…is a wonder field that would be perfect for solar panels, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Gateway Pundit, with a post on St. Greta deleting a post on the world ending in 2023.
It’s ladies out and about week.

…is a wonder field that would be perfect for solar panels, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Gateway Pundit, with a post on St. Greta deleting a post on the world ending in 2023.
It’s ladies out and about week.
Teach ?? Weren’t you also predicting the End of the World in 2023 ? Caused by a nuclear war, started by the support the Dark Brandon gave to Ukraine.
The real story.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Once again Mr Teach, who once claimed he rarely cited the odious jimhoft, The Gateway Pudendum, cites the odious jimhoft!! He only cites the odious jimhoft once a week.
Neither Mr Teach nor the odious jimhoft know what they’re talking about.
Here’s the 2018 tweet from Ms Thunberg:
Even the most obtuse reading of this wouldn’t suggest she was predicting the end of the world in 2023. First, she was quoting a climate scientist; second, the quotation suggests unless we stop using fossil fuels by 2023 continued global warming would wipe out humanity. Is that prediction likely true? Too early to tell.
Whatever their motivations, both Mr Teach and the odious jimhoft are discomfitted by Ms Thunberg, likely because she’s a female.
The fact-checking Mr Dowd wrote:
As I have pointed out more than once, the adjective “odious” is to be applied solely to Hillary Clinton on this site, so you need to come up with something new!
Had Mr Dowd bothered to check, he would have found that the article cited was not by the esteemed Mr Hoft, but by Margaret Flavin, but Mr Dowd rarely lets things like that get in the way of a good rant.
The obvious question becomes: do you disagree with the assertion that Miss Thunberg deleted the tweet in question?
Mr Dowd simply scorns the Gateway Pundit, a very successful site, without checking to see if what the site publishes is accurate or not. Yes, GP is frequently out-there acerbic in its language and scorn for all things left, but there are plenty of leftist sites that do the same for sites by sensible people. That something has appeared on the Gateway Pundit does not make it wrong, but Mr Dowd doesn’t ever bother to check. The story in question contains its internal documentation.
We will give your demand to stop using ‘odious jimhoft’ the thoughtful consideration it deserves.
We hold the odious jimhoft responsible for the ‘stuff’ on his site.
Not being familiar with twitter, is it unusual for a someone to remove a tweet? Anyway, was that the point, whether or not Ms Thunberg deleted a tweet?
Was I mistaken in thinking the mischaracterization of her tweet was important?
The odious jimhoft lied that Ms Thunberg posted a ‘2018 Tweet Proclaiming World Would End in 2023’, which she did not.
Dear Elwood:
Bull hockey. It says:
Humanity will be wiped out unless we stop using fossil fuel.
“over the next five years.”
He said what he said and Greta Stupid shared it.
Own it, dude. They’re your people.
Carbon boy-weren’t you and your friends predicting the end of summer Arctic ice by 2000, then 2010, then 2014, then 2020, (fill in your choice of years), ect., by the dark CO2?
I don’t care about the article that babe is Rock’n!!!!