These would be the same climate cultists who refuse to give up their own use of fossil fuels. But, Biden did throw them a bone
Biden Administration Approves Huge Alaska Oil Project
The Biden administration on Monday will formally approve a huge oil drilling project in Alaska known as Willow, according to two people familiar with the decision, despite widespread opposition because of its likely environmental and climate impacts.
The president will also impose sweeping restrictions on offshore oil leasing in the Arctic Ocean and across Alaska’s North Slope in an apparent effort to temper criticism over the Willow decision and, as one administration official put it, to form a “firewall” to limit future oil leases in the region. The Interior Department also is expected to issue new rules to protect more than 13 million acres in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska from oil and gas leasing.
The restrictions, however, are unlikely to offset concerns that the $8 billion Willow project, led by oil giant ConocoPhillips, will have the potential to produce more than 600 million barrels of crude over 30 years.
Burning all that oil could release nearly 280 million metric tons of carbon emissions into the atmosphere. On an annual basis, that would translate into 9.2 million metric tons of carbon pollution, equal to adding nearly two million cars to the roads each year. The United States, the second biggest polluter on the planet after China, emits about 5.6 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide annually.
Well, if all the fossil fuels haters would stop traveling with fossil fuels, then it wouldn’t be a problem, right?
“It’s insulting that Biden thinks this will change our minds about the Willow project,” said Kristen Monsell, a senior attorney at the Center for Biological Diversity, an environmental group. “Protecting one area of the Arctic so you can destroy another doesn’t make sense, and it won’t help the people and wildlife who will be upended by the Willow project.”
I’m guessing the nuts are not appeased. As far as the people, well, this will directly generate cash for Alaska citizens, as the other projects do. And jobs.
The decision is sure to invite legal challenges from environmental groups.
How so? It’s perfectly legal. If the lawyers were smart they’d ask those suing if they live in Alaska, and, if they’d given up fossil fueled travel.

TOO FUNNY! 6-year anniversary of the Greatest Moment in the history of the Internet! Watch his kids steal the show in this BBC interview
Approves Oil project, then will make it impossible for them to get loans, drilling permits, and charge them billions for government oversight. We have seen all this before. How many times did XL pipeline get “government approval”, and still no pipeline?
Just more of Biden positioning himself to the right of the extreme Left in his own party to look “reasonable”. Same ploy Hillary did by paying Sanders to run against her in the Primary.