike *helmets! We only had a few required vaccinations before we entered school. We were FORCED to be vaccinated against smallpox. Smallpox! Which doesn’t even exist!
And don’t get me started on noise abatement. My car runs better WITHOUT a muffler! Being a night-owl, I like chain-sawing firewood in by floodlit backyard in the cool of the evenings. I like sighting in my 7mm mag in the backyard. And how do you check the patterning of 12g shotshells without shooting paper? FREEDOM! The local government is trying to CONTROL us!!
We like to sell goat-meat, and our huge backyard can easily accommodate a few dozen. And yes, they are noisy, and the goatshit pile is smelly, as is the offal from the butchering process, but we don’t control the air that drifts into the neighbors’ yards. The county claims we are supposed to have a business license! CONTROL!!
We have few choices left!
Just as some Americans eschew automobiles, preferring actual horsepower, gearheads will be able to keep their pre-2035 gas guzzlers running.
*I’ve been told this is not a very powerful argument in my case.
Which brings up the old line “I want a private jet, too, so I can care about climate change…”